MSVU Senate Minutes -- January 28 2002

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Present: S. Brown (Chair), P. Baker, R. Bërard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, K. Clayton, W. Doyle, S. Drain, F. French, F. Harrington, C. Hill, B. King, L. Lewis, M. Lyon, C. Mathieson, J. McLaren, S. Medjuck, L. Neilsen, D. Nevo, N. Parsons, S. Perrott, T. Roberts, E. Rosenthal, L. Steele, L. Theriault, P. Watts, A. Whitewood, J. Woodsworth Regrets: S. Bruhm, B. Casey, P. Glenister, K. Kienapple Guests: R. Jeppesen, G. Logan 1. Approval of Agenda S. Brown welcomed returning members of Senate and introduced new members, P. Baker, and N. Parsons. Moved by W. Doyle, seconded by S. Boyd, that the Agenda of January 28, 2002, be approved as circulated. CARRIED 2. Approval of Minutes of November 26, 2001 Moved by B. King, seconded by T. Roberts, that the minutes of November 26, 2001, be approved as amended. CARRIED Under item, the word "revision" in the first sentence was changed to "revisions" Under Graduate Studies item a) Rationale for changes in Graduate Adult Education should be approved as "Proposed changes to the M.Ed. Program" and item b) should be approved as "Proposed changes to requirements for the MAEd Program. Under item 7.4, the name in the fourth sentence was changed from P. Watts to J. Woodsworth. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes As passed by Senate the prerequisites for CULS 3310 and 3311 are "CULS 2201 or permission of the instructor and coordinator of the program." S. Medjuck clarified for Senators the prerequisites for CULS 3310 and 3311 should be phrased using the words "and coordinator" and not "or coordinator". She indicated it is anticipated that most students will have the 2201 prerequisite and a minority of students will be impacted by the other prerequisites. S. Medjuck indicated that because this is not a Department and there may be various people that could potentially teach this course, the Program Coordinator requested to have the final say on whether or not students can take the Special Topics course. A Senator added that one of the reasons for having this phrasing is to assist students, the instructor of the course and the program coordinator. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown commented on the federal budget announced in December. She shared the significant inclusion of a provision for indirect costs of research for universities. S. Brown indicated universities had hoped that there would be an ongoing commitment of funds ($200 million) and indicated that she is hopeful there will be some ongoing provisions for indirect costs. S. Brown communicated that extra funds have been made available to the three granting councils, but that SSHRC received a small proportion of the total allocated. She shared some disappointment in the lack of funds for university infrastructure. 5. Question Period A Senator mentioned a newspaper supplement on education that appeared in the local paper and inquired about the mention of MSVU. R. Jeppesen commented that the articles referred to were part of Nova Scotia Business Review and that an extensive MSVU article appeared in the Business section of the paper a week prior. She mentioned that the Mount topics of business expansion and prior learning assessment were highlighted in the article. S. Brown commented that some concerns were expressed in the previous year about the Mountâ s presence in specific sections like Business, Science, and Technology. She indicated that the article in the Business section was positive and that the Mount was continuing to heighten awareness within the limitations of the advertising budget. A Senator questioned the minor revision in budget to charitable donations and the impact on the university. S. Brown indicated that the details could be reviewed by contacting her office. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive There was no report. 7.2 Academic Appeals There was no report. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning J. Woodsworth informed Senate that the revised Academic Plan is now available on the Intranet and that it continues to be discussed. She encouraged Senators to consult the version of the Academic Plan on the Intranet, to discuss it within departmental meetings, and to forward comments to her as Chair of CAPP. A Senator asked if it was possible to put the draft of the Academic Plan on the Agenda for March. It was agreed to place on both the March and April Agendas. 7.4 Committee on Teaching and Learning J. Woodsworth reminded Senators that the deadline for the Instructional Leadership Award is February 15, 2002. S. Brown commented that there are many worthy candidates and urged Committee members to communicate the importance of this institutional award. She explained that if there is an Instructional Leadership Award presented, the recipient is then eligible for the AAU Regional Instructional Leadership Award. 7.5 Graduate Studies M. Lyon reported the Graduate Studies Committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting and they worked on a submission and recommendations to CAPP with respect to Graduate Studies for inclusion in the Academic Plan. M. Lyon shared that the Graduate Calendar is ready for publication. 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.6.1 Undergraduate Curriculum (for information) (documentation attached) S. Medjuck reported the following undergraduate curriculum changes for information Political/Canadian Studies a) POLS 2203, New Course Number (POLS 2219) Psychology a) PSYC 3315, New Description 7.6.2 Undergraduate Curriculum (for action) (documentation attached) English a) Addition of New Courses i. ENGL 2255 - Postcolonial Literature I: Colonies of Intervention (half unit) ii. ENGL 2256 - Postcolonial Literature II: Settler/Invader Colonies (half unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain, the addition of ENGL 2255, Postcolonial Literature I: Colonies of Intervention and ENGL 2256, Postcolonial Literature II: Settler/Invader Colonies. CARRIED iii. ENGL 3380 - Studies in Literature and Film (half unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain, the addition of ENGL 3380: Studies in Literature and Film. CARRIED iv. ENGL 