MSVU Senate Minutes -- November 1 2004
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting November 1, 2004
Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of Meeting
Present: S. Brown (Chair), I. Blum, C. Brushett, K. Darvesh, A. Davis, K. Dewar, S. Drain, L. Evans, P. Fielding, M. Fitzgerald, C. French, F. French, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, E. Hicks,
B. King, M. Lyon, S. Medjuck, J. Mills, D. Plumb, S.Seager, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, L. Theriault,
S. Walker, P. Watts, J. West, A. Whitewood, M. Whalen.
Regrets: K. Blotnicky, R. Farmer, R. Fisher, C. Hill, N. Kayhani, A. MacGillivary, D. Woolcott.
Welcome: S. Brown welcomed newly appointed Senators J. Gordon, P. Fielding as a graduate student representative and N. Kayhani who was unable to be in attendance.
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by S. Walker, seconded by C. Brushett to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED.
2. Approval of Minutes of October 4, 2004
Moved by M. Fitzgerald, seconded by B. King to approve the Minutes of October 2, 2004. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
3.1 By-law revisions (Notice of Motion given at October 4, 2004 Senate Meeting)
3.1.1 Revision to By-law 1.1 Membership
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Drain that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, additions and changes to By-law 1.1 Membership be approved to include the Associate Vice-President Research and the Associate Vice-President International as Members of Senate and to delete the reference to the Director of Research. CARRIED.
3.1.2 Revision to By-law 14.8 Research and Publication
Moved by F. French, seconded by J. West that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the membership for the Committee on Research and Publications be revised to indicate the Associate Vice-President Research replaces the Director of Research as an ex officio member of that committee. CARRIED.
3.1.3 Revision to By-law 14.12 University Research and Ethics Board Motion to appoint the Associate Vice-President Research to the University Research and Ethics Board
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Steele that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the position of Director of Research be replaced by the position of Associate Vice-President Research on the University Research and Ethics Board. CARRIED. Motion to change the composition of UREB
Moved by A. Davis and seconded by F. French that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the composition of UREB be revised to indicate that the membership of the committee shall consist of six elected full-time tenured faculty members including one each from the three faculties (Arts & Science, Education, Professional Studies); one member representing a department that offers a graduate program; two members-at-large; and a community member who is external to the university, who is a voting member, chosen by the UREB in consultation with the Associate Vice-President (Research). CARRIED.
4. Presidentâ s Announcements
S. Brown reported that she attended quite fruitful meetings of the AUCC in Ottawa this past week at which the main focus was the policy and political implications of the Speech from the Throne. It highlighted the strong foundation Canada has built in research with $13 billion invested in Canada Research Chairs, Canada Foundation for Innovation and indirect costs of research. While there was very little direct reference to universities in the Speech from the Throne, there was nonetheless recognition of the role of education in the overall advancement of the country. AUCC will continue to press with the Federal Government the quality, capacity and access issues. She stressed the importance of continuing to do so on those key points and on various international initiatives over which the Federal Government has jurisdiction.
S. Brown then noted that the University has agreed to host, with the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, a Campaign School on a weekend later this month for women who are interested in seeking office at the municipal, provincial or federal level. She noted there are still some vacancies in the roster and that bursaries are available for those who need financial assistance.
5. Question Period
No questions were raised.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
There was no report.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
The Committee is preparing to meet about an appeal that has recently come forward to the committee.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 CAPP Report on the Review of Sociology and Anthropology
M. Lyon noted that this report comes to Senate for information. She observed that the report identified a number of strengths in the Sociology and Anthropology program and the way it brings together two distinct disciplines. She also acknowledged the inherent challenges that therefore exist to find a common vision. She noted that many of the specific recommendations contained in the report have been endorsed by the Department and by CAPP and she also commented that many of the recommendations made have also been mentioned in other recent departmental reviews.
7.3.2 Regulations for DEF, INC, WF and WP Grades
L. Theriault reviewed the rationale behind the proposed changes in regulations for DEF, INC, WF and WP Grades. She explained that the proposed new WP grade allows for withdrawal without academic penalty after the normal deadline has passed. She stressed that the WF grade would be used only in exceptional circumstances.
Moved by L. Theriault, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve revised regulations for DEF, INC, WF and WP grades. CARRIED.
7.4 Graduate Studies
7.4.1 Graduate Education Program Changes Proposal to change Name and Calendar Description for GFDD 6520 Philosophy of Education in the 20th Century
M. Lyon noted that the change is proposed to bring the course name up-to-date by substituting â contemporaryâ for 20th Century and by mentioning recent developments in the field in the calendar description.
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by P. Fielding that Senate approve the proposal to change the name and calendar description for GFDD 6520 Philosophy of Education in the 20th Century to GFDD 6520 Contemporary Philosophy of Education. CARRIED. Proposal to add GFDD 6522 Open Mindedness and Education to the list of restructured elective options in the M.Ed. and MAED in Elementary Education
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposal to add GFDD 6522 Open Mindedness and Education to the list of restructured elective options in the M.Ed. and MAED in Elementary Education.
