Preservice Secondary Teachers' Perceptions of the Individual Program Plan Processs

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Collett, Elizabeth
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The current study investigated the nature of preservice secondary teachers' perceptions of the Individual Program Plan (IPP) process. Results suggest that secondary preservice teachers' tended to hold generally positive perceptions of the IPP process. A majority of preservice teachers responded positively to statements regarding the feasibility, and relevance of the IPP process. Preservice secondary teachers held moderately positive views regarding accountability to the child on the IPP and to the IPP process. However, it was found that a majority of preservice teachers reported feeling unprepared to participate in the IPP process. There was a significant difference between how preservice teachers responded to statements regarding preparation depending on whether or not they had completed their first or second year of study. There was also a significant difference between how preservice teachers responded to statements regarding preparation depending on whether or not they have experience with the IPP process. Teachers' perceptions have been a vital feature in the successful implementation of the IPP process, and inclusion in general. Therefore, it will be crucial for educational leaders and stakeholders to have a clear understanding of teachers' perceptions of the IPP process and the factors that affect those perceptions.
High school teachers -- training of , High school teachers -- attitudes , Individualized education programs