MSVU Senate Minutes -- September 24 2007
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting September 24, 2007
Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p. m.
Minutes of Meeting
Present: K. Laurin (Chair), R. Bérard, I. Blum, B. Casey, P. Crouse, A. Daley, A. Eaton, M.
Forrest, R. Gechtman, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, P. Gouthro, C. Hill, M. Lyon, B. MacInnes, J.
MacLeod, K. Manning, A. McCalla, G. McCarney, S. Mumm, M. Raven, J. Sawler, S. Seager, J.
Sharpe, L. Steele , S. Walsh, P. Watts, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott, R. Zuk.
Regrets: D. Bourne-Tyson, A. Davis, R. MacKay, B. Taylor, M. Whalen
Guest: R McIsaac
President Laurin opened the meeting by welcoming returning as well as new senators from
faculty: J. Gordon, S. Walsh, R. Gechtman, and M. Forrest and the Registrar, B. MacInnes, and
introduced S. Vanderaa as the new recording secretary to the Senate.
1. Approval of Agenda
K. Laurin asked that Item 7.4 be permanently removed from the Agenda as the Graduate Studies
Committee had been restructured.
Moved by J. Gordon, seconded by M. Raven to approve the agenda with the removal of item 7.4.
2. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2007
Minor typographical corrections were made to the minutes of April 23, 2007 in paragraph 1 on
page 5, â Brenda Harvey (2000, Cert. IT/BBA)â should read â Brenda Harvey (2000 BAA IT /Cert
Business Admin)â and to paragraph 2, page 5 â Senators were concerned with the number of new
faculty hired and the support to â ¦â should read â Senators were concerned with the lack of new
faculty hired and the lack of support that â ¦â
Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by A. Whitewood to approve the Minutes of April 23, 2007.
with the noted corrections. CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2007
Minor typographical corrections were made to the Minutes of May 4, 2007. A. Daley and A.
Eaton were not present at that meeting.
In 5.4.1 the last sentence â â ¦ and at most one university librarianâ should read â â ¦ and at most
one professional librarianâ .
In 5.6 â this year will be awarded to S. Brigham of the Education departmentâ should read â this
year will be awarded to S. Brigham of the Education Facultyâ .
In 5.10, fourth paragraph, â â ¦ Student Union â ¦â should read â â ¦ Studentsâ Union â ¦â .
Moved by A. Daley, seconded by M. Raven to approve the Minutes of May 4, 2007 with the
above noted corrections. CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes of June 19, 2007
On page 2, paragraph 2, the sentence â All items were tested against the spirit of the Mount and in
keeping with the Mission, Vision and Values and this was absolutely non negotiable â should end
after the word â Valuesâ .
Moved by S. Seager, seconded by L. Steele to approve the Minutes of June 19, 2007with the
noted amendment. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the minutes.
4. Presidentâ s Announcements
K. Laurin related that the provincia l Department of Education will be approaching Cabinet to
obtain a mandate to negotiate a new memorandum of Understanding with the universities in the
Province as this is the third and final year of the current MOU. Administrative Vice-Presidents
have met to gather data and to discuss the gathering of data. There will also be meetings between
the Department and provincial student associations to inform students of the preliminary stages.
Amanda Whitewood will be the Mount contact person and will keep Senate informed.
All senate members should have received a link to the new Research Matters website which
highlights the Mountâ s new faculty and the Canada Research Chairs.
In July the provincial Department of Health announced a vaccination program for grade 12 and
university students to counter the outbreak of the mumps primarily among university aged
students. The Mount has begun the voluntary vaccination program and C. Hill reported that by
October 1, 2007 there will have been 500 students inoculated.
The provincial government has commissioned a three person panel (the Hon. Myra Freeman,
former St. Thomas University President, Dan Oâ Brien, and Bill Whalen) to undertake a review of
teacher training within the province. The panel will conduct on-site visits of various campuses
across the province. The visit to the Mount was held on September 20 at which time the panel
met with the President and D. Woolcott and had the opportunity to spend half a day with the
Education faculty and students. The review should be completed by the end of the semester and
Senate will be updated when the report is complete.
