MSVU Senate Minutes -- February 1 2010 | Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University | | | 2010-04-15T18:09:37Z | | | 2010-04-15T18:09:37Z | | | 2010-04-15T18:09:37Z | |
dc.description | Senate Meeting February 1, 2010 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes Present: R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, K. Darvesh, M. Finney, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, L. Herrington, E. Hicks, B. Jessop, N. Kayhani, K. Kienapple, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, B. MacInnes, J. MacLeod, M. MacMillan, L. Mann, A. McDonough (Chair), J. Neilson, S. Perrott, I. Pottie, C. Schneider, J. Sharpe, G. Solomon, L. Steele, B. Taylor, J. Tucker- Johnston, D. Varga, S. Walsh, P. Watts, R. Zuk Regrets: R. Bagg, R. Farmer, R. Gechtman, J. Hollett, R. Warne Guest: Kelly Gallant 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. Harrington with the agreement of Senators that Item 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree candidates (Confidential Business) be discussed following Item 7.5. CARRIED 2.1 Approval of Minutes of November 9, 2009 Moved by K. Darvesh, seconded by L. Steele the approval of the minutes of November 9, 2009 with the following changes: Page 2, Item 4, Presidentâ s Announcements, line 10, expand BARA (Borrow Anywhere, Return Anywhere); Page 5, Item, line 3, replace â CHYS 3370â with â the Food Safety Courseâ ; Page 7, Item 7.13 second sentence should read: â One of the challenges is the editing of the proceedings and SCOTL has asked if anyone would be willing to be involved in editing.â ; and the adjustment of additional minor typographical errors. CARRIED 2.2 Approval of Minutes of November 30, 2009 Moved by S. Walsh, seconded by P. Watts with the following changes: Page 2, Item 5, paragraph beginning on line 10 should read: â S. Walsh asked about the Policies and Procedures document developed for the Graduate Admissions and Program Committee in Graduate Women and Gender Studies. She wondered why the document has not moved forward as the program is undergoing a review this year.â ; Page 3, Item 5, line 12 â challengesâ should read â changesâ ; Page 5, Item 7.3.2, line 14 should end: â â ¦ within a 12-18 month period.â ; Page 5, Item 7.3.3, final line â three to fourâ should read â a minimum of 13 weeks.â ; and the adjustment of additional minor typographical errors. CARRIED 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Collaboration Agreement between MSVU and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China 2 There was no report. 3.2 Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Pandemic There was no report. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements A. McDonough expressed her thanks for the response from the University Community for their initiatives and participation in community and on-campus events. She spoke on the community meetings around public policy decisions, in particular the Budget Consultation meetings, being held by government and MSVUâ s role in these discussions. She encouraged Senators to bring any ideas they may have regarding these meetings to herself, Brian Jessop, or Dr. Mary Lyon. She also discussed the roundtable hosted by herself, Rita Deverell and women from the Aboriginal community to discuss the education of Aboriginal Women. She invited B. Jessop to speak on some of the physical changes happening around the Mount. B. Jessop spoke on capital projects and the Knowledge Infrastructure Program, a $3.4 million program, offered between the Provincial and Federal governments. At the Mount, upgrades will be done on the science labs and the Chapel area will be renovated. It is anticipated that work will be done by fall semester. There is also a Facility Improvement Initiative, an energy efficiency initiative, for improving savings on water, electricity and oil, an estimated savings of $300,000 per year. The steam plant will convert to a dual-fuel system of oil and natural gas. There has been an increase in sustainability on campus with the addition of recycling and sorting bins and water fountains converted to water spouts for water bottles. He also commented that H1N1 numbers were below 7-8% of resident students which is below reported numbers from other universities. Renovations have been completed over the last few months at 2 Melody Dr., the Rosaria gymnasium roof, the Assisi roof, Seton lobby, EMF entry door replacements, handicap accessible doors added for Rosaria and EMF and a number of painting projects. 