Associations between Emotional Intelligence, Personality Type, and Attitude towards Seeking Psychological Assistance
MacBeth, Gina Dailene
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Mount Saint Vincent University
The primary goal of the study was to examine the relations between youth’s emotional intelligence, personality type, and attitudes toward seeking psychological assistance, in order to gain insight that may be valuable to assisting at risk youth. Youth in grades seven and nine (N=81) were asked to complete the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help scale, and a demographic questionnaire. Multiple regression analyses revealed that neither emotional intelligence nor personality type predicted youth’s attitude towards seeking psychological assistance. However, many significant correlations were found between variables. Specifically, sex differences were noted in personality type, as females had greater preference for the intuitive and feeling functions, while males preferred the sensing and thinking functions. As well, results demonstrated significant correlations between emotional intelligence variables and personality functions. In particular, extraversion was positively correlated with many facets of emotional intelligence, and feeling was significantly correlated with the interpersonal variable. As well, results of significant correlations lent support to the notion that both the EQ-i:YV and the MBTI measure what they purport to measure. Additionally, caveats of research and future directions were explored.
Youth , Gender Difference , Emotional Intelligence , Psychological Assistance