MSVU Senate Minutes -- September 29 and October 6 2003

dc.contributor.authorSenate, Mount Saint Vincent University
dc.descriptionSenate Meeting September 29,2003/October 6, 2003 The Meadows 7:30 p.m. Present: S. Brown (Chair), P. Baker, K. Blotnicky, S. Bornemann, B. Casey, K. Darvesh, K. Dewar, S. Drain, R. Farmer, M. Fitzgerald, C. French, F. French, P. Glenister, K. Harding, F. Harrington, C. Hill, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, R. MacNeil, J. McLaren, J. Mills, D. Norris, S. Seager, S. Walker, P. Watts, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott Regrets: S. Medjuck, D. Nevo, P. O'Neill, D. Plumb, L. Steele, L. Theriault Guests: M. MacMillan, A. Manning 1. Approval of Agenda S. Brown welcomed new and returning Senators. A new item was added as 7.1.4 Policy Statement on Academic Implications of Disruptions Due to Hurricane Juan. The order of items 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 was reversed. Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by M. Fitzgerald to approve the agenda. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of April 28, 2003 and May 2, 2003 Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French to approve the Minutes of April 28th, 2003. CARRIED. Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by K. Dewar to approve the Minutes of May 2, 2003. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Changes to Business and Tourism degree requirements, removing ENGL 1120 as a requirement and replacing it with one half unit of Humanities elective (from meeting of April 28, 2003). S. Brown noted that the Chairs of the respective departments are in consultation and this item will come to Senate once those consultations have concluded. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown advised she has written and will be sending out a "President's Letter" containing news of interest to the University community. S. Brown announced K. Dewar has kindly agreed to act as Senate Parliamentarian. 5. Question Period There were no questions. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Senate ratification of the membership of the Senate Executive Committee Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by F. Harrington that B. Casey, K. Darvesh, S. Drain, and D. Norris be elected to Senate Executive. CARRIED. 7.1.2 Notice of Motion: Revision to Byâ Law 14.10 SCOTL S. Brown advised this will be voted on at the October 27th Senate meeting. 7.1.3 Notice of Motion: Revision to Byâ Law 14.12 UREB S. Brown advised this will be voted on at the October 27th Senate meeting. 7.1.4 Policy Statement on Academic Implications of Disruptions Due to Hurricane Juan S. Brown gave the background of events leading to the decision to cancel classes from September 29 to October 3. D. Woolcott led the discussion by summarizing how the policy statement evolved, and reviewed the individual motions. Policy Statement on Academic Implications of Disruptions Due to Hurricane Juan All University academic activities were halted from Monday, September 29 to Friday, October 3 due to power outages on campus and in the greater HRM area, and other fallâ out of the damages caused by Hurricane Juan. The campus lost many trees during the storm, and there was other minor damage to some buildings. The weeklong closure was required to make the campus safe for the return of students, faculty, and staff on October 6, and to allow them to deal with their own situations at home and travel safely to the University. During this period, classes delivered on campus were cancelled, WebCT was unavailable for most of the week, teleconferences were disrupted, and rebroadcast television courses were aired by CLT and ASN but not necessarily received by students. Transmission of rebroadcast courses to Metro cable (Channel 33) did not take place, and no live television courses were taped or transmitted. Senate Executive met on Monday, October 6 and observed the following two principles in discussions leading to the motions below: 1. Academic Integrity Standards normally expected of students should be maintained and normal academic instruction and support should be provided in so far as it is within Senate's powers to do so. 2. Fairness to Students Students are to be treated fairly. In the interest of fairness, students should be fully informed of Senate's policies and actions. Students who feel they have been treated unfairly as a result of any actions taken should take the matter up with the instructor in the first instance, and, if the matter is not resolved, with the Department Chair, the Dean, and the Academic Viceâ President, in that sequence. Students who find that Senate policies are not being adhered to will have recourse to the Academic Appeals procedures as outlined on pages 31â 32 of the 2003/04 Academic calendar which Senate endorses as applicable to circumstances arising in respect of the academic implications of disruptions caused by Hurricane Juan. Motions In accordance with the principles of academic integrity and fairness to students, Senate Executive makes the following recommendations for approval by Senate: 1. The study day (MSVU calendar 2003â 04, p.7) scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 2003 shall be changed to a regular Wednesday teaching day. 2. Wednesday, December 3, 2003 shall remain a Reading Day. 3. Individual instructors may designate November 10th, 2003, already a regular instructional day, according to what best fits their courses. Instructors who may have already designated it for alternative methods of instruction may now wish to make it a class meeting. If so, they should give their students reasonable notice of at least three weeks. This provision is made with the understanding that some students may already have made alternative plans, and, if so, these students should not be disadvantaged. 