5. Question Period L. Mann asked B. Jessop to elaborate on the work being done to the Chapel. B. Jessop responded that the chapel will have another floor added, and an elevator will be installed. A Multi-faith centre will be created as well as learning labs and a Graduate Studies area. C. Schneider commented that the university community would have been informed earlier in the process of renovating the Chapel since the Chapel is a part of the Mountâ s identity. B. Jessop agreed and mentioned that communication is in preparation now. R. Bérard stated that there was a multi-faithed prayer room established in Seton which seems to be underutilized. J. Neilson commented that initially this was multi-faith but has become a Muslim prayer room and those students have requested a larger space. A. McDonough recognized the issue of sensitivity surrounding the transition of the chapel, but noted that in her conversations with the Sisters of Charity, they indicate that they are welcoming the changes being proposed for the Chapel. C. Schneider noted the importance of the Chapel in the Mountâ s history and felt that the community should have been more informed on the redevelopment of this space instead of allowing for rumors about the changes taking place. J. Tucker-Johnston asked what would happen to the stained-glassed windows in the Chapel. B. Jessop responded that they are trying to build some of the glass into the new worship space and donate to local churches if required. A. McDonough noted that any suggestions regarding the stained glass would be appreciated. R. Zuk asked where matters stood with respect to the proposed discontinuation of the Information Technology and Family Studies programs. M. Lyon commented that recommendations were sent to departments, and departments have been advised that this is coming to Senate. To date, Family Studies has provided a written response to CAPP. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business 3 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Ratification of Senate representative on Vice-President (Academic) Search Committee Motion that Senate elect Dr. Donovan Plumb as Senate Representative on the Search Committee for Vice-President Academic. Moved by J. Neilson, seconded by L. Mann CARRIED 7.1.2 Notice of Motion: Add Rule of Order 2.4 to Senate By-laws 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee B. McInnes reported that no appeals have come forward. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning (CAPP) 7.3.1 Policy and procedures for the temporary suspension of admissions in academic programs Moved M. Lyon, seconded by B. Taylor that Senate approve the Policy and Procedures for the Temporary Suspension of Admission in Academic Programs M. Lyon indicated that the intent is a policy that is transparent, consistent, and allows for appropriate communication with all persons affected: the department, Senate, and external stakeholders. The document makes clear the communications and procedures that will take place. R. Zuk requested clarification on the involvement of the Joint Senate Board Committeeâ s role in the procedure. She mentioned that the Terms of Reference for the Joint Senate Board Committee do not include a role to make recommendations to Senate and felt that this part of the procedure should be dropped from the document. M. Lyon responded that this step would be a discussion between members of the Board and Senate. She noted the committee has met twice since its inception in 1980 and its purpose is to communicate discussions held at the Board to Senate. J. Neilson commented that if the committee has only met twice since its inception it seems unusual that Senate confer such power to this committee. B. Jessop responded that the opportunity is to promote communication in an official manner between Senate and the Board. G. Solomon wondered if it was possible to have student representation on the Joint Senate Board Committee, noting there is currently no student representation. M. Lyon responded that there are student representatives on CAPP and Senate. G. Solomon felt the Joint Senate Board Committee was a committee where major decisions could be discussed and felt student representation to be crucial. J. Neilson suggested that Senate review the Terms of Reference for CAPP to approve an additional student representative. This would allow for more representation from the students in the decision-making process. L. Steele suggested that the wording under the proposed section C. Procedures, 6 read: The Joint Board Committee will communicate CAPPâ s recommendation to Senate. I. Blum noted that the Joint Senate Board Committee is not a committee established by Senate, but he believed was established by the Board and that Senators are invited to sit on it; it has a communication role. The committee has never been seen as a decision making committee since there are no terms of reference for the committee in making recommendations and, consequently, the committee has no role suitable to make recommendations in the processes of temporarily suspending a program. M. MacMillan spoke on the different roles that the Board and Senate have and wondered what this procedure suggests regarding CAPPâ s role in the decision making process concerning academic programs. G. Solomon emphasized that two students are necessary on CAPP in order to enable discussion between the student representatives and to have the studentsâ perspective included in CAPP discussions. 