The Capital Campaign launch will take place at a barbeque on September 25. The Steering
Committee is prospecting for individuals interested in joining the Campaign cabinet which has
the responsibility for soliciting donations. Those attending the barbeque will be able to meet Dr.
Martha Jodrey, Campaign Chair and the Hon. Myra Freeman as well as view the building
drawings and obtain additional information on the project.
A special meeting of Senate was held on June 19 to review the latest draft of the Strategic Plan.
Members of the University community were invited to respond electronically by Oct. 1 to the
draft, and CAPP will provide a summary and response to the feedback from academic areas to the
Strategic Planning Steering Committee.
5. Question Period
No questions were raised.
6. Unfinished Business
A Senator asked about progress on the Award for Service which had been discussed some time
ago. K. Laurin reported that Senate Executive had referred this to A. Whitewood but as yet there
is nothing to report to Senate.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
7.1.1 Faculty Attire at Convocation
P. Glenister reported that before he began to survey other universities for their policy on this topic
he discovered that the Mountâ s Convocation committee has had a policy in place to deal with this
matter. At an upcoming meeting of the Committee this topic will be on the agenda and a report
for Senate should be ready for the next meeting.
7.1.2 Parliamentarian
K. Laurin announced that Ilya Blum has agreed to another term as Parliamentarian for the Senate.
Moved by R. Zuk, seconded by S. Seager to appoint Ilya Blum as Parliamentarian for Senate.
7.1.2 Ratification of election of members of Senate, Senate committees, and appointment of
Student Judicial and Discipline Appeals committee Chairs
I. Blum reported that when the list of elected members came before the Senate in May there was
an incorrect listing of the candidates; this list has been corrected and distributed to Senate for this
meeting. Although committee chairs are normally appointed by Senate, Senate Executive felt that
in order to proceed with any academic appeals, the correction could not wait until the September
Senate meeting.
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by A. McCalla that Senate ratify the appointment of the chairs of
the Student Judicial Committee and the Student Discipline Appeals Committee. CARRIED
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
J. Sawler reported that appeals continue to come to the committee and a hearing had occurred in
the last week.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning Committee
7.3.1 Exchange Agreement between MSVU and FH Wien University of Applied Sciences
7.3.2 Memorandum of Understanding between MSVU and International University
Audentes, Tallinn, Estonia
7.3.3 Exchange Agreement between MSVU and International University Audentes
Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate approve the Student Exchange
Agreement between Mount Saint Vincent University and FH Wien University of Applied
Sciences of WKW and with the International University Audentes (IUA) along with a general
memorandum of understanding with International University Audentes, Tallinn, Estonia.
7.4 Graduate Studies
Removed from the agenda.
7.5 Graduate Studies Program and Policy
There was no report.
7.6 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee
M. Lyon reported that the Committee has sent out a call for nominations for the Graduate Thesis
Award and a call for proposals for graduate student assistantships. Information has also been sent
out on the SSHRC/NCIA Canada Graduate Scholarship and posted to the website. An
information session will be held in October for students interested in applying for scholarships.
Senators and colleagues should inform any of their students who may be interested in applying
for these scholarships.
7.7 Undergraduate Curriculum
There was no report
7.8 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
There was no report.
7.9 Committee on Information Technology and Services
There was no report.
7.10 Library Committee
There was no report.