4. The deadline for assignments due during the weeks of September 29 to October 3, and October 6 to 10, 2003 will be one calendar week later than originally announced for both of the weeks mentioned, with the understanding that Senate urges instructors to show flexibility with particular students' circumstances. Where quizzes and midâ term examinations and tests may have been missed, instructors are encouraged to work with students to accommodate them. 5. Students who find that Senate policies are not being adhered to will have recourse to the Academic Appeals procedures as outlined on pages 31â 32 of the 2003/04 Academic calendar which Senate endorses as applicable to circumstances arising in respect of the academic implications of disruptions caused by Hurricane Juan. P. Watts outlined a variety of scenarios that affected the DLCE program. She suggested that a sixth point be added to accommodate distance courses: "That by October 13 Distance faculty will use the media available for their courses (especially WebCT) to communicate their plan for accommodating students and work with Distance Learning and Continuing Education to make course material available as logistically possible." After some questions and discussion, the policy received minor adjustments and the addition of the sixth point. Moved by S. Seager, seconded by R. MacNeil to endorse this policy statement as altered in the previous discussion. CARRIED. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee There was no report. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1. Public Policy Studies Proposal D. Woolcott advised that this revised proposal is being resubmitted to Senate because of the substantive changes that have been made as a result of the consideration of the original proposal by MPHEC. M. MacMillan reviewed the changes and noted that the revised program was extremely well received by MPHEC. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by J. McLaren that Senate approve the BA (Public Policy Studies) program. CARRIED. S. Seager noted that mathematics should be included under item 3.1.3 Impacts on Other Programs at MSVU. 7.3.2 Report on the Review of the Education Department D. Woolcott introduced the review report for information noting one motion for approval at Senate was contained in the report. In its discussions of the review report, CAPP supported the recommendations of the external reviewers that the Department of Education become a distinct administrative unit. CAPP further endorsed the recommendation that the Department of Education move into a different structure with leadership at the Dean's level. CAPP explored options for how a new structure might evolve and it was concluded that "Faculty" should replace "Division" and that three faculties be approved. S. Brown explained that other motions are likely to arise in due course from the full review of the report. M. Lyon commented on the large selection of programs, range of international professional development activities, and administrative complexity involved in operating the Department. She noted there is a great deal of communication with the Nova Scotia Department of Education on program, governmental, and legislative issues, and with School Boards. The Mount, with the largest education department in the Atlantic Provinces, is the only one without a Dean of Education or a Director of the School of Education who functions as a Dean. For administrative efficiency there should be one person dealing full time with the myriad of issues related to the Education Department. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by M. Lyon that the university create a new administrative framework for its academic departments. CAPP recommends that there be three faculties, each with a dean: Arts and Science, Education, and Professional Studies. CARRIED. A Senator asked whether a time frame had been established for hiring a new Dean of Education. D. Woolcott replied that she would be seeking advice from the President on what time frame would be reasonable. S. Brown said that July 2004 would be the most likely date, so that an orderly transition can occur. A Senator asked whether any other levels of approval are required, or if Senate is free to adopt this new structure on its own. S. Brown noted the Board would want to be informed of Senate's endorsement of this type of structure in order to incorporate it into the business plan, and, ultimately budget approval. There are a number of ramifications in terms of the collective agreement, committee structures, and a variety of policies and operations of the university. S. Brown reinforced the point that education is the program in which the government has more involvement than any other. Between teacher certification, funding formula issues, the length of programs, and the endorsement of which institutions offer which programs, there is considerable correspondence from the Deputy Minister of Education with her office. D. Woolcott commented that in CAPP there was discussion about the role of the Dean of Professional Studies who is also the Dean responsible for Graduate Studies and for Coâ operative Education Programs, both of which are priority areas in the Blueprint document. CAPP saw having the Dean of Professional Studies no longer responsible for Education would allow the position to develop some of the plans in those areas. 7.4 Graduate Studies 7.4.1 Graduate Studies Curriculum Proposal (For Information) Joint M.A. Program in Women's Studies 1) Change in title of GWOM 6605 from Fieldâ Based Learning to Communityâ Based Learning 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum There was no report. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) D. Woolcott reported that CAPTPAA met once to consider rank and status for the University Librarian appointee. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services There was no report. 7.8 Library There was no report. 