MSVU Senate Minutes -- November 29 2004

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting November 29, 2004 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: S. Brown (Chair), K. Blotnicky, I. Blum, C. Brushett, K. Darvesh, A. Davis, K. Dewar, S. Drain, L. Evans, R. Farmer, R. Fisher, M. Fitzgerald, F. French, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, E. Hicks, C. Hill, N. Kayhani, B. King, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, S. Medjuck, J. Mills, D. Plumb, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, L. Theriault, P. Watts, J. West, M. Whalen, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott. Regrets: C. French, P. Fielding, S. Seager, S. Walker 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by M. Fitzgerald, seconded by C. Brushett to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of November 1, 2004 The Minutes were corrected as follows: Page 3, 3rd line under 7.3.2 â WFâ to read â WPâ ; Page 4, â New Perspectivesâ to read â Pre-requisitesâ ; Page 7, 1st line under 7.12 insert â saidâ after â P. Wattsâ ; 8.2, 4th line â Julia Pistolâ should read â Julia Pestillâ . Moved by L. Steele, seconded by J. West to approve the Minutes of November 1, 2004 as corrected. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 By-law revisions 3.1.1 By-law 12.8 Voting Procedures for Honorands (Notice of Motion given at October 4, 2004 Senate Meeting) S. Brown noted two corrections that Senate Executive had made to the proposed By-law revision (line 2 of 12.1.1 â anytimeâ to read â any timeâ , and line 4 of 12.1.4 â senatorsâ to read â Senatorsâ ). Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Drain that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the revisions to Senate By-law 12 Voting Procedures for Honorards be approved. CARRIED. 3.1.2 By-law 14.7 Membership : Nominations Committee (Notice of Motion given at November 1, 2004 Senate Meeting) Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by F. French that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the proposed revisions to Senate By-law 14.7 Membership: Nominations Committee be approved. CARRIED. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements S. Brown noted that the Campaign School for women interested in seeking office at the municipal, provincial or federal level, offered through a partnership of the University with the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on Women, had been a great success. She commented on the impressive range of diversity of the women attending, the wonderful level of enthusiasm for the program and the likelihood of there being a desire to hold another Campaign School as clearly this one was very well received. She then commented on the ongoing work that the universities have collectively been engaged in along with the Deputy Minister to try and find the basis for a Memorandum of Understanding. They are now close to finalizing the agreement which will then require the approval of the various University Boards and of the Provincial Cabinet. Once finalized, she noted that details of the Memorandum of Understanding would be shared. She then referred to the major gathering over this past weekend around the Halifax Regional Municipality planning exercise which initiative was under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce. In all there were six different committees included with the role and impact of post-secondary education institutions being one of them. All committees have now reported and further discussions will now occur on their recommendations. She noted that there was a great deal of time and talent extended on this initiative and it is encouraging for the universities to have received recognition of their importance to the region and how they contribute to research and development, to the education of Nova Scotians, to attracting international students, and are central to, and engaged with, the economic future of the HRM. 5. Question Period No questions were raised. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Senate Representation on the Presidential Search Committee S. Brown noted that further to the letter from the Chairman of the Board which Senators had received regarding the Presidential Search Committee, a memorandum from the Senate Nominations Committee recommending the election of a Senate representative on the Presidential Search Committee would be considered later in the meeting as part of the Nominations Committee report. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee In addition to the appeal mentioned at the November 1, 2004 Senate Meeting, the Academic Appeals Committee has received one more appeal. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 B.Ed in Association with Nova Scotia Teachers College: Time Extension Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve an extension until 2012 of the B.Ed. in Association with Nova Scotia Teachers College. CARRIED. 