Predictors of Different Types of Decision-Making in Adolescence
Doucette, Jesslyn
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The present study compared the performance of adults and adolescents on two
types of decision-making tasks (intuitive vs. deliberative), as well as a number of
psychosocial variables, to investigate whether different factors may predict different
types of decision-making. Participants were divided into three groups: young adolescents
(13-15 yrs), older adolescents (16-17 yrs), and adults (19 + yrs). The Iowa Gambling
Task (IGT) measured intuitive based decision-making and a recent decision description
task measured deliberative based decision-making. Results indicated a relationship
between age with both decision-making tasks, as well as emotion regulation. As
hypothesized, deliberative decision-making was predicted by future oriented thinking,
independent of age. Intuitive decision-making ‘under ambiguity’ was predicted by age
and sensation seeking. These results provide evidence of the existence of different types
of decision-making and the idea that different factors predict each type.