Interprofessional Training in an Education Context
Fainstein, David
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Mount Saint Vincent University
Interprofessional education occurs when two or more groups of professionals learn with,
from, and about one another. The vast majority of the research on interprofessional
education has occurred in medicine. In a medical context, the objectives of
interprofessional education are to improve professional collaboration and the quality of
care. Medicine is not the only discipline where interprofessional education is important.
In education, professionals need to collaborate, consult, and communicate with other
professionals on a daily basis with a goal of improving the quality of education for
students. In order to build on the small amount of interprofessional education research in
an education context, past research has been reviewed and applied to a new context. The
current thesis develops a theoretically driven workshop for preservice teachers and school
psychologists with the objective of developing an interprofessional understanding and
proposes a method for pilot testing of this workshop.
Interprofessional education , School psychologists , Preservice teachers