7.3.2 Grading Scale â Undergraduate D. Woolcott observed the current undergraduate grading scale uses an alpha system with an informal understanding of numerical equivalencies that results in some inconsistencies in interpretation of grades. She explained that CAPPâ s proposal to change the undergraduate 2 grading scale represents an endeavour to remove inconsistencies and be helpful by providing clearer descriptors for the different grades. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by M. Fitzgerald that Senate approve the revised Undergraduate Grading Scale as presented. Senate then engaged in a substantial discussion of the proposed undergraduate grading scale. A wide range of questions and comments arose during the review of the proposal with members of CAPP responding to concerns raised regarding perceived potential for grade inflation and expressed difficulty with some of the descriptor wording. The need to have the proposed grading scale information contained in the University Calendar written in a manner that would make it as easy as possible for students to understand was noted. Having confirmed that all who wished to comment had done so, the President then requested that proposed changes be formalized with an amendment. An amendment to the motion was then moved by M. Whalen, seconded by C. Brushett to revise the second sentence of the B grade descriptor by inserting the word â thoroughâ before â knowledgeâ . CARRIED A proposed adjustment to the numerical guidelines to achieve a better balance was withdrawn after being deemed to be a major change, rather than a friendly amendment to the motion that was on the floor. An amendment to the motion was then moved by S. Drain, seconded by J. Gordon to revise the A+ descriptor by deleting the words â the ability to apply theâ [course material] and replacing them with â a more than thorough knowledge of theâ [course material]. DEFEATED. The President then called for a vote on the original motion with the addition of the approved friendly amendment to insert the word â thoroughâ before â knowledgeâ . CARRIED. 7.3.3 Academic Calendar Dates for 2005-2006 D. Woolcott noted that the Academic Calendar Dates for 2005-2006 prepared by the Registrar had used the revised Guidelines for Setting Academic Calendar dates approved by Senate in April, 2003. The dates which have been distributed to Senate are for information and have received the approval of the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. 7.4 Graduate Studies 7.4.1 MA School Psychology Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French that Senate approve the proposal to change the course number, title, calendar description and unit value of GSPY 6800 Educational Perspectives for the School Psychologist. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French that Senate approve the proposal to delete GSPY 6848 Practicum in Strategies for Managing Behavioural Concerns. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French that Senate approve the proposal to delete the now redundant Professional Seminar (non-credit). CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French that Senate approve the proposed changes in the program requirements for MA School Psychology. CARRIED. 7.4.2 Graduate Adult Education Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposal to change the name and calendar description for the graduate program in â Adult Educationâ to â Studies in Lifelong Learningâ . The rationale for the proposed change was explained and questions were responded to during the ensuing discussion. It was explained that the intent of this proposed change is to make clearer to prospective students, and others, the kind of issues and concepts that are covered in the program. CARRIED. 3 Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposal to change the course designations from (GAED to GSLL), course names and calendar descriptions for the following courses: GAED 6201 Introduction to Adult Education I: Historical Legacy GAED 6202 Introduction to Adult Education II: Contemporary Perspectives GAED 6211 Adult Education and Culture GAED 6212 Adult Education Methods GAED 6213 Adult Education, Race and Culture GAED 6214 Community Education & Development GAED 6215 Continuing Professional Education GAED 6216 Creating the Educative Workplace GAED 6218 International Adult Education GAED 6219 Lifespan Development GAED 6220 Policy Issues in Adult Education GAED 6222 Social Issues in Adult Education GAED 6256/6257/6258 Special Topics in Adult Education GAED 6290 Practicum in Lifelong Learning The motion CARRIED. Proposal to add the following new courses: Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6200 Introduction to Studies in Lifelong Learning which will replace GAED 4203. CARRIED Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6206 Lifelong Learning Processes. CARRIED Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6207 Graduate Seminar in Lifelong Learning which will replace GAED 6204. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6217 Lifelong Learning in Post-Secondary Institutions which will replace GAED 6217. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6221 Designing Contexts for Lifelong Learning which will replace GAED 6221. