MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 23 2007

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting April 23, 2007 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: K. Laurin (Chair), K. Arbuckle, R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, B. Casey, P. Crouse, A. Davis, R. Fisher, P. Glenister, N. Kayhani, J. Lumsden, M. Lyon, R. MacKay, J. MacLeod, H. Mallette, K. Manning, G. McCarney, S. Mumm, L. Nash, M. Raven, M. Ruck- Simmonds, J. Sawler, S. Seager, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, B. Taylor, P. Watts, R. West, M. Whalen, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott, R. Zuk Regrets: S. Ganong, P. Gouthro, B. King, C. MacDermott, A. McCalla Guests: K. Campbell, A. Daley, A. Eaton, B. Harvey, R. MacIsaac, B. Powell 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by R. Fisher, seconded by D. Bourne-Tyson to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of March 26, 2007 A senator noted on page 4, item 7.3.1 that â is not subject to changeâ should be â is not part of the proposed changeâ . A senator noted on page 5, item 7.3.2 that â Within a year or year of this reportâ should be â Within a year of this reportâ . A senator indicated in item 7.11, the report was given by J. MacLeod, not G. McCarney. A senator noted on page 7, item 8.1 â have had several conference callsâ should be â have had two conference callsâ . A senator corrected errors in the dates on page 10 â November 15, 1993â should be â November 15, 1992â and â November 29, 1994â should be â November 28, 1994â . Moved by P. Watts, seconded by L. Steele to approve the minutes as corrected. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Revision to Senate By-laws 1, 2, 3 and 6 Moved by K. Arbuckle, seconded by M. Whalen to approve amendments to By-laws 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 to create a non-voting Senate membership category (1.2) and amend the other related bylaws as distributed. CARRIED. A senator noted typographical corrections were required in item 1.2.1 second sentence for the phrase â members of Senateâ . 2 A senator expressed concern that, in item 6.2.1 regarding special meetings that a special meeting could be called without the vote of faculty or students since only 12 voting members are required. A senator noted that business at a special meeting could not be done without reaching the quorum requirement for a majority of the members of Senate to be present. A senator expressed concern regarding the seven days notice requirement for special meetings held during the summer since faculty and students may often be away from campus. A senator mentioned the possibility of the use of a proxy. K. Laurin indicated that note will be made of these latter points. 3.2 Remove from table: Notice of Motion â 7.1.1 October 30, 2006, Revision to By-law 1.1 Senate Membership It was noted that this motion was moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by F. French at the November 27, 2006 meeting. Moved by I. Blum, seconded by R. Bérard to take the motion from the table. CARRIED A senator stated a concern that adding an additional seat to Senate would mean adding an additional faculty member to Senate. A senator noted the difficulty in finding faculty for the additional faculty member and that the current Senate membership is large enough. A senator, in opposition to the motion, felt the Director of IT&S was not required to be a part of academic decisions. A senator noted faculty concerns about the communication at the committee level as there have been no committee meetings for the winter term until just recently. A senator pointed out that at an earlier meeting of the committee there had been discussion around replacing the Director with the Assistant Director for the committee. A senator stated that the role of technology is becoming so central to the academic planning of some programs that the Director of IT&S should be a voting member of Senate while designating a non-voting member category would be a second-class. A senator supported the value in having the Director of IT&S for curriculum proposals that have technological implications but these sorts of discussion and communication with IT&S should happen sooner. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by F. French at the November 27, 2006 meeting to add to bylaw 1.1 the Director, Information Technology and Service. DEFEATED 16 in favour, 11 opposed, 3 abstentions By-law amendments require a majority of two-thirds. 3.3 Revision to Senate By-law 14.3, Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (Notice of Motionâ Item 7.3.1 of March 26, 2007 Senate Meeting Agenda) Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by D. Woolcott to amend by-law 14.3, Committee on Academic Policy and Planning to correct in the Functions section the name of a committee, Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee. CARRIED 3.4 Revision to Senate By-law 14.8, Committee on Research and Publications Moved by T. Davis, seconded by L. Nash to amend by-law 14.8, Committee on Research and Publications to clarify the elected members section. CARRIED as amended. A senator indicated the revision would bring the membership of the committee in line with other committees to include librarians. A senator requested the use of the term â professional librarianâ instead of â university librarian. 3 A senator pointed out that the wording assumes the requirement for, rather than the option of, a librarian to serve on the committee. A senator noted that the number (six or seven) of members was unclear. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by L. Steele to amend by substitution: â Six faculty members, elected by faculty, at least one and at most two representing the areas of humanities, social sciences, education, sciences, and professional programs, and at most one professional librarianâ . CARRIED 4. Presidentâ s Announcements K. Laurin reported on the Atlantic Association of Universities meeting in Sydney at which the topic of discussion was primarily aboriginal issues and opportunities in the post-secondary sector. She also recently attended the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada meeting in Saskatoon at which enrolment and changing demographics were major topics. Data is suggesting that in many areas in Canada enrolments will remain the same if not increase but for that Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan predictions are that enrolments will continue to decrease. K. Laurin gave a brief highlight on the Capital Campaign which is chaired by Dr. Martha Jodrey, with Her Honour Myra Freeman as Honorary Chair. As there is a need to put together a case for support and leads on potential donors, K. Laurin asked that members of Senate pass on any potential donor names to her or Jone Mitchell to follow up. K. Laurin gave an update on Strategic Planning and spoke about the retreat to be facilitated by Dr. Chris Bart from McMaster University. 