M. Lyon then requested that the motion be modified by striking out â restructuredâ and inserting â restrictedâ . There were no objections to the modification. The motion, as modified, CARRIED. Proposal of change name of M.Ed. and MAED in Elementary Education to Elementary and Middle School Education
It was noted that the proposed name change reflects growing interest among middle-school educators in the pedagogical focus of the Universityâ s Elementary Education programme and its enrichment by the participation of middle-school educators.
Moved by M. Lyons, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the proposed change in name of the M.Ed. and MAED in Elementary Education to Elementary and Middle School Education. CARRIED.
It was noted that the MPHEC will need to be advised of this name change. Proposed changes in Names and Calendar Descriptions for all courses affected by name change in
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by P. Fielding that Senate approve the proposed changes in Names and Calendar Descriptions for all courses affected by name change in
A friendly amendment to the motion was moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Steele that the reference to â studentsâ course workâ in the calendar description for GEMS 6424 be amended to read â studentâ s course workâ . CARRIED.
S. Brown then called for a vote on the motion. CARRIED.
7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum
7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (For Approval) Public Relations â Addition of a new course PBRL4107 Advanced Public Relations Writing
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by B. King that Senate approve the proposed new course PBRL4107 Advanced Public Relations Writing. CARRIED.
3 History â Change to existing program : Introduction to History and Change in requirements for Major, Advanced Major and Honours degrees
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Dewar that the proposed change to the existing program, Introduction to History, and change in requirements for Major, Advanced Major and Honours degrees be approved. CARRIED. Political & Canadian Studies â Addition of new courses
CANA 3306 - Selected Topics in Canadian Studies
CANA 3307 â Selected Topics in Canadian Studies
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve the addition of the following new courses: CANA 3306 â Selected Topics in Canadian Studies and CANA 3307 â Selected Topics in Canadian Studies. CARRIED. Womenâ s Studies â Deletion of course : WOMS 3321 â
Perspectives on Birth
Addition of a new course : Women and Health WOMS 2221
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the deletion of course WOMS 3321 Perspectives on Birth and the addition of a new course, WOMS 2221 Women and Health. CARRIED. Biology
Deletion of courses BIOL 1150 Fundamentals of Biology and BIOL 1151 Biological Principles and Practice
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by C. Brushett that Senate approve the deletion of courses BIOL 1150 Fundamentals of Biology and BIOL 1151 Biographical Principles and Practice. CARRIED.
Addition of new courses BIOL 1152 Introductory Biology I and BIOL 1153 Introductory Biology II
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve the addition of new courses BIOL 1152 Introductory Biology I, and BIOL 1153 Introductory Biology II. CARRIED.
Changes to existing programs
Changes to 15 Unit Major Degree
Addition of prerequisites: Math 1113, 2208 and 2209
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate approve changes to existing programs, changes to 15 Unit Major Degree with the addition of prerequisites: Math 1113, 2208 and 2209. CARRIED.
It was noted that Biology students need to be made aware of calculus requirements well in advance of completing required courses to graduate.
7.5.2 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (For Information) History â HIST 4480 and HIST 4481 New Perspectives
S. Medjuck indicated she will endeavour to insure consistency in the wording of prerequisites contained in the calendar. Biology â BIOL 1112 Change in Calendar description and changes in existing courses due to changes submitted to Senate for approval
No questions were raised.
7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA)
There was no report.
7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services
The Committee met last week to begin planning in connection with various matters they will be bringing to Senate such as wireless security, remote access to software, and delivery of services by Information Technology and Services.
7.8 Library
F. French noted the following: a grant of $17,000 has recently been received from Archives Canada for the Nursing History Digitization Project; the newly appointed Extended Services Librarian, Denyse Rodrigues, took up her position today; and the report on the external review of the Library is being considered by the Library staff.
S. Walker then announced that there will be a new integrated library system for all of Novanet. The preferred vendor has been identified, and it is hoped that contract negotiations will be finalized by early December with conversion of information following that and by September, 2005 the new system should be in place.
On behalf of the Library Committee, F. French then expressed his thanks to S. Walker and the Library staff for their substantial work efforts on the new system.
7.9 Nominations
7.9.1Notion of Motion : Revision to By-law 14.7 Nominations
No clarification was requested on the above Notice of Motion which will come back to Senate for approval at its next meeting.