4 M. Lyon expressed that this would require changes to Senate By-laws. She will ask CAPP to consider this. K. Darvesh discussed the language in the policy, noting that the Board had the authority in consultation with Senate to establish, maintain or approve the suspension of faculties and departments within the university. R. Bérard commented that the role of the Joint Board Senate Committee should come in after it has come to Senate. He noted that under the proposed section C. Procedures, 8 the policy gives the final decision to the President. He felt that communication between all areas is important. J. MacLeod commented that during his time on the Joint Senate Board Committee he had attended the two meeting noted earlier. He noted that it is not a decision making committee but a communication vehicle. He suggested that CAPP look at the role of the Joint Senate Board Committee. N. Kayhani was concerned over the wording under the proposed section B. Principles regarding recommendations coming from CAPP. She commented that Senate should act in the form of a motion, not a recommendation. K. Darvesh commented on the struggles of putting together the language in this policy and noted that under the proposed section C. Procedures, 4 CAPPâ s submission is brought to Senate; perhaps the Joint Senate Board Committee may not be the correct committee if it is only a means of communication. M. Lyon commented that CAPP was trying to find a way to make the policy transparent with communication around decisions. She indicated that the proposed section C. Procedures, 5 and 6 are essential to the policy. CAPP wanted to ensure communication with all involved parities and input into decisions. She suggested that given the amount of feedback it could be amended or sent back to CAPP. J. Tucker-Johnston also wanted to comment on the proposed section B. Principles of the document noting that the word â normallyâ when discussing the terms of suspension seem vague and wondered if â no more than 2 yearsâ might be preferable. M. Lyon responded that within the 2 year period was the intention. She noted that if a suspension continued for more than two years CAPP has to make a recommendation to extend the term. L. Mann commented that she was pleased to see the proposed Policy and Procedures come forward. She suggested that it go back to CAPP for revision. She noted there were concerns about the President initiating the recommendation and being able to approve the recommendation at the end of the process. M. MacMillan commented on the possibility of extending suspensions. He would like to encourage the thought that suspension be limited to a two year time frame. M. Lyon wanted to clarify M. MacMillanâ s suggestion that the period of temporary suspension be for a period of 2 years at which time a decision is to be made. M. MacMillan agreed that this was the intent of his statement. J. Neilson wanted to ensure that students are informed of temporary suspensions and able to be engaged in the entire process and in the communication plan. S. Walsh wanted to suggest wording for the proposed section B. Principles, paragraph 2, sentence 1: â In making recommendations, all parties will take into account â ¦ â B. Taylor reminded Senate that if a program is suspended, the Registrar identifies the students in a program and sends messages to all students affected, inviting them to meetings attended by the Dean, Academic Advising Staff, and Registrar. Each student who attends or makes an appointment is given a personal program review. Motion to refer the Senate Policy and Procedures for the Temporary Suspension of Admission in Academic Programs back to CAPP for further review. Moved by M. MacMillan, seconded by L. Mann. CARRIED S. Walsh asked for clarification on the sequence of the proposed Policies and Procedures, specifically with respect to the discontinuation policy and the temporary suspension policy. 5 M. Lyon responded that Senate had already approved the Policy for discontinuation of programs and, as a result of the previous motion, a revised policy for temporary suspension of programs will return to Senate, but no programs can be suspended until the policy is in place. 7.3.2 Proposal to offer combined major degrees (B.A. and B.Sc.) Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve the combined major BA and BSc degrees. CARRIED J. Sharpe gave background on the process of developing the combined major degrees which was discussed by CAPP. A proposal was sent out to departments; responses from departments were used when designing the structure of the program. 7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee 7.4.1 Deferral of Admission Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum that applications for deferral of graduate admission be submitted prior to registering in a course. CARRIED K. Kienapple indicated the change would better accommodate students being admitted throughout the academic year. 7.5 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee K. Kienapple reported that reviews of the SSHRC applications for student funding is complete. MSVU has submitted the names of 4 candidates and 1 alternate. He also announced a notification from SSRHC that the alternate submitted last year has received a scholarship under that Graduate program. Moved by J. Neilson, seconded by R. Bérard to move in camera to