MSVU Senate Minutes -- March 27 2000
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting
Rosaria Boardroom March 27, 2000
A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2000, in the Rosaria Board Room.
Present: S. Brown (Chair), P. Baker, I. Blum, B. Casey, F. Early, D. Furrow, C. Ferns, P. Glenister, B.
Harvey, F. Harrington, C. Hill, N. Hill, N. Kayhani, M. Lyon, M. Mahshi, C. Mathieson, M. McIntosh, J.
Mills, L. Neilsen, G. Nepean, B. Rao, R. Sampson, L. Theriault, P. Watts, J. Woodsworth, J. Young.
Regrets: B. Hodkin, M. MacMillan, C. Portolesi, M. Raven, T. Richards, B. Taylor, R. Warne.
Guests: R. Jeppesen, T. Roberts
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by G. Nepean, seconded B. Harvey by that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED
The minutes were amended to include item 7.11.1 with item 4, President's Announcements and to change
item 7.11.3, from (for action) to (for information).
2. Approval of Minutes of February 21, 2000
Moved by B. Harvey, seconded by M. McIntosh that the minutes of February 21, 2000 be approved as
amended. CARRIED
The minutes were amended under item 5, Question Period, to delete the word "President" in the first
paragraph, third sentence.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Policy on Tape Recording of Senate Meetings
S. Brown reported that the Senate Executive will revisit this policy and will forward a recommendation to
Senate at the May 1 meeting.
4. President's Announcements
S. Brown reported that the provincial budget will probably be announced on April 6. As soon as budget
information is made available, S. Brown will distribute the information to the university community.
S. Brown reported that the federal announcement regarding the 21st Century Chairs will be made soon.
S. Brown announced that F. Early was the recipient of this year's Award for Research Excellence. F.
Early will be presented the award during the May convocation. S. Brown and Senate congratulated F.
5. Question Period
There were questions regarding the status of English 1120. Members of Senate questioned if this course
should be a university wide requirement. D. Furrow stated that this issue had been discussed with the
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Senate Committee on Teaching. The committees did not
agree with making English 1120 an university wide requirement. A report presented by S. Drain indicated
that the course does not make a difference in the writing skills of students. Alternative avenues for
improving students' writing skills should be explored. Senate reinforced the importance of this issue and
referred it to the Writing Initiatives Committee suggesting that representatives from the English
Department and Student Affairs attend a WIC meeting to discuss this issue. The Writing Initiatives
Committee will take the suggestion under advisement.
There was concern that students enrolled in Business were still required to take English 1120.
There was also concern that many students lacked various university preparatory skills such as research
literacy and mathematical competence.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
No report
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
L. Theriault reported there was one appeal before the committee. The committee will be meeting next
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 Memoranda of Understanding
J. Woodsworth discussed the background of each memorandum of understanding.
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded B. Harvey by that Senate endorse the Memorandum of
Understanding with Bermuda College. CARRIED
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by P. Watts that Senate endorse the Memorandum of Understanding
with the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. CARRIED.
The language of instruction at the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche is Spanish.
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by G. Nepean that Senate endorse the Memorandum of
Understanding with the Instituto Campechano. CARRIED.
There was a suggestion that a formal reporting mechanism be found to update Senate on the outcomes of
each of the signed memoranda of understanding. The suggested specified time to report the outcomes is
two years.
J. Woodsworth reported that CAPP is working on the third section of the Academic Plan in parallel with
the Blueprint process of developing action plans. The Blueprint initiatives CAPP is addressing include
how to attract and retain excellent faculty, how to attract and retain excellent students, and developing
innovative programs.
J. Woodsworth stated that several programs were being developed such as a History and Information
Technology cooperative program and a Cultural Studies program.
7.4 Committee on Extended Learning
R. Sampson reported that the committee was addressing the Blueprint 2000 initiatives. One suggestion
has been the development of modules for distance students in the areas of research literacy, writing,
mathematics refresher, etc. The Committee also discussed the student success program and that this
program should be offered to some students before they are accepted into an academic program.
7.5 Graduate Studies
R. Sampson reported that the committee has reviewed seven graduate thesis proposals for ethical
approval. The Committee was also addressing the Blueprint 2000.