7.11 Nominations
7.11.1 Nominations for Standing Committees
Moved by P. Crouse, seconded by J. Gordon that that the following Senate Nominations
Committee recommendations for election to the Standing Committees of Senate be approved with
the addition of Dr. Angela Birt, as an alternate, be added to the Student Judicial Committee with
her term beginning immediately and ending June 30, 2010 and the addition of Dr. Mary Delaney
to the Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee with her term begin ning immediately and
ending June 30, 2010. CARRIED
Committee Individual Elected Term Begins Term Ends
Graduate Studies Program and Policy Dr. Janette Taper
June 30,
Student Judicial Committee (as alternate) Dr. Felicia Eghan When
June 30,
Student Discipline Appeals Committee
(as alternate)
Dr. Felicia Eghan When
June 30,
Student Judicial Committee (as alternate) Dr. Angela Birt When
June 30,
Student Discipline Appeals Committee
(as alternate)
Dr. Angela Birt When
June 30,
Graduate Studies Program and Policy Dr. Mary Delaney Immediately June 30,
7.12 Research and Publications:
There was no report.
7.13 Student Affairs
7.13.1 Representation of Faculties on Senate Committees: Student Affairs (including
Student Judicial Committee and Discipline Appeals Committee)
C. Hill reported that this issue was referred in 2006 to the Student Affairs Committee and a
meeting was held between the President of the Studentsâ Union, J. Lumsden, Acting Dean of
Student Affairs, and the Manager of the Studentsâ Union. A proposal was made whereby people
could nominate either themselves or others and the Student Affairs Committee would select
representatives form the list of nominees.
Item 7.13.1 is to serve as a Notice of Motion to revise By-law 14.9.
7.13.2 Proposed Revisions to Student Judicial Code
Moved by C. Hill, seconded by G. McCarney that Senate approve the revisions to the Student
Judicial Code with respect to selecting student members for SJC and DAC.
A Senator pointed out that the wording in section 2.6 may not be appropriate and that sentence
two which reads â If these students are unable to serve, or if the position is vacant, then the student
members shall be appointed by the Dean of Student Affairs, in consultation with facultyâ should
be amended to add as the final phrase â who are not members of the Student Judicial or
Disciplinary Appeals Committeeâ .
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by D. Woolcott to amend the policy section 2.6 with the above
noted change. CARRIED.
Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the amended revisions to the
Student Judicial Code with respect to selecting student members for SJC and DAC. CARRIED
7.14 Committee on Teaching and Learning
7.14.1 Notice of Motion: Re Proposed Changes to Senate By-Law 14.10.1, Committee
on & Learning, Writing Initiatives Committee
7.15 Writing Initiatives
There was no report.
7.16 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
There was no report.
7.17 University Research Ethics Board
M. Forrest reported that last year the Committee handled 160 proposals which was an increase
over the previous year. This year there have been 27 proposals to date. The Committee has one
new member at large and E. Bowering may be in discussion with the Nominations Committee
due to the increased workload as it appears that there is a need for at least one additional member.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
R. Bérard indicated that the Board of Governors met on June 21 for both the June and Annual
meetings. Dr. Martha Jodrey, Chair of the Capital Campaign, made a presentation to inform the
Board about the Campaign. The Board was updated on the proposed new endowed Chair of
Learning and Disabilities, on scholarship and bursary funds, and on the Strategic Plan. Some
minor changes were made to the Terms of Reference of the Board Committees to update the
language. A confidential session was held to report on faculty negotiations. The Board also
approved a new Stewardship Policy.
8.2 Studentsâ Union
A. Daley noted a successful Frosh Week with an increased participation rate. The Cystic Fibrosis
Shinearama Campaign has raised $12,000 so far and fundraising will continue with the intention
of reaching a $16,000 goal. The Studentsâ Union is in the middle of by-elections and new
representatives of the SRC will be announced on October 2. Podcasts are now available on the
new CROW radio and all are invited to listen. Amy Eaton has been successful in building the
Tutor Bank and currently has 32 tutors available to assist students in reaching their academic
goals. Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has begun with the Run for the Cure being held on
September 30th and Breast Cancer Awareness Day is on October 4th. The Studentsâ Union CFO
Morris MacLeod has started a student fundraising committee to find innovative ways to raise
funds to cover Studentsâ Union Services. Vinnieâ s Pub daytime hours have been extended. The
Diversity Centre and the Food Bank have been relocated near the Studentsâ Union offices to
increase visibility. Crosswalk safety has been an issue here at the Mount for some time and there
is an awareness campaign being held on October 4th including a campus petition to have a set of
traffic lights installed in front of the Seton Academic Centre. The Studentsâ Union has also been
heavily involved in the development of the new Strategic Plan and will launch the full Draft
Strategic Plan on the Studentsâ Union website so that the students have an opportunity to review
the draft. The Studentsâ Union has been working with the Public Relations students on an Internal
and External Communications Plan to obtain better information on how to reach both on and off
campus students to inform them of Studentsâ Union activities and so that there is improved
communication between students and the Studentsâ Union.