7.9 Nominations 7.9.1 Elections (For Information) 7.9.2 URC Vacancy (For Information) 7.9.3 Senate Standing Committees Membership (For Ratification) Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by S. Drain that Senate ratify the list of membership as detailed on pages 66 and 67 of the Senate documentation packages. CARRIED. R. MacNeil commented that student appointments to Senate committees were delayed by the storm and he hoped to have them ready in the near future. 7.10 Research and Publications There was no report. 7.11 Student Affairs There was no report. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning There was no report. 7.13 Writing Initiatives There was no report. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships There was no report. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board There was no report 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors P. Baker reported that there have been three regular Board meetings and a retreat since the last Senate meeting. The Board met on May 27 to approve the budget, which passed but not unanimously. The retreat on September 26 and 27 recapped discussions held at the April retreat on governance issues resulting in a list of key responsibilities for the Board's Human Resources Policy Committee. Another part of the retreat dealt with an overview for the Board of the University's submission to Macleans's. The final major components of the retreat were three key strategic priorities for 2003â 2004, identified by Senior Administration: enrolment management, human resource management, and campus facilities. 8.2 Students' Union R. MacNeil reported that the Students' Union is in good financial shape, having ended its fiscal year with a healthy surplus. He advised that the Students' Union Information desk is now offering the graduation gown rental service. A laminator and binding machine have been added to the campus copy services operated by the Students' Union. The Union is working on a proposal to staff the Seton Information Desk with student workers from 10am to 3pm daily, and turn part of Seton level one into a lobby/lounge area. The proposal will be taken for consultation with the Space Utilization and Scheduling Task Force. Consistent with the Students' Union major strategic direction this year to address communication issues, a new website has been launched which includes campus news, pictures, an events calendar, and a new section for coâ op resources. In answer to a Senator's question about whether there would be a section for students not on campus, R. MacNeil affirmed that it is being developed. 9. New Business 9.1 Annual Reports of Senate S. Brown stated that the Annual Reports of Senate Committees will be discussed during the October 27 meeting. She reminded Senators to bring the annual reports distributed to the next meeting. 9.2 Annual Report of Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies (For Information) 9.3 Fall 2003 Graduation List (Confidential Business) Moved by R. MacNeil, seconded by M. Fitzgerald to move to in camera. Senate approved the following degrees, diplomas, and certificates as follows: Certificate in Business Administration (Lyon/MacGillivary) Certificate in Information Technology (Lyon/Mills) Certificate in Marketing (Lyon/Blotnicky) Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management (Lyon/Hill) Diploma in Business Administration (Lyon/MacGillivary) Diploma in Information Technology (Lyon/Casey) Diploma in Information Technology and Computer (Lyon/Casey) Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management (Lyon/Blotnicky) Bachelor of Arts (Lyon/McLaren) Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) (Lyon/Harrington) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Lyon/Dewar) Honours Certificate in Arts (Women's Studies) (Lyon/Baker) Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child & Youth Study) (Lyon/C. French) Bachelor of Applied Arts (Family Studies & Gerontology) (Lyon/Norris) Bachelor of Applied Arts (Information Technology) (Lyon/Casey) (Coâ operative Education Route) Bachelor of Business Administration (Lyon/MacGillivary) Bachelor of Business Administration in Association with Bermuda College (Lyon/MacGillivary) Bachelor of Public Relations (Lyon/Drain) Bachelor of Science (Lyon/Darvesh) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Lyon/Harrington) Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition (Lyon/Woolcott) Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Lyon/Blotnicky) Bachelor of Education (Lyon/F. French) Bachelor of Education in Association with the NS Teachers College (Lyon/F. French) Master of Education (Lyon/F. French) Master of Arts in Education (Lyon/F. French) Research Master of Arts (Lyon/MacNeil) Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study (Lyon/C. French) Master of Arts in Family Studies & Gerontology (Lyon/Norris) Master of Arts in Women's Studies Offered Jointly by Mount Saint Vincent University, Dalhousie University and Saint Mary's University (Lyon/Baker) Master of Science Applied Human Nutrition (Lyon/Woolcott) Master of Arts in School Psychology (Lyon/F. French) Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French that Senate permit the Registrar to add an individual's name if the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation Ceremony and further, to adjust any students' distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by C. Hill to move from in camera. CARRIED. 10. Items for Communication Policy on Academic Implications Due to the Aftermath of Hurricane Juan, Graduation List, Calendar revision, new administrative framework for academic departments and change in nomenclature from "division" to "faculty", reminder that Senators bring their documentation from this meeting to the next meeting, statistics on enrolment by email to Senators, and correspond with MPHEC re Senate's approval of the Public Policy program. 11. Adjournment Moved by F. French to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J. Speirs Acting Recording Secretary of Senateen
dc.titleMSVU Senate Minutes -- September 29 and October 6 2003en
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