7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum
7.6.1 Undergraduate Curriculum (for action) Business & Tourism
a) Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the Business 4499, Honours Thesis
from a ½ unit to 1 unit. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by M. McIntosh to approve changing the admissions
requirements for the BBA Honours Degree. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the honours degree
requirements to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 ½ units in Business Administration and
Tourism and Hospitality Management. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the honours degree
requirements to include a concentration or major in one area as approved by the department and
to include at least one unit at the 4000 level in addition to the Honours Thesis. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the honours degree
requirements to a GPA of 2.7 or better in 10 of the required honours units and in all of the units
required in the area of concentration or major, with a grade of at least C- in each of these units; in
addition, students must achieve a minimum grade of B- in the honours thesis and an overall GPA
of 2.7 or more must be obtained in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first full five
units. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the first class honours
requirements to include a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10 of the required honours units and with no
grade below B- in all course counted for the degree beyond the first full five units taken.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve changing the honours degree
requirements to include completing Business 4499, Honours Thesis with a minimum grade of B-.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to delete the requirement for Math 1130, Finite
Mathematics (½ unit) from the Degree and Diploma in Business Administration. CARRIED.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Studies has no objection to this request.
ô Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by M. McIntosh to add
to the Degree and Diploma in Business Administration a
½ unit of Arts & Science elective. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by J. Young to approve the changes in the work term sequencing
for the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management. CARRIED.
There was confirmation that students are required to end in an academic term. History
a) Moved by D. Furrow, seconded F. Early to approve the addition of HIST 2217, Canadian-American
Relations - The Formative History. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by F. Early to approve the addition of HIST/POLS 2218,
Canadian-American Relations - Continental Nations. CARRIED.
â ¢ Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by F. Early to approve the deletion of HIST 3324, The History of
Canadian-American Relations. CARRIED.
7.6.2 Undergraduate Curriculum (for information)
The following curriculum changes were brought to Senate for information: Mathematics &
Computer Studies
â ¢ Change to existing courses' prerequisites.
7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
7.7.1 Professors Emeriti (Confidential Business)
Senate discussed CAPTPAA's recommendation for Professor Emeritus.
7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services
B. Harvey reported that the Committee met on February 25. The Committee discussed whether it should
be involved in policy issues and the Blueprint 2000 initiatives. B. Harvey stated the Committee did not
resolve these issues.
Senate confirmed that according to the Senate By-Laws the Committee should be involved in policy
There were several concerns raised by Senators:
â ¢ â ¢The Committee did not provide feedback on the Senate's previous questions.
â ¢ â ¢The university community was unable to use technology last Saturday and Sunday. The IT&S
department should provide better service (i.e., have someone on call during weekends and
â ¢ â ¢Student issues were not being addressed by the Committee.
â ¢ â ¢The Committee was not consulted regarding the department's Blueprint action plans.
â ¢ â ¢The terms of reference for the Committee should be revised. The terms of reference should be
similar to those of the Senate Library Committee. For example, the Chair of the Committee on
Information Technology and Services should not be the Director of the Department.
S. Brown stated that greater consultation will be a part of the Blueprint process. There will be discussion
this week to prevent a similar situation experienced last weekend with technological downtime. The
Committee will be meeting again on April 14.
7.9 Library
B. Rao reported that the Blueprint submission from the Library will include feedback from the Senate
Library Committee and library staff. The entire blueprint submission has been endorsed by the Senate
Library Committee.
B. Rao stated that the Committee was concerned about the difficulty experienced by distance students in
obtaining a library card. L. Theriault stated that distance library cards are sent to any student who requests
one or to a whole class at the professor's request. B. Rao reported that the Committee believed that many
professors and students were unaware of this opportunity to obtain a library card. She suggested that this
information should be included in their course packages. L. Theriault will address this issue. The
Department of Distance Learning and Continuing Education is revising the information packages sent to
students at a distance.
A Senator expressed concern about appropriate access to electronic databases (i.e. Proquest) for distance
7.10 Nominations
7.10.1 Ratification of Candidate for Review Committee for the President
Moved I Blum, seconded by J. Young to ratify the election for Senate representative on the Review
Committee for the President held at the last Senate meeting. CARRIED.
7.10.2 Recommendation for Undergraduate Admissions & Scholarships Committee
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. Young that J. Morgenstern be elected to the Undergraduate
Admissions and Scholarships committee for a term beginning immediately and ending June 30, 2002.
7.11 Research and Publications
7.11.1 General Announcements
C. Mathieson reported that the Research and Publications Committee Blueprint action plans have been
forwarded to the Blueprint Steering Committee. C. Mathieson announced that F. Bennett and H. Li were
successful in obtaining NSERC research funding in the most recent operating grants competition. The
SSHRC funding announcement has been delayed until April. C. Mathieson introduced some of the
features for a Research Office website (under construction).
7.11.2 Application for Internal Research Grant and Forms
Moved by C. Mathieson, seconded by F. Early that Senate endorse the Application for an Internal
Research Grant and accompanying forms. CARRIED.
7.11.3 MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans
C. Mathieson reported that the attached policy was the third draft and that the policy had received widescale
consultation to date, including a presentation at the MSVUFA.