5. Question Period There were no questions. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive P. Glenister will conduct a survey for Senate on appropriate convocation attire at other institutions. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee J. Sawler reported that the committee has had three hearings since the last Senate meeting. Another appeal is before the committee and two about which they will be meeting shortly. It is anticipated there may be more following final exams. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Follow-up report on the Review of the Program in Information Technology K. Laurin invited discussion on how to proceed before admitting guests for this item, pointing out concerns regarding the fire code and the permissible number of occupants in the room. Senators commented that they would like the discussion to be as open as possible and as many guests as possible should be in attendance for the full discussion. 4 17 guests were then admitted and two requested to speak when appropriate. K. Laurin gave a brief overview of the procedure to the guests in attendance, indicating that they would be recognized to proceed with their comments and presentation after which Senate would continue with its discussion of the motion. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by S. Mumm that Senate approve the recommendations contained on pages 2 and 3 of the report as distributed. DEFEATED* D. Woolcott gave background on the CAPP report, a follow-up to that submitted to Senate last September, highlighting elements of the original report. The report identified a number of strengths of the program and faculty and the enthusiasm of the students and employers for the program. However, the reviewers noted in their first paragraph the â conundrum that current enrolment levels probably do not justify enhancing the resource base of the program but that without them program quality would continue to suffer.â In its report to Senate in 2006 CAPP, noting that the quality of the program presently is not at a desirable level, identified two main options for this program: that a new program be developed with the Business program and Information Management, or to discontinue the program, offer service courses and keep some courses available generally in the University to students. Option one was strongly recommended and endorsed by CAPP but not by the Business department, so CAPP, recognizing the existing problems and weaknesses identified by the external reviewers coupled with the incapacity of the University to fill those gapsâ new faculty and new technology resourcesâ and the absence of rising enrolment s in the program (only seven graduates in 2006), turned then to option two with enrolment in the program to cease after the fall of 2007 but mandating a transition plan for current students. Senators discussion expressed concerns over a vote happening at the current Senate meeting without giving ample time to review the information, the formation of an ad hoc committee and concerns over the students not receiving a copy of the review or the University not bringing in experts to review the program before the decision to terminate was brought forth. With respect to these matters, there was concern that full and proper procedure was not followed. M. Lyon discussed meetings with the Business department faculty to discuss the merger of the two departments. The Business department felt that was not strategically a good fit for the department and that the INTE department would not be viable within the BBA program. The Business department is looking at a reduction in numbers and were concerned about the effect on current majors. CAPPâ s recommendation #6 directs that discussions take place to encourage offering INTE courses for students in other programs. The crux of the issue is having a program where enrolment is low and dropping and a review that recommends significant upgrades for which there are not adequate resources. Two different CAPP committees have been examining the INTE program for some time and the current committee felt it was not appropriate to wait another 18 months for the report of an externa l review of the Business department. 5 Two guests spoke in support of the INTE department. Brenda Harvey (2000, Cert. IT/BBA, member of Senate and CAPP while a student at MSVU) and Bill Powell (currently enrolled in the IT program and an employee in the IT department at MSVU) spoke about the growing need for IT professionals and their fulfilling experience at MSVU while in the IT program. They asked what the University has done to promote the program within the community before the recommendation to terminate and what attempt was made to contact alumnae with respect to promotion of the IT program. They have found the program to be very valuable and expected to see it continue. Further discussion among Senators raised the issue of meeting the demands in the IT industry with the growth in this sector. The department is now capable of delivering all but one course which is an elective course in the program. Senators were concerned with the number of new faculty hired and the support that the department received. Concern was also expressed over the number of graduates in other programs and those programsâ susceptibility to termination. Moved by R. Zuk, seconded by R. West that votes be recorded and included in the minutes for this vote only. CARRIED Moved by G. MacCarney, seconded by H. Mallette to table the vote until the September meeting of Senate. DEFEATED Moved by M. Raven, seconded by K. Arbuckle to refer the report back to CAPP. DEFEATED Moved by R. Bérard to suspend admission to the program indefinitely. *In support of the main motion: I.Blum, D.Bourne-Tyson, A.Davis, J.Lumsden, M.Lyon, R.MacKay, S.Mumm, J.Sharpe, B.Taylor, P.Watts, M.Whalen, A.Whitewood, D.Woolcott--13 Opposed to the main motion: K.Arbuckle, B.Casey, P.Crouse, N,Kayhani, J.MacLeod, H.Mallette, K.Manning, G.MacCartney, L.Nash, M.Raven, M.Ruck-Simmonds, J.Sawler, S.Seager, R.West, R.Zuk--15 Abstaining: R.Bérard, R.Fisher, L.Steeleâ 3 7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy There was no report 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum There was no report 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) 7.6.1 Professor Emeritus nominations Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by D. Woolcott that Senate move to in camera session. CARRIED Moved by J. MacLeod, seconded by P. Watts that Senate move out of in camera session. CARRIED Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. MacLeod that other agenda items be deferred to the May 4 meeting. CARRIED 6 Amendment Moved by J. MacLeod, seconded by K. Arbuckle that, before adjourning, B. Taylor present his report on Strategic Planning. B. Taylor indicated that, by electronic means, he would shortly distribute to members of Senate his report on the Strategic Planning process. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Hay