The Current Status of Early Interventionists in Nova Scotia: Perceptions of the Profession
Morse, Patricia
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Early intervention has existed as a profession in Nova Scotia for over thirty years.
The early intervention programs have history in community, founded on grass roots need
for services for young children with special needs and their families. Models of service
delivery have been based on legislated services in the United States of America as well as
other provinces in Canada who have established provincially guided early intervention
programs. Nova Scotia has adapted historical and current practice information to the
unique demographics and need in the community. The early intervention programs
enhance their practice by accessing ongoing research on the efficacy for children and
their parents and adapt accordingly, striving to provide quality services that are
responsive to need and adhere to best practices. Although much effort and energy is
devoted to services delivery over the years, the profession of early intervention itself is
still in its infancy. It is virtually unknown in the community as a profession in its own
right. Those practicing in the field have established a professional title, developed
guidelines for practice, and initiated a professional association that supports a Code of
Ethics. The move towards professionalism has created a need to look further into the
establishment of a recognized profession strengthened by partnerships with government
and community stakeholders.
With the aim of exploring and better understanding the current status and
perceptions of the profession, the current research undertook a blend of quantitative and
qualitative research through the use of a survey and analyzed focus group and/or
individual discussions with a range of partners. The surveys were sent to the fifty-seven
early interventionists working in recognized early intervention programs throughout
Nova Scotia. Data from the survey was analyzed and tabulated using percentages, means
and range. The five focus groups and/or individual interviews were conducted involving
feedback on and perceptions of the profession from parents, educational institution
representatives, professional partners, provincial representatives, and early
interventionists practicing in the field. The parent and early interventionist groups
included representation from urban and rural settings. Each group or individual interview
was audio taped and transcribed for analysis. Using a modified grounded theory
approach, the subsequent data was organized into five main categories or themes for
discussion: Experience with Early Intervention, Perceptions of the Profession, Role of an
Early Interventionist, Training and Future of Early Intervention.
In most cases, the participants’ experience and perception of early intervention as
a profession and service was positive. The topics of role, training and the future provided
much more opportunity for discussion and feedback resulting in a wide variety of
responses. Participants spoke clearly of the need for a higher profile and community
awareness of early intervention, supporting the need for standards in pre and post service
training as a starting point for role clarification and professional identity. Conversations
on legislation and provincial support varied from a necessary requirement to a hands off
approach, leaning towards a more active role of the professional association in the
development of credentials and regulation of the profession. Many participants, including
the parents alluded to the need for more resources and provincial leadership in enhancing
existing services. Forecasts of the future ranged from cautious optimism to fear. Changes
in models and a fragile economy were identified as key factors in the future of early
intervention in the province. All participants agreed that early intervention as a profession
and service was valued and viewed standard credentialing, regulation of the profession
and increased awareness as essential next steps. Recommendations for stakeholders and
early interventionists are offered with the intent that this information will be used to
support the further establishment of the early intervention profession in the province of
Nova Scotia.