In response to questions, C. Mathieson confirmed that teacher evaluations, performance reports and
quality assurance reports were excluded from ethical review.
Senate made the following suggestions for revision:
â ¢ â ¢Under article 10.4 b) and c) to specify destruction not archiving after the specified amount of
â ¢ â ¢There was a discussion regarding article 2.3 f) with a recommendation to delete this line
C. Mathieson stated that special cases may occur and the policy may need to be revisited in the future.
C. Mathieson will distribute the updated policy to department chairs and the faculty association within
two weeks. The document will be ready by May 1 for a motion for endorsement by Senate.
7.12 Student Affairs
C. Hill reported that the Committee had met and was working on Blueprint initiatives.
7.13 Committee on Teaching
J. Woodsworth reported that the Committee was working on the Blueprint Action Plan. J. Woodsworth
announced that P. Watts will be chairing the organizing committee for the Faculty Teaching Day.
7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault reported that the Committee has been meeting regularly and was working on its response to
L. Theriault reported that the Committee has completed its bursary awards process for the year. The
Committee received 529 bursary applications and made a total of 465 awards for a total of $205,675.00
The awards ranged in value from $50.00 to $2000.00. The awards are on a needs basis. This year when
the calculations were prepared, 64 students had a negative need, which meant their resources exceeded
their need. Thus, the decision was made not to provide these students with a bursary because there was a
large number of students with a demonstrated need. The Committee developed a template to standardize
expenses and to compare these expenses to need for use mainly in cases where their was a large level of
presented need. The rationale was that there was a great amount of need that could not be supported and
the bursary level could not support certain levels of lifestyle. The Committee tried to standardize the
award to ensure that a certain portion of need was being meet. The figures generally reached the 25-26%
range. In general, the students put forward a demonstrated need of $946,000, which was met by awards
totalling $205,675.00.
L. Theriault reported that the Committee was still working on the revisions to the admission process. The
last point to be settled is the consideration of the International Baccalaureate as a means of transfer credits
to students. L. Theriault met with the Chairs of the Arts and Sciences departments to discus this issue.
Course descriptions were then forwarded to the departments. The Chairs were asked to respond to this
issue by March 29. The Chairs were also given an opportunity to request further discussion. If further
discussions are not requested, the Committee will proceed to finalize the admission changes and bring the
changes to the May 1 Senate meeting.
The Committee has set its working session for the entrance scholarship awards on April 3 and offers will
be mailed on April 15.
L. Theriault stated that the Committee recommends that the admission requirements for British students
who completed their "A" levels be reduced.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
No report
8.2 Student Council
M. McIntosh announced the Student Council Election results:
â ¢ â ¢C. Nickerson - President
â ¢ â ¢S. Randall - Executive Vice-President
â ¢ â ¢N. White - Internal Vice-President
â ¢ â ¢B. McNeil - External Vice-President
â ¢ â ¢T. Roberts - Academic Vice-President
â ¢ â ¢C. Portolesi - Race and Genders Relations Vice-President
M. McIntosh indicated there were close races for the contested positions.
M. McIntosh reported that the Awards Night was a success. M. McIntosh congratulated L. Theriault, F.
Cody, B. Church and K. Darvesh for receiving the Honourary Student Council Membership.
Student Union leaders meet with the Minister of Education on March 10. There were no definite answers
to questions asked.
A tuition presentation was given to the Board Finance Committee on March 10. B. Harvey is preparing a
courses evaluation presentation for Senate on May 1; T. Roberts will be presenting. The Student Union
has been working on Blueprint 2000 action plans. M. McIntosh thanked T. Roberts, P. O'Neill, and cast
for their hard work producing the play Swingtime Canteen which wrapped up last weekend.
Representatives from the Student Union participated in various events in conjunction with the Women's
Studies Department during International Women's Week.
M. McIntosh stated that results of the CFS referendum will not be announced until they receive the data
from Financial Services on how many voting students paid student union fees.
9. New Business
9.1 Request to Rescind Degree
A confidential discussion was held regarding a student request.
Moved by R. Sampson, seconded by M. McIntosh that Senate rescind the discussed degree. CARRIED.
(15 in favour, 5 opposed, 4 abstentions).
It is noted that the action taken was of an extraordinary nature. Senate recommends that the graduation
handbook be reworded to ensure that students are aware that the convocation fee is a separate processing
charge for graduation. Senate also recommended that the Policy to Collect Fees be reviewed.
10. Items for Communication
The 2001-2002 Calendar will communicate course and program changes. The Research Office will
circulate the revised internal grant policy and forms.
11. Adjournment
Moved by G. Nepean, seconded by C. Ferns that the meeting be adjourned at 9:52 p.m.