The association of impairment and peer ratings to disruptive behavior disorders and high-frequency classroom rule violations
Craig, Rebecca
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Children with DBDs (ADHD, ODD, and/or CD) are known to engage in high rates of classroom
rule-violations (RV). However, it has not been determined in the literature what percentage of
children who engage in high frequency rule-violating actually meet the diagnostic criteria of a
DBD. The present studies suggest that 45-65% of children with high RV counts have a DBD,
and that 5-20% of children with normal RV counts have a DBD. These studies further
investigated the extent to which DBD and high frequency RV, alone and in combination, are
associated with impaired social, academic, and behavioral functioning, as measured by teacher
and parent ratings, and peer sociometric measures. In general, high RV was associated with
social impairment in non-disordered participants but not in disordered participants. The high
RV/disordered group, but not the high RV/non-disordered group, had more impaired teacher
relationships. These studies have implications for the identification of DBDs, and for the
treatment and services provided to disordered and non-disordered high-frequency rule violators
in elementary school.
Classroom management -- Nova Scotia , Problem children -- Rating of -- Nova Scotia , Behavior disorders in children -- Ohio , Behavior disorders in children -- Nova Scotia