7.9.2 Election Results
Senate received information that the following candidates were elected as a result of the Senate Nominations Committee call for nominations and election process conducted during September, 2004: Dr. Jane Gordon and Dr. Nargess Kayhani elected to the Senate for a term to commence immediately and to end on June 30, 2007; Dr. Helen Mallette (Professional Studies) and Dr. William Hare (Education) elected to the University Review Committee (URC) for a term to commence immediately and to end on June 30, 2007; Meg Raven elected to the University Review Committee of Librarians (URCL) for a term to commence immediately and to end on June 30, 2007; and Dr. Nargess Kayhani elected to the Board of Governors for a term to commence immediately and to end on June 30, 2006.
It was then noted by I. Blum that the University Review Committee needs one more person and, as it is difficult to operate without a full committee, he encouraged Senators to offer any help they can in filling this vacancy.
7.9.3 Standing Committee Election
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the Senate Nominations Committee recommendation that Dr. Hazel MacRae be elected to the University Research Ethics Board for a term to commence immediately and to end on June 30, 2007. CARRIED.
7.10 Research and Publications
7.10.1 Changes to Terms of Reference, By-law 14.8 (Notice of Motion given at October 4, 2004 Senate Meeting)
Moved by A. Davis, and seconded by F. French that Senate approve changes to the By-law to establish the following elected membership allocation: Five full-time members of faculty representing the areas of humanities, social sciences, education, science and professional studies, and at least one of these members shall be a member of Senate. CARRIED.
7.11 Student Affairs
There was no report.
7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning
P. Watts that the Committee has had one meeting and Professor Judith Scrimger will now be chairing the committee. As she is not a member of Senate, the Committee will discuss who will be reporting on its behalf at Senate Meetings.
7.13 Writing Initiatives
S. Drain noted that the Committee, which has been revitalized by a substantial turnover in membership, still has one vacancy. The Committee has met once and is planning ways to extend their discussions more broadly to insure members of the University community are more aware of writing initiatives across the community.
7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault reported that the Committee has met and will be continuing a discussion of the admissions criteria for undergraduate programs. They are focusing on discussion of the 65% entrance average possibly being changed to 70% and balancing that with the issue of accessibility. They are also looking very carefully at whether or not there should be a continuation of the Math requirement. She also noted that the Bursary Program, which is available to all students, is open for applications until November 8, 2004. She announced that a record high of 210 students will attend the Scholarsâ 13th Annual Luncheon scheduled for November 2, 2004.
7.15 University Research Ethics Board
7.15.1 Motion to approve all changes to the â MSVU Policies & Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humansâ document
Moved by A. Davis and seconded by S. Walker that Senate approve all changes to the revised document: â MSVU Policies & Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humansâ . CARRIED.
A. Davis then commented that, in due course, Senate will receive a document which will propose a repositioning and redefining of the Committee.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
There was no report as the Board has not met since the previous meeting of Senate.
8.2 Studentsâ Union
C. Brushett noted they are preparing for their Annual General Meeting on November 29, 2004 and she encouraged anyone who was interested in doing so to attend. They are revising their budget to adjust for some projections that were not quite on target. She noted that the by-election resulted in four new Council members (Peter Fielding, Patrick Matthews, Julia Pistol and Lisa Bond).
9. New Business
9.1 Annual Reports of Senate Committees
i. Moved by L. Theriault, and seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Academic Appeals Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
ii. Moved by M. Lyon and seconded by S. Medjuck that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
iii. Moved by J. Gordon and seconded by S. Seager that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or
Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
iv. Moved by M. Lyon and seconded by L. Theriault that Senate receive
the Annual Report of the Graduate Studies Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
v. Moved by L. Steele and seconded by A. Whitewood that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Information Technology and Services Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
vi. Moved by F. French and seconded by S. Walker that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Library Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
vii. Moved by I. Blum and seconded by F. French that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Nominations Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
viii. Moved by A. Davis and seconded by S. Seager that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Research and Publications Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
ix. Moved by S. Seager and seconded by S. Drain that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Senate Executive Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
x. Moved by M. Fitzgerald and seconded by L. Evans that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Student Affairs Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
xi. There was no Annual Report from the Student Discipline Appeals Committee as they did not have a reason to convene.
xii. There was no Annual Report from the Student Judicial Committee as they did not have a reason to convene.
xiii. Moved by P. Watts and seconded by E. Hicks that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Teaching and Learning Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
xiv. Moved by S. Drain and seconded by P. Watts that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Writing Initiatives Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
xv. Moved by L. Theriault and seconded by M. Lyon that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
xvi. Moved by S. Medjuck and seconded by M. Fitzgerald that Senate receive the Annual Report of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee as submitted. CARRIED.
xvii. Moved by J. Gordon and seconded by S. Walker that Senate receive the Annual Report of the University Research Ethics Board as submitted.
10. Items for Communication
Senateâ s election of an individual for a standing committee membership will be conveyed. Changes in programs and courses will go to the calendar editor for incorporation in the new calendar.
11. Adjournment
Moved by M. Fitzgerald and seconded by C. Brushett to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED.
Joann Griffin
Recording Secretary 7