Effect of sugars-sweetened commercial beverages on subjectivity appetite and short-term food intake regulation in normal weight and overweight/obese 9 to 14 year old girls
Bennett, Lorianne
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Mount Saint Vincent University
The following study was conducted to examine the hypothesis that 1% chocolate milk suppresses
short-term food intake (FI) to a greater extent than other sugars containing beverages, but the
effect will be diminished in overweight and obese (OW/OB) girls. The objective was to
determine the effect of isovolumetric drinks of (350ml) 1% chocolate milk, fruit drink, and cola
60 min before a pizza meal on subjective appetite, and short-term FI compared to a water control
in 9-14 year old normal weight (NW) and OW/OB girls. A decrease in FI after 1% chocolate
milk occurred in NW (n=12) but not OW/OB (n=11) girls. None of the other beverages
suppressed FI in either group. In the pooled sample (n=23) a decrease in FI occurred after cola
and 1% chocolate milk but not fruit drink, which suggests macronutrient composition was the
major determinant on FI suppression. Lower prospective food consumption (PFC) and desire to
eat (DTE) scores in NW girls after 1% chocolate milk, when corrected for the energy content of
the preload, suggests that 1% chocolate milk is a potent regulator of appetite and FI in NW girls.
Subjective appetite, body composition, or cognitive restraint, were not strong determinants of FI.
In conclusion, most sugars containing beverages suppressed FI, but the response was affected by
macronutrient composition, energy content of the beverages, and body weight status.
Obesity - girls , Short term food intake , Beverages