Voices of the Teachers: The relationship between stress and job satisfaction of French Immersion Program and English language program of teachers

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Carter, Kathleen
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Mount Saint Vincent University
The purpose of this study was to compare the challenges that French Immersion Program and English Language Program teachers experience in their profession and investigate the relationship between these challenges and teachers’ stress and job satisfaction. As well, specific focus was placed upon identifying the strategies used by teachers to cope with job related stress and the relationship between these strategies, stress, and job satisfaction. Sixty-six full time teachers participated in this study. They completed a seven-part questionnaire which was designed to collect data about teachers’ workload, work challenges, affective challenges, sources of affective challenges, coping strategies, job satisfaction, and career intention. Findings indicated that French Immersion Program teachers were more likely to identify the interpersonal challenges as challenging issues whereas the English Language Program teachers were more likely to identify the student-related issues as challenging. In addition, interpersonal challenges, student-related issues, and outside influences were related to stress. Also, stress was negatively correlated to job satisfaction suggesting that the higher the level of selfreported stress the lower the level of job satisfaction. When investigating the relationship between the self-reported stress, job satisfaction, and the coping strategies used during school hours, set priorities, and discuss issues with the administration were positively correlated with the job satisfaction level. In addition, set priorities, maintain a positive attitude, set realistic goals, and discuss issues with the administration were negatively correlated with the self-reported total stress. No significant correlations were found between the self-reported stress, job satisfaction, and the coping strategies used after school hours.
French immersion , Education