Eating the Forbidden Fruit: A Critical Race Theory Exploration of Black –White Interracial Couples in Nova Scotia
Leek, Robert M.
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Mount Saint Vincent University
This thesis examines the motivations behind Black-White interracial intimate partnerships in Nova Scotia. Negative societal perceptions and social sanctions against such unions are explored with five interracial couples in Nova Scotia. From a conceptual or theoretical framework of critical race theory, radical feminism, and alienation theory, and employing a qualitative methodology, I interviewed five interracial couples from different economic social backgrounds. I conclude that the motivations for Black-White interracial marriages range from shared social similarities, desires to move up the social economic ladder and an exoticization of the body of the other. Sameness and difference both played roles in the motivations for these relationships. Social sanctions faced by these couples ranged from the stares of strangers, family rejection of the spouse, being ostracized by friends, and hearing negative or inappropriate comments about their marriage from both Black and White families and community members. The couples coped with these sanctions and negative comments by using a variety of strategies.
interracial partnerships , interracial couples , critical race theory , radical feminism , alienation theory