discuss Item 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree candidates. CARRIED Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by S. Perrott to come out of confidential session. CARRIED 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.6.1 Changes to existing programs (for approval) Economics Minor Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by N. Kayhani that Senate approve the changes to the minor in Economics. CARRIED Sociology/Anthropology new course SOAN 4490, Senior Seminar (0.5 unit) Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by M. MacMillan that Senate approve the addition of a new course in Sociology/Anthropology (SOAN 4490). CARRIED 7.6.2 Changes to existing programs (for information) Psychology 3313 new prerequisites 7.7 Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.8 Information Technology and Services There was no report. 7.9 Library D. Bourne-Tyson reported that every three years the Library conducts a survey called LibQual. Information will be forwarded via email tomorrow. The Library encourages students to complete 6 the survey as improvements to Library services and contents were taken from the suggestions of past surveys. 7.10 Nominations L. Mann reported that the second call for faculty elections will be in mailboxes tomorrow. She anticipates elections to occur in two weeks. The call for nominations for Senate elected committees has begun and notifications will be forthcoming. 7.11 Research and Publications F. Harrington reminded Senators that MSVU Research Day is Wednesday, February 10. 7.12 Student Experience There was no report. 7.13 Teaching and Learning (SCOTL) P. Watts reported that the AAU Teaching Showcase will be held at UPEI. The call for nominations for the Instructional Leadership Award and Teaching Innovation Award has been made; the deadline is March 1. There was also a call to faculty for suggestions of themes for Faculty Day. The next meeting will adjudicate the Presidentâ s Visiting Lecture Series applications. 7.14 Writing Initiatives P. Watts reported that a notice for the â Writing Open Houseâ went out last week to all faculty to share information and strategies for teaching writing. It would also be an opportunity to meet the Writing Resource Centre Coordinator, Crystal McCormick. 7.15 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships B. McInnes reported that the committee will be meeting next week. J. Tucker-Johnston commented that there is only one scholarship available for transfer students and wondered why there were not more opportunities for funding for this sector of the student population. B. McInnes responded that the committee is looking at how to increase awards to transfer students. 7.16 University Research Ethics Board There was no report. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Studentsâ Union J. Neilson reported that tomorrow night is the Studentâ s Unionâ s Annual General Meeting to include discussion of the financial report and an overhaul of the constitution. There has been fundraising for Relief in Haiti with more events planned for the upcoming weeks. R. Bérard wondered as to the state of relations between MSVUâ s Studentsâ Union and the Canadian Federation of Students. J. Neilson reported that the state of affairs is better for MSVU than UPEI. 8.2 Destination 2012 Implementation A. McDonough reported that there was one meeting before Christmas and another is scheduled for next week. 8.3 Joint Board-Senate Liaison There was no report. 8.4 Administrative Search Committees M. MacMillan reported that the Presidential Search Committee is scheduled to meet next week. 7 M. Lyon reported that the Search Committee for the Associate Vice-President Research has established a short list which will be announced as soon as possible and expects candidates on campus in February. The Search Committee for the Vice-President Academic has met; the call for nominations and the position positing has gone out. The short list will not be established until some time in March. K. Darvesh reported that the Search Committee for the Deans will be announcing the short list soon. She encouraged faculty to attend the open presentations of the candidates and to provide their feedback to the committees. 9. New Business 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree candidates (Confidential Business) Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by L. Steele to hear results of the Selection of Honorary Degree candidates. CARRIED Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by B. Jessop to come out of confidential session. CARRIED 10. Items for Communication Approval of the combined majors in the BA and BSc degrees Graduate Studies Calendar entry change to Deferral of Admissions Changes to the Economics minor New course SOAN 4490, Senior Seminar (0.5 unit) PSYC 3313 new prerequisite 11. Adjournment Moved by J. MacLeod to adjourn the meeting at 9:54 pm Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Black | en |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en |
dc.title | MSVU Senate Minutes -- February 1 2010 | en |
dc.type | Other | en |