MSVU Senate Minutes -- May 4 2007
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting May 4, 2007
EMF 130 2:00 p.m.
Minutes of Meeting
Present: D. Woolcott (Chair), I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, B. Casey, P. Crouse, A. Daley, A. Davis,
A. Eaton, R. Fisher, P. Glenister, N. Kayhani, B. King, M. Lyon, J. Lumsden, J. MacLeod, H. Mallette,
G. McCarney, S. Mumm, M. Raven, J. Sawler, S. Seager, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, P. Watts, M. Whalen, A.
Regrets: R. Bérard, S. Ganong, P. Gouthro, C. Hill, K. Laurin, C. MacDermott, R. MacKay, K. Manning, A.
McCalla, M. Ruck-Simmonds, B. Taylor, R. Zuk
Guests: L. Hanson, L. Theriault
D. Woolcott welcomed everyone to the last official meeting of Senate for the year.
G. McCarney introduced a guest, L. Hanson, a graduate student in Child and Youth Study, in attendance to
observe the proceedings.
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by R. Fisher, seconded by B. King to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED.
2. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2007 -- Deferred
3. Presidentâ s Announcements
D. Woolcott expressed K. Laurinâ s apologies for her absence from the Senate meeting. In the most recent
Insight, K. Laurin wrote a brief Presidentâ s Message in which she summarizes the next steps in the strategic
planning process, mentioning that about 50 members of the university community participated in the two day
retreat in April. Following a Strategic Planning Steering Committee meeting in another few weeks, during the
week of May 21st the whole group that participated in the two day retreat will get together to review a draft of the
retreat document, in anticipation of a special meeting of Senate in June, not to approve anything but to share this
with the Senate for questions, discussion, and the progress to date on the plan.
A senator, concerned that a number of questions remain unanswered, asked when the draft documents might
appear on the MSVU Intranet for those who are not a part of the retreat or Senate. In response, D. Woolcott
indicated that the document is expected after the retreat group meets to review the draft and before a possible
meeting of Senate in June.
4. Question Period
A senator noting that, in B. Taylorâ s report, Strategic Planning documents on the Intranet are inaccessible to
students, asked how such documents could be made available to those who do not have access to the intranet. In
response, D. Woolcott pointed out that, as there are Student Union members on the Steering Committee of the
Strategic Planning Process who receives copies of all documents, a workable arrangement can be found; the issue
will be taken back to the President.
A senator, noting a newspaper article about a recent Halifax West High School career fair, inquired about an
internal document from the fall reporting MSVUâ s concern regarding fewer than expected new students from
Halifax West and wondered if MSVU had been invited, since there ought to have been interest in participating. In
response, M. Whalen indicated that the career fair may have been directed at inviting prospective employers and
may not have necessarily been from a post-secondary education perspective, but the issue will be looked into.
5. Unfinished Business of April 23, 2007
Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc)
5.1 Committee on Information Technology and Services
P. Crouse reported on the issue of the outgoing e-mail disclaimer. The committee has met and D. Forbes
felt that the issue did not need to be brought to the committee because it was in the nature of protecting
MSVU employees and thus falls under the computer usage agreement at the point of signing on to the
network. The wording of the email disclaimer was vetted by a legal advisor and was noted that it was not
in violation of any of the collective agreements.
P. Crouse also reported that IT&S has been working on a disaster recovery plan which will come back to
a future committee meeting for review. The Student Guide to Computing has been updated for the
students with the exception of a section on passwords.
5.2 Library
There was no report.
5.3 Nominations -- page 3
5.3.1 Report of faculty elections
I. Blum reported on the conclusion of the faculty elections â provided to Senate for information.
An additional document was distributed listing those who have been elected by faculty during the
January to April period to various bodies including Senate, Board of Governors, Senate
committees, and the University Review Committee. There are still vacancies on the University
Review Committee and there will be a new call for nominations in September to fill these
Committee Name Term Begins Term Ends
Senate Dr. Jane Gordon (Social Sciences)
Prof. Robert Bagg (Member at
Dr. Roni Gechtman (Members at
Dr. Susan Walsh (Member at Large)
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Board of Governors Dr. Robert Bérard
Dr. Lorri Neilsen
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Academic Policy and
Dr. Carmel French ((Professional)
Prof. Rod Tilley (Professional)
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Nominations Dr. Ilya Blum (Arts & Science)
Dr. Mary Delaney (Member at
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
University Review Dr. Jane Gordon (Member at Large) 1 July 2007 30 June 2010
A senator asked why there are now four Senate positions filled while there was voting on three.
I. Blum indicated that after the period for nominations closed, a notice was received of an
additional vacancy, so, instead of reopening nominations , the committee decided to use the names
of those already nominated.
5.3.2 Senate Committee nominations
I. Blum reported on the slate of candidates for Senate. Because, after the agenda package was
circulated, there had been one more person who agreed to be nominated, the document distributed
at the meeting includes an addition (1Aâ Graduate Studies Program and Policy) to the 5.3.2
document circulated with the agenda package.
