Productive Disruption: Personal and Professional Learning through Curriculum Creation and Implementation

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Crooks-Smith, Kandi-Lee
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Mount Saint Vincent University
The purpose of this study is to examine the personal and professional knowledge, skills and competencies garnered by a group of trained and untrained instructors, through unstructured curriculum creation and implementation in one primary school at the grade six level, in Kingston, Jamaica. The intention of the thesis is to explore a richer and nuanced understanding of the phenomena, through the experience of six primary school instructors from the same school, who carried out the activity for two consecutive years with different cohorts of students. Accordingly, the researcher’s aim is to contribute information to the established and emerging literature germane to this field. The depth of description of teachers’ Adult Education benefits can be acted on across all other countries, through instructors’ reflection of their involvement in creating change as presented in this thesis. The main benefit of this study is the advancement of knowledge for future and present educators as well as persons involved in curriculum design, implementation and evaluation. It will surpass the targeted level of the research, which is primary education, and could be used across all levels of the education system.
Jamaican curriculum, curriculum gap, critical thinking, curriculum creation and implementation, teachers’ personal and professional lessons