3354 - Issues in Modern Canadian Literature and Theory (one unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain, the addition of ENGL 3354: Issues in Modern Canadian Literature and Theory. CARRIED b) Deletion of courses i. ENGL 1161 - Masterpieces of Western Literature II (half unit) ii. ENGL 3353 - Issues in Modern Canadian Literature (one unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain, the deletion of ENGL 1161: Masterpieces of Western Literature II and the deletion of ENGL 3353: Issues in Modern Canadian Literature. CARRIED History and Political/Canadian Studies Cross-listing of Courses i. POLS/HIST 2219 - Canadian Foreign Policy (half unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. McLaren the cross-listing of POLS 2219 with HIST 2219. CARRIED b) Addition of a New Course i. POLS 2244 - Contemporary World Events and Issues (half unit) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by L. Steele, the addition of POLS 2244: Contemporary World Events and Issues. CARRIED 7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services E. Rosenthal reported that the Committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting and is preparing a Computer Research Policy. She reported that remote access for faculty and students is still being tested. E. Rosenthal updated Senate on the installation of new computers for parttime faculty members. A Senator inquired as to whether or not there are any plans to install new printers. E. Rosenthal explained that such requests are made either departmentally or through the capital budget. 7.9 Nominations 7.9.1 Nominations for Senate Approval I. Blum reported that the Committee continues to seek appointments for vacant positions. Moved by I. Blum, seconded by D. Nevo, the approval of the committee assignments as detailed in the attached memorandum. 7.10 Library F. French reported that the Senate Library Committee has met once since the last Senate meeting. He informed Senators that H. MacRae was elected Chair. F. French communicated to Senate that the SLC discussed three issues: 1) the Libraryâ s report to CAPP on the Academic Plan, 2) the Library Research Award, and 3) the impact of the facilities expansion project on the Library. The Committee agreed to discuss some of these concerns in greater detail and it is anticipated that recommendations will be drafted for discussion at Senate. 7.11 Research and Publications C. Mathieson reported that the Committee on Research and Publications has just completed the first pass of the January Internal Grant Competition. She informed Senators of upcoming awards for consideration, the Award for Research Excellence (Nominations due February 1, 2002) and the Award for Student Assistantship (Application deadline, January 31, 2002). 7.12 Student Affairs There was no report. 7.13 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships L. Theriault reported that the Committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting and is currently reviewing the process for the in-course scholarship awards and the role of faculty nominations in that process. She indicated the Committee has received 488 bursary applications and it is anticipated the award recipients should be notified prior to the February Break. She indicated that there are slightly more applicants this year compared to last. L. Theriault announced that guidance councillors were scheduled to meet for their annual luncheon on the Mount campus January 29, 2002 (estimated attendance of 30). She reminded Senators that the campus open day for new students is scheduled for February 8, 2002. 7.14 Writing Initiatives Committee S. Drain reported that the Writing Initiatives Committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting. They have organized with the financial support of the AVP a very informative Brown Bag Lunch on Academic Integrity, Web Resources, and Plagiarism. With the additional financial support of the Studentsâ Union, three more Brown Bag Lunches will take place through February and March, all on various aspects of plagiarism prevention. The Task Force on a Foundation/Transition course wishes Senators to know that its work is well launched, and that for ease of reference, the project is now known as the "First-Year Seminar." 7.15 University Research Ethics Board S. Perrott reported that the UREB has met twice since the last Senate meeting. He shared that the Committee is busy smoothing out procedures and policies and setting parameters around what falls under the auspices of the UREB. Ethics proposals continue to come in for Committee review. S. Perrott informed Senate that the UREB is attempting to add to the Mountâ s Ethics Guidelines to ensure consistency with the Tri-Council Guidelines on Research Involving Humans. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors P. Baker reported that the Board of Governors met in December and there was a discussion around the Macleanâ s rankings of universities. She noted the Mountâ s focus on advancing the Blueprint and how this might further improve rankings based on the criteria established. 8.2 Studentsâ Union L. Lewis reported that the Annual Winter Carnival had just finished, proving very successful. She indicated attendance was up from the previous year and highlighted some of the key events. L. Lewis recognized the contributions of students and Aramark who helped make the event a success. L. Lewis announced the Studentsâ Union has a new Vice President of Finance, Jeremy Oâ Dell. She indicated she hoped to have a candidate representing part-time students by the next Senate meeting. L. Lewis informed Senate that the Studentsâ Union has a new calendar and that the Studentsâ Union will support the NSAC on February 6 in appealing to government for reinvestment in education. 9. New Business There was no new business. 10. Items for Communication S. Brown asked if changes to the Education Program would make it into the new calendar. S. Medjuck said she would investigate whether this would be possible. S. Brown indicated that new Committee members should be notified of appointments and the policies and procedures to be followed. 11. Adjournment Moved by W. Doyle, that the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m. CARRIED