Committee Nominee Term
Term Ends
Senate Executive
Dr. Patricia Gouthro
Dr. Brook Taylor
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Information Technology
and Services
Prof. Paula Crouse (Professional Studies)
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
Library Dr. Michele Millar (Arts and Science)
Dr. Janette Taper (Professional Studies)
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Research & Publications Dr. Jane Baskwill (Education) 1 July 2007 30 June 2010
Teaching & Learning Dr. Mary Jane Harkins (Education) 1 July 2007 30 June 2010
Undergraduate Admissions
and Scholarships
Prof. Wendy Doyle (Professional Studies)
Prof. Brent King (Professional Studies)
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Nancyâ s Chair Dr. Felicia Eghan (Member-at-Large)
Dr. Janet Guildford (Teaching Womenâ s
emphasis courses)
Dr. Meredith Ralston (Womenâ s Studies)
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Student Affairs Prof. Wanda George
Dr. Gavin Kernaghan
1 July 2007
1 July 2007
30 June 2010
30 June 2010
Student Judicial Dr. Robert Bérard 1 July 2007 30 June 2010
Student Discipline Appeals Dr. Norman Okihiro 1 July 2007 30 June 2010
Writing Initiatives
Dr. Valda Leighteizer (Education) 1 July 2007
30 June 2010
Committee Nominee Term
Term Ends
Graduate Studies Program
and Policy
Dr. Bill Hare (Education)
1 July 2007 30 June 2010
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by L. Steele that Senate approve the election of the nominees listed
on the document circulated with the agenda package, plus the addition of the nominee listed on
the document circulated today, to serve on the respective committees for the indicated terms.
5.3.3 Secretary of Senate
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Seager that Senate approve the election of
P. Glenister to serve as Secretary of Senate for a three year term, from July 1, 2007 to
June 30, 2010. CARRIED.
5.3.4 Student Discipline Appeals Committee Chair
Regarding item 3, the judicial committees, of the document circulated, I. Blum reported that these
committees operate under a Student Judic ial Policy which requires that the Chairs of the two
committees be appointed by Senate.
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by R. Fisher, that Senate approve the appointment of R. Bagg as
Chair of the Student Discipline Appeals Committee. CARRIED.
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by L. Steele that Senate approve the appointment of G. Avila-Sakar
as Chair of the Student Judicial Committee effective 1 July 2007. CARRIED.
5.3.5 Senate Committee vacancies
I. Blum reported to Senate that the Nominations Committee will continue the process in the fall
and bring names forward at the September Senate meeting.
5.4 Research and Publications
5.4.1 Changes to the Committee on Research and Publications Policies and Procedures
Noting an error in the wording on page 6 of the agenda package, under the section â Elected
members,â A. Davis moved, seconded by M. Raven, that Senate amend the wording of the elected
members for the Committee on Research & Publications - Policies and Procedures Overview by
substituting the following: â Elected members: Six faculty members, elected by faculty: at least
one, and at most two representatives from each of the five areas of humanities, social sciences,
education, science and professional programs, and at most one university librarian.â CARRIED.
Moved by A. Davis, seconded by D. Bourne-Tyson that Senate approve, as amended above, the
Committee on Research & Publications â Policies and Procedures Overview. CARRIED.
A. Davis also reported that the Committee has completed this yearâ s adjudication business and
the next internal competition for research awards is October 15, 2007.
5.5 Student Affairs
There was no report.
5.6 Committee on Teaching and Learning
P. Watts reported on two awards to be presented at spring convocation: the Teaching Innovation Award
introduced this year will be awarded to S. Brigham of the Education department, and the Instructional
Leadership Award will be awarded to R. Farmer of the Information Technology department. Faculty Day
will be the last Thursday in August, August 30th and the topic will be evaluation and assessment.
5.7 Writing Initiatives
There was no report.
5.8 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
There was no report.
5.9 Graduate Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards
M. Lyon reported that, since the last Senate meeting the Committee met to discuss the procedures and
allocation of the graduate internal merit awards, the deadline for which is May 15th. The Committee is
scheduled to meet the week after the deadline to adjudicate the awards, which will be made in June.
5.10 University Research Ethics Board
5.10.1 Bonus Course Points for Student Participation as Research Subjects
A. Davis spoke to the memorandum from E. Bowering regarding the UREB discussion of the
practice of employing bonus points as an incentive for students to participate in in-class or course
linked research practices as there was concern around the implementation. After consultation
with the Tri-Council with respect to various interpretations , the UREB developed a policy
containing guidelines for circulatation among the university community. The question of how to
proceed is presented to Senate in the event Senate would want to review those guidelines prior to
their distribution to the university community.
Senators discussed the need for clarity regarding at what point the policies enforced by the UREB
are actually approved by Senate, and the need to discuss post facto how to deal with this with
respect to approval.
A Senator raised the questions, if students select an alternative to research participation, could
bonus points still be awarded or would that be inappropriate term, and would faculty find
providing alternatives too burdensome, essentially ending the student participation. In response,
A. Davis indicated that the central principle is that there must be no coercion and if the expression
â bonus pointsâ or if the practice of bonus points is to be employed then students in those settings
must have access to an equal or equivalent option. A Senator who is a past UREB member
stated that the UREB must avoid any violation of the Tri-Council guidelines at all costs so the
policy must be clear that there be no possibility of coercion.