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the addition of a new course: GSLL 6223 Feminist Perspectives in Lifelong Learning. CARRIED. Proposal to delete the following courses: Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the deletion of the following courses: GAED 6203 Theoretical Foundations of Adult Education: Research Perspectives GAED 6204 Theoretical Foundations of Adult Education: Critical Perspectives GAED 6217 Educating Adults in Community Colleges GAED 6211 Program Design in Adult Education GAED 6252/6254/6255 Research Seminar in Adult Education. The motion CARRIED. Proposal to change program requirements: Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposal to change the program requirements for the MEd in Studies in Lifelong Learning. CARRIED. 4 A correction was made at the top of page 64 of the meeting material for the course number for Introduction to Studies in Lifelong Learning to read GSLL6200. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposal to change program requirements for the MAEd in Studies in Lifelong Learning. CARRIED. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (for approval) Womenâ s Studies S. Medjuck noted the proposed changes are a consequence of a curricular review by the Womenâ s Studies Department. D. Woolcott and S. Medjuck both commended the Department for this initiative. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the proposed change to existing program requirements for the Major, Advanced Major and Honours degrees. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the proposed changes to the following existing courses: WOMS 1110 Focus on Women I, and WOMS 1112 Focus on Women II. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the proposed changes to the following existing courses: WOMS 3311 History of Feminist Thought, and WOMS 3312 Contemporary Feminist Thought. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the proposed changes to WOMS 2381 Women and Caregiving: Past, Present, Future. CARRIED. Information Technology Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by R. Farmer that Senate approve the proposed deletion of course INTE 2270 Telecommunications (0.5 unit) Technologies and Applications. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Mills that Senate approve the proposed change to existing program requirements for the BAA (IT) program with the addition to the course exclusion list of PBRL 2013 Communication: Theory and Practice. CARRIED. Child and Youth Study Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve the proposed change to the existing program: Addition of pre-requisite to Calendar description. CARRIED. Mathematics Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the proposed deletion of the following course: MATH 2210 Intermediate Calculus (1 unit). CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the proposed addition of two new courses: MATH2211 Intermediate Calculus I (0.5 unit) and MATH 2212 Intermediate Calculus (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the proposed addition of a new course: CMPS/MATH 3333 Graph Theory and Applications (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the addition of a new course: MATH 3307 Intermediate Mathematical Statistics (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the change to existing program requirements for the Major, Advanced Major and Honours degrees with the addition of CMPS 1155 as a requirement to all Mathematics degrees. CARRIED. J. West proposed an amendment that MATH 2210 be deleted and MATH 2211 and MATH 2212 be added to the requirements in the Proposed New Calendar Descriptions. The amendment was accepted, and the motion CARRIED as amended. 5 Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the proposed changes to the following existing courses: MATH 1103 Pre Calculus II: Transcendental Functions, MATH 1113 Introductory Calculus I, MATH 1114 Introductory Calculus II, MATH 1131 Discrete Mathematics, MATH 2202 Introduction to Probability, MATH 2207 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, MATH 2221 Linear Algebra I, MATH 2222 Linear Algebra II, and MATH 3325 Abstract Algebra II. CARRIED. History Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Dewar that Senate approve the proposed change to existing program requirements for the Honours degree and Honours certificate with new calendar descriptions. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Dewar that Senate approve the proposed changes to HIST 4499, Honours Thesis. CARRIED. Applied Human Nutrition Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the proposed change to the existing program by the addition of pre-requisites to Calendar description. CARRIED. Speech and Drama Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the proposed deletion of courses: SPDR 2222 Persuasion Theory and Practice (0.5 unit) and SPDR 3306 Canadian Theatre History (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by B. King that Senate approve the proposed changes to existing courses: SPDR 2205 Voice and Speech, SPDR 2211 Introduction to Public Speaking, and SPDR 2206/FINE 2206 Drama. CARRIED. Chemistry/Physics Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate approve the proposed addition of new courses: Introductory Quantum Chemistry (CHEM 3301) and Experimental Methods (PHYS 2260). CARRIED. It was agreed that the reference to â (see also Phys 2230)â in the course name for Introductory Quantum Chemistry would be deleted and that the words â and eitherâ would be inserted before â CHEM 2301 or CHEM 2302â under Prerequisites. The motion CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate approve the proposed changes to existing courses: PHYS 2230 Modern Physics, PHYS 2210 Waves and Optics, and PHYS 2200 Electricity and Magnetism. CARRIED. