Graduate Theses

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    Criminalization of Racialized Disabled Youth: A Thematic Content Analysis
    (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2024-07) Kaur, Cathleen
    Youth incarceration in Canada has shown disparate trends. The overall crime rate for youth in Canada has decreased, while the number of Indigenous and visible minority youth within youth justice system has risen (Department of Justice, Canada, 2021). The youth at the intersections of disability and racialization are disproportionately represented among the incarcerated. However, there is a paucity of research on the lived experiences of those youth who are both racialized and disabled in prisons across Canada. This research engages an intersectional theoretical framework to critically analyze the narratives of young racialized and disabled prisoners in Ontario through a thematic content analysis of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario’s (DJNO) Prison Project datasets. The sampled datasets were analyzed to provide an in-depth understanding of the oppression within incarceration. The findings of this research reaffirm the overrepresentation of disabled and visible minority youth within the criminal justice system. Furthermore, the unique oppression of disabled, racialized prisoners in Canadian prisons is evident through the prevalence of ableism within the criminal justice system, subhuman and life-threatening conditions of incarceration for disabled, racialized prisoners and the compounding of the consequences of these identities in augmenting their marginalization. The prisons confine, pathologize, stigmatize and dehumanize racialized and disabled people and therefore, act as an extension of the institutions that disability rights movement fought to overthrow. This research speaks to fervent need for criminal justice practitioners to engage with the discourses of criminalization, racialization and ableism within incarceration experiences of prisoners from an intersectional lens.
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    An examination of child developmental changes during a global pandemic from parents’ perspective
    (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2024-07) Rector, Nicole
    The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted various aspects of life, including children's development. This study aimed to explore the pandemic's impact on children's language, communication, physical, and social-emotional development from the perspective of parents. It also examined perceived differences in impacts between neurotypical children and children with disabilities. Participants included parents of children aged 0-8 from the Atlantic provinces of Canada. Parents reported whether each developmental area was negatively, positively, or not impacted during the pandemic. Frequencies revealed that social and emotional development was the most negatively impacted area, with 45% of neurotypical children and 55% of children with disabilities affected. A chi-square analysis showed a weak association between disability status and both physical and social-emotional development and a moderate association with language and communication development. Qualitative analysis identified themes across developmental areas and differences between the two groups. Parents reported that increased family time improved language skills for neurotypical children and children with disabilities. Neurotypical children also saw academic gains from more home teaching. Both groups experienced stronger family bonds and greater independence at home, but reduced social opportunities led to higher anxiety, sadness, and social fear. Neurotypical children also had increased confidence and happiness from controlled social interactions. While neurotypical children engaged in more outdoor play, overall physical activity decreased for both groups due to halted recreational activities and increased screen time. The pandemic's impact was mostly negative on children's social and emotional development, indicating a need for support and intervention, especially from school psychologists.