G. McCarney raised the issue of student involvement in the development of the Strategic Plan and
how, in moving from the development to the implementation stage, the Studentsâ Union hopes to
develop an appendix to the draft to help develop a set of principles to maximise the amount of
input students are able to give. The principles should be based on the premise that students are
viewed not only as consumers but also as actors and stakeholders and that would also recognise
the barriers to student participation and ways to overcome those barriers. Studentsâ Union goal is
to make their submission to SRC and obtain approval to send the document to the Strategic
Planning Steering Committee on October 1st.
The graduate student orientation held in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Studies was a
great success.
A Senator asked if it is known how many students circumstances have been such as to force them
to make use of the Food Bank. A. Daley agreed to bring the figures to the next meeting.
9. New Business
9.1 Annual Reports of Senate Committees (Receive only)
Moved by R. Bérard , seconded by M. Forrest that Senate agree to receive annual reports of
Senate Committees for information only at todayâ s meeting. CARRIED.
D. Woolcott reported that the CAPTAA report suggests recommendations on updating the
Guidelines for Granting Professor Emeritus Status and that these will come to Senate later.
In the Academic Appeal Committee report, a correction was noted in paragraph three â assessingâ
should read â accessingâ .
A Senator raised a question regarding section 4 of the Committee on Academic Policy and
Planning, Academic Program Reviews, as to whether the Reports from last yearâ s reviewers have
been received. D. Woolcott clarifie d that this section was referring to site visits which had been
completed. As for the program reviews currently under consideration, the site visits have been
completed but those under consideration are in progress and have not yet completed the CAPP
review process.
In the Graduate Studies Committee Annual Report a correction is to be made to the Committee
members list indicating â Dr. Donna Varga, Department of Womenâ s Studiesâ should read â Dr.
Donna Varga, Representative from the Graduate Womenâ s Studie s Programâ .
A Senator commended the Graduate Studies Committee and the Graduate Studies Program and
Policy Committee reports for having summarized a list of the items they had approved as this was
very helpful in reading the report and other committees should consider reporting in a similar
In the Senate Committee on Informatio n Technology & Services report, a Senator inquired if the
PDF format of the Faculty Guide to Technology on Campus & Student Computing Guide was
available. P. Crouse stated that the Guide is available but not the revised version as the
Committee is still working on this item.
A Senator referred to the Password Changes Policy and Procedure and questioned whether
frequent password changes really did increase security and whether the current 90 day
requirement could be changed to make the password system less cumbersome. A. Whitewood
responded by informing the Senate that the committee had negotiated with the Universityâ s
auditors from their current â best practiceâ recommendation of password changes every 30 days
in favour of the less frequent 90 day cycle.
P. Crouse reported that she has been assisting with a password change station for employees to
set up a challenge question that could be used to assist with remembering various passwords.
A Senator questioned the role of â Insightâ with respect to its use in distributing the Email
Confidentiality Discla imer. The content of â Insightâ may not be seen by all who may be affected
by such notices; is it a newsletter playing the role of a memo that includes instructions and
information. K. Laurin agreed to take this point under advisement.