A Senator suggested the Student Union be consulted as there is no student representation on the
A Senator provided a procedural suggestion regarding the process the UREB uses needing to be
vetted and reviewed by some university structure; perhaps the Research and Publications
Committee could reflect on what the structure should be and then bring back advice to Senate on
how these guidelines should be approved or reviewed on a regular basis. The Research and
Publications Committee is the body responsible for taking on any appeals to UREB decisions
which makes it a logical reference.
A Senator suggested that the Research and Publicatio ns Committee develop a structure and any
guidelines that UREB adopts would be approved by the Research and Publications Committee
following a period of collecting and disseminating input from various bodies, perhaps, with the
Committee making recommendations for Senate approval, a mechanism by which a Senator
could ask for a review of any of the policies.
A Senator raised concerns about internal approval when it is the Tri-Council guidelines that the
UREB must follow. In response, it is noted that the UREB may err in interpreting Tri-Council
requirements so there is a need for the guidelines used by UREB to be reviewed by a committee
with policy-making responsibilities as part of its terms of reference and the committee most
closely associated with this area is the Research and Publications Committee.
It was agreed that the Research and Publications Committee be asked to review the issue and
report back to Senate.
6. Other Reports
6.1 Board of Governors
N. Kayhani reported that the annual retreat was held April 13-14 and consisted of constructive discussions
focused on the strategic planning process and progress and on the capital campaign with respect to a new
6.2 Studentsâ Union
G. McCarney reported that the Executive are on a retreat to develop visions and plans for next year.
6.3 Report from Senate representative on the Strategic Planning Committee
B. Taylor sent Senators a written report a few days prior. B. Taylor was not in attendance but can be
contacted with questions.
7. New Business
7.1 Spring 2007 Graduate List (Confidential business)
L. Theriault was introduced as a representative from Registrarâ s Office in attendance due to the Acting
Registrar currently being away.
Moved by L. Steele, seconded by N. Kayhani that Senate approve the attendance of L. Theriault as a
representative of the Registrarâ s Office, during the in camera session to assist with the Spring 2007
Graduate List. CARRIED.
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. MacLeod that Senate move in camera to approve the Spring 2007
Graduate List. CARRIED.
Senate approved the following degrees, diplomas and certificates as follows:
Certificate in Business Administration M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Certificate in Information technology M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Certificate in Marketing M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Certificate in Proficiency of French M. Lyon/L. Steele
Advanced Certificate of Proficiency in French M. Lyon/L. Steele
Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Diploma in Business Administration M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Degree of Bachelor of Arts M. Lyon/M. Raven
Degree of Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts (Peace and Conflict Studies)
M. Lyon/A. Davis
Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) M. Lyon/D. Bourne-Tyson
Advanced Major Certificate in Arts M. Lyon/J. MacLeod
Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) M. Lyon/A. Davis
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) M. Lyon/A. Davis
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) in Association with Bermuda College
M. Lyon/P. Watts
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) Honours M. Lyon/J. MacLeod
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Family Studies and Gerontology) M. Lyon/D. Bourne-Tyson
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Information Technology) (Co-operative Education Route)
M. Lyon/P. Crouse
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Honours Certificate in Business Administration M. Lyon/R. Fisher
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Association with Bermuda College
M. Lyon/P. Watts
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Association with the University of St. Martin
M. Lyon/P. Watts
Degree of Bachelor of Public Relations M. Lyon/B. King
Degree of Bachelor of Science M. Lyon/S. Seager
Degree of Bachelor of Science (Advanced Major) M. Lyon/A. Davis
Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) M. Lyon/S. Seager
Honours Certificate in Science M. Lyon/S. Seager
Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition (Dietetics) J. Sharpe/M. Raven
Degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Bachelor of education J. Sharpe/P. Watts
Degree of Bachelor of Education in Association with Nova Scotia Teachers College
J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Bachelor of Education in Association with Saint Josephâ s Teachersâ College
J. Sharpe/P. Watts
Degree of Master of Applied Human Nutrition J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Master of Science Applied Human Nutrition J. Sharpe/I. Blum
Degree of Master of Education J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Master of Education in Curricilum Studies: Teaching English as a Second Language in
Association with Saint Maryâ s University J. Sharpe/A. Davis
Degree of Master of Arts in Education J. Sharpe/J. MacLeod
Degree of Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Master of Arts in Womenâ s Studies Offered Jointly by Mount Saint Vincent University,
Dalhousie University and Saint Maryâ s University J. Sharpe/M. Lyon
Degree of Master of Arts in School Psychology J. Sharpe/J. MacLeod
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by L. Steele that Senate permit the Registrar to add an individualâ s name if
the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation Ceremony and further, to adjust any studentsâ
distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED.
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by G. McCarney that Senate move from in camera session. CARRIED.
8. Items for Communication
The list of graduates will be posted on Monday, May 7, 2007.
9. Adjournment
Moved by R. Fisher to adjourn the meeting at 3:00pm. CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Brown