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    Perceptions, knowledge, and use of plant-based dietary interventions among healthcare providers in Nova Scotia (Veg-HP Study)
    (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2024-04) Bockus, Laura
    Plant-based diets, including vegetarian diets, have been studied extensively for utility in chronic disease management. Recent public health initiatives, including the revision of the Canada’s Food Guide (CFG, 2019), reflect favourable health and wellness outcomes. Research investigating public perception of plant-based diets has identified several biases that may impact perceived and actual utility. Limited research exists on Healthcare Professionals’ (HCPs) perceptions, knowledge, or use of plant-based diets in practice, all well established outcomes that impact whether or not HCPs use an intervention. Aim: To capture and describe perceptions, knowledge, and practice behaviours of HCPs in Nova Scotia (NS), in relation to vegetarian diet usage in chronic disease management (prevention and treatment). Outcomes: Guided by our study aim, we collected data under four outcome categories, from registered and regulated physicians, dietitians, nurses, and pharmacists, practicing in NS 1) Demographics, 2) Perceptions 3) Knowledge 4) Use/Application. Methods: This cross-sectional survey study included development and implementation of a 60-item close-ended questionnaire which was distributed via LimeSurvey (October 2021-April 2022) to physicians, dietitians, nurses, and pharmacists in NS. Data was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and described in text, tabular and figure format. Results: Of 53 respondents, 94% identified as female and 49% as registered dietitians (RDs). The sample was composed of people who consumed primarily omnivore (49%, n=23/47) or plant-based diets (49%, n=23/47). HCPs described vegetarian diets as a lifestyle choice (86%, n=43/50), legitimate medical practice (58%, n=29/50), and complimentary medicine (44%, n=22/50). Knowledge questions were correctly answered by most (85% or more), excluding one. Thirty-eight percent (n=31/50) of respondents did not know CFG no longer contains a meat and alternatives food group. Respondents identified cardiovascular disease (90%, n=45/50), diabetes (80%, n=40/50), cancers (74%, n=37/50), and mental health disorders (26%, n=13/50) could be beneficially impacted with plant-based diets, with no negative impacts (66%, n=33/50). Respondents (26%, n=13/50) expressed some concern for mental health impacts with vegetarian diets specifically, patients living with eating disorders (5%, n=2/43). Vegetarian diets were recommended by 68% (n=34/50) of HCPs, not recommended by 32% (n=16/50), and 58% (n=29/50) reported waiting for patient interest before discussing vegetarian diets. Conclusions: A large percentage of respondents recognized vegetarian diets could beneficially impact disease states and clinical outcomes, a similar percentage of respondents reported not introducing this dietary pattern without prompting from their patient. NS HCPs had better knowledge scores than previous peer-reviewed and published literature, although evaluations/ knowledge evaluation tools differ across studies. This is likely due to the increased representation of RDs in our sample.
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    Sleeping Between Cultures: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Co-Sleeping Practices of an Immigrant Mother in Canada
    (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2024-04) Zhou, Xia
    In North America, the prevailing sleep arrangement for infants and young children emphasizes sleeping independently which differs from the co-sleeping norms embraced by many cultures worldwide. This autoethnographic study explores the researcher’s experiences with co-sleeping practices as a new immigrant mother in Canada. Employing an autoethnographic approach, this research intertwines personal narratives and reflections to navigate the complexities of co- sleeping within the context of cultural adaptation. Reflecting on the researcher’s co-sleeping journey through the lens of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model of Human Development, the study examines the intricate interplay between personal experiences, social norms, and the broader cultural contexts, examining how these factors influenced the researcher’s co-sleeping decisions and experiences. This research advocates for a more diverse understanding of co-sleeping practices, recognizing cultural perspectives to develop guidelines that promote safety while respecting the cultural richness immigrant families bring to the Canadian context. Through its autoethnographic lens, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the cultural dynamics shaping parenting practices and underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity in healthcare and policy frameworks.
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    A Thematic Content Analysis of Children’s Picture Books that Portray Fairness
    (Mount Saint Vincent University, 2024-04) Zhang, Shuo
    Considering the essential role fairness plays in the early years and the powerful impacts of picture books on young children, it is necessary the understand how fairness is portrayed in children’s picture books, and how this small sample of picture books might inform children’s understanding of fairness and how it relates to children’s moral compass in relation to their rights and agency. The thematic content analysis is adopted as the research method. This study is based on three children’s picture books that were published over 50-year periods. This research examined the depiction of fairness in those books, addressing questions about how fairness is portrayed, the embedded messages in the depiction of fairness, and whose perspective is represented. This research explored perspectives including Kohlberg’s moral development theory and Gilligan’s ethic of care. Although Kohlberg’s theory explains some aspects of children’s moral reasoning, it undermines children’s agency and puts them in a morally deficient position. This research advocates for the care perspective and children’s agency in their morality development. Recommendations, limitations, and suggestions are included.