The effects of snacks formulated with wheat and lentil flour of similar particle size on food intake and satiety in young adults

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King, Morgan
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Mount Saint Vincent University
Lentils are sustainable and affordable food source for Canadians. The consumption of lentils is associated with nutritional benefits that may reduce the risk factors associated with chronic diseases. The objective of this study was to understand the short-term of effects partial and full replacement of wheat flour with lentil flour in snack bars in young healthy men. The hypothesis of this study was the replacement of wheat flour with lentil flour in the snack bars lead to a reduced energy intake and higher satiety. The study design was a single-blinded, within subject, randomized design with repeated measures. Twenty-five males aged 19-35 completed four randomized sessions with one treatment per session (water control (C), 100% lentil flour (LF), 50% lentil 50% wheat flour (MLW-F), or 100% wheat flour snack bar (WF). Participants filled out 100 mm VAS questionnaires assessing the appetite, physical comfort, and palatability of the treatments. Subsequently at 120 minutes, participants consumed an ad libitum pizza meal. Subjective appetite was affected by treatment (p=0.0001), time (p=0.0001), and treatment by time interaction (p<0.0001). The highest appetite suppression was observed for the LF treatment compared to C, as revealed by average appetite scores and the total area above the curve over 120 minutes (p<0.05). This difference was driven by a significant effect of a treatment on such appetite components as the desire to eat (DTE) and hunger (p<0.05). There was no effect of treatment on food intake at 120 minutes or cumulatively over 120 minutes. There was an inverse relationship observed for metabolic equivalence (METS) and food intake (r=-0.39, p=0.05). In conclusion, the total replacement of WF with LF of the same particle size provided benefits for appetite control over 120 minutes. The partial replacement of WF with LF lead to the suppression of average subjective appetite compared to C. Although there was no reduction in subsequent FI after the treatment with LF, none of the caloric treatments contributed to a higher food intake cumulatively over 120 minutes.
Wheat flour, lentil flour, snacking