How Diversity and Anti-Oppression Educators Handle the Emotional Challenges of Their Practice
Somers, Kirsten
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Diversity and anti-oppression education is a popular strategy used to negotiate the complexities of identity by trying to bring people together and raise socio-cultural sensitivity among employees, clients and citizens. This study investigates the perspectives of diversity and anti-oppression educators working in the non-profit, settlement and education sectors in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Toronto, Ontario. Using semi-structured interviews, the researcher explores how Canadian diversity and anti-oppression educators handle the emotional challenges of their practice especially when considering Mark Bracher‟s (2006) notion of identity needs within these emotionally charged learning environments. This paper explores how language, identity and teacher recognition impact the learning process, and highlights the imperfect yet courageous practice that the diversity and anti-oppression educators in this study embark upon when facilitating discussions about diversity and oppression.
Anti-oppression education , Canadian Diversity , Education - Diversity and anti-oppression