A Senator inquired about the Committeeâ s role with regard to recommendations to academic
policies and grants. D. Woolcott clarified that the intent was to point out the important role that
IT&S played in assisting the Office of Research and the faculty members in identifying their IT
needs for research grant purposes.
In the Nominations Committee report, a Senator requested an explanation of the intent of item E.
Recommendations sub-section 5 referring to the frequency of meeting and restructuring of
committees. I. Blum clarified that some committees meet infrequently which raised the possibility
of restructuring those committees. I. Blum agreed that the Committee should resubmit these items
at a later date and that other recommendations with more detailed rationale will be brought
forward in the future.
In the Committee on Research and Publications report, a Senator inquired about the status of the
Bonus Points Policy which had gone to the Committee for review. As there was no Committee
representative available at this meeting, this item will be noted for a subsequent Senate meeting.
Regarding the Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Schola rships report, a Senator asked
for the number of students who required Bursaries as funds have been moved from Bursaries into
Scholarships and if this action meant that there was less need for Bursaries. This item will be
referred back to the Committee so that an answer can be brought to a future meeting.
A correction to the University Research Ethics Board report page 2, second paragraph was noted
to change â Daviesâ to â Davisâ .
A Senator noted that, in reviewing the breakdown of department of origin of research ethics
applications, it appears that the bulk comes from the Professional Studies and Education
Faculties yet the Board has more members from Arts and Sciences than Professional Studies and
Education combined; perhaps the Board should consider a more equitable distribution of
9.2 Annual Report of Nancyâ s Chair in Womenâ s Studies (For Information)
Moved by R. Zuk, seconded by J. Gordon to receive the Nancyâ s Chair Report. CARRIED
9.3 Fall 2006 Graduation List (Confidential Business)
Moved by S. Seager, seconded by G. McCarney to move in camera. CARRIED.
Senate approved the following degrees, diplomas, and certificates as follows:
Certificate in Business Administration Lyon/Sharpe
Certificate in Marketing Lyon/Hill
Certificate of Proficiency in French-Honours Mumm/Steele
Diploma in Business Administration Lyon/Hill
Degree of Bachelor of Arts Mumm/McCalla
Degree of Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts Mumm/McCarney
Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) Mumm/Segar
Advanced Major Certificate in Arts Mumm/Gordon
Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History Mumm/Gordon
Honours Certificate in Arts (French) Mumm/Segar
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study Honours) Lyon/Forrest
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study
in association with Bermuda College) Lyon/BJrard
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study Honours
With First Class Honours) Lyon/Forrest
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Family Studies and Gerontology) Lyon/Gordon
Bachelor of Applied Arts (Information Technology) Lyon/McCarney
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration Lyon/Daley
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
in association with Bermuda College Lyon /Walsh
Degree of Bachelor of Public Relations Lyon/Manning
Degree of Bachelor of Science Mumm/Seager
Advanced Major Certificate in Science Mumm/Blum
Honours Certificate in Science (Honours) given jointly by Mount Saint
Vincent University and Dalhousie University Mumm/Blum
Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition Lyon/Woolcott
Degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Lyon/Crouse
Degree of Bachelor of Education in association with
St. Josephâ s Teachersâ College Sharpe/Bérard
Degree of Master of Education Sharpe/Seager
Degree of Master of Arts in Education Sharpe/Gouthro
Degree of Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study Lyon/Watts
Degree of Master of Arts (Family Studies and Gerontology) Lyon/McCarney
Degree of Master of Arts (Research) Sharpe/Mumm
Degree of Master of Science Applied Human Nutrition Lyon/Woolcott
Degree of Master of Arts in School Psychology Sharpe/Bérard
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by S. Mumm that Senate permit the Registrar to add an
individualâ s name if the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation ceremony and,
further, to adjust any studentâ s distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED
Moved by B.Casey, seconded by M. Raven to end the in camera session. CARRIED.
10. Items for Communication
Exchange Agreements
Graduation list
11. Adjournment
Moved by S. Seager, seconded by I. Blum to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. CARRIED.