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate approve the proposed changes to existing program requirements for the Physics Minor. CARRIED. Education Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the deletion of courses EDUC 5322 Schooling, Gender and Sexuality (0.5 unit) and EDUC 5323 Education Across Social and Cultural Differences (0.5 unit); and the addition of new courses Social and Cultural Issues in Schooling I EDUC 5327, and Social and Culture Issues in Schooling II EDUC 5328. CARRIED. 7.5.2. Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (for information) Cultural Studies No questions were raised with respect to the information received on the following additions to Program Electives: ENGL 2255 Postcolonial Literature I: Colonies of Intervention, ENGL 2256 6 Postcolonial Literature II: Settler/Invading Colonies, HIST 3313 Culture, Society & Belief in Early Modern Europe, and PBRL 2013 Communications: Theory and Practice. Psychology No questions were raised with respect to the proposal to update Calendar description: Psychology 2265 Gender Differences. Peace and Conflict Studies It was suggested that, if other courses should be included in the Peace and Conflict Studies list of additions to program electives, the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee can revisit the list. A Senator expressed concern about the criteria for arriving at the changes as set out, and it was suggested that, in time, clarification about the objectives of this program is needed. Education No questions were raised with respect to the changes/additions to Calendar descriptions. Chemistry No questions were raised with respect to changes to existing program requirements for the BSc. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services There was no report. 7.8 Library There was no report. 7.9 Nominations 7.9.1 Notice of Motion to change By-law 1.1 Senate Membership This By-law change will be voted upon at the January 31, 2005 Senate meeting. 7.9.2 Senate Representation on the Presidential Search Committee Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by I. Blum that, on the recommendation of the Senate Nominations Committee, Senate approved the election of Dr. Katherine Darvesh as Senateâ s representatives on the Presidential Search Committee. CARRIED. 7.10 Research and Publications A. Davis indicated that he anticipated having a formal report on Research and Publications at the January 31, 2005 Senate meeting. 7.11 Student Affairs There was no report. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning The committee met again this past week and is developing a proposal to establish an Office of Teaching and Learning. 7.13 Writing Initiatives The committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting and is organizing a roundtable on Learning to Write which will take place on January 21, 2005. 7 8 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships The committee continues to meet, but had nothing to bring forward at this time. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board 7.15.1 Notice of Motion to change By-law 14.12 Terms of Reference This proposed change will be voted upon at the January 31, 2005 Senate meeting. 7.15.2 Change to the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans, § 3.1 This proposed change will be voted upon at the January 31, 2005 Senate meeting. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors D. Woolcott noted that, at the most recent Board of Governors meeting, she gave an Enrolment presentation to provide a picture of the demographic profile of the students now at the University and an analysis of enrolment relative to our plans and budget. In response to a suggestion it was then noted that, if Senate Executive so advises, the Enrolment presentation could be given at a Senate meeting as well. The Board also reviewed and approved a macro agenda that defines what topics will be covered at each Board meeting. 8.2 Studentsâ Union In the interest of time, C. Brushett decided not to give her report other than to share that the Studentsâ Union Annual General Meeting held earlier that day was very successful. 9. New Business Nothing was raised. 10. Items for Communication It was noted that course changes approved at this meeting will be communicated through the University Calendar. The approved time extension for the B.Ed in Association with Nova Scotia Teachers College will be communicated by J. Sharpe. Documentation will be provided, as necessary, on the grading scale. 10. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 10:10. CARRIED