MSVU Senate Minutes -- January 26 2004

dc.contributor.authorSenate, Mount Saint Vincent University
dc.description1 Senate Meeting January 26, 2004 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: S. Brown (Chair), P. Baker, K. Blotnicky, S. Bornemann, B. Casey, K. Darvesh, K. Dewar, S. Drain, R. Farmer, M. Fitzgerald, P. Glenister, K. Harding, F. Harrington, E. Hicks, C. Hill, A. MacGillivary, J. McLaren, S. Medjuck, D. Plumb, S. Seager, L. Steele, L. Theriault, S. Walker, P. Watts, D. Woolcott Regrets: C. French, F. French, M. Lyon, R. MacNeil, J. Mills, D. Norris, P. Oâ Neill, A. Whitewood 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by M. Fitzgerald to approve the agenda. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of December 8, 2003 Moved by L. Steele, seconded by K. Blotnicky to approve the Minutes of December 8, 2003. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes K. Dewar asked whether there had been any communication with Metro Transit concerning bus route modifications. S. Brown reported that she met with the councillor for the area and raised the concerns. More follow-up would be taking place in the near future. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown welcomed E. Hicks to Senate and recognized D. Nevoâ s service to Senate and thorough reports from the Committee on Teaching and Learning. S. Brown announced that she and other colleagues had recently met with Ralph Goodale, Federal Finance Minister to express their concerns about the various financial needs of post-secondary education. She also had the opportunity to meet with the provincial Minister of Finance later in the week to deliver the same message. CONSUP has been pursuing discussions with the provincial government who has expressed an interest in some type of MOU with the universities that might address transfer of credit between the community college and the universities, access to under-represented or under-participating groups, and role and capacity. S. Brown reported that on January 27, in partnership with Her Honour Myra Freeman, Lieutenant Governor, she would be announcing a symposium which will take place the weekend immediately following the May convocation. It is intended to bring together young women from across Nova Scotia in an effort to provide the next generation of potential leaders with the opportunity for networking and discussion, as well as matching with mentors. 5. Question Period S. Brown referred a question from K. Blotnicky about accepting students who arrive on academic probation from other institutions to L. Theriault who clarified our policy. S. Brown also answered a question from K. Dewar about whether there were plans to issue the internal telephone directory in hard copy format. D. Woolcott will contact D. Forbes to ascertain when an updated version in hard copy would be issued. 2 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to By-Law 14.10 SCOTL S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion to revise the terms of reference for the Committee on Teaching and Learning would be brought forward for formal consideration at the next Senate meeting on March 1, 2004. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee L. Theriault reported that the Committee heard two appeals before the Christmas break. There are three appeals presently before the Committee, and a fourth under consideration. The Chair of the Committee has received follow-up to the discussion about the place for the appeals of Prior Learning and Recognition, and will be in contact with the Chair of SCOTL to arrange discussions. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Canadian Studies Student Exchange Agreement with Trent University (For Approval) D. Woolcott introduced the item for Senateâ s approval, noting a small error in the title where â Canadianâ should replace â Canadaâ . Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by S. Drain to approve the Student Exchange Agreement in Canadian Studies between Trent University and Mount Saint Vincent University. CARRIED. 7.3.2 New Regulations for Declaring Major (For Approval) D. Woolcott introduced a recommendation for new regulations for declaring majors, and provided some background to the reasons for these new regulations. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by J. McLaren that the BA and BSc students be required to declare a major or general studies program no later than the time they register for their sixth unit, and until students declare a major or general studies program they will be classified as BA or BSc Undeclared. Students who do not make this declaration within this time frame will not be permitted to register for further course work. CARRIED. Responding to a question from P. Baker, D. Woolcott advised that the process for changing a major would be the same as for declaring a major. The appropriate changes will be made in the calendar cross-referencing the section on changing a major with the new section on declaring a major. 7.4 Graduate Studies There was no report. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum There was no report. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services L. Steele reported the committee has met. 3 7.8 Library S. Walker reported on behalf of F. French that the Committee is meeting regularly to deal with issues around the self-study draft in preparation for the external review later in the year. The Archives Advisory Working Group has a full complement of members and met recently to discuss archival policies. She also announced that the term replacement for M. Raven is H. Shore. S. Walker, D. Forbes, C. Hill and D. Woolcott met recently to prepare a Presidentâ s Forum presentation on a Learning Commons within the library. 7.9 Nominations A. MacGillivary announced slates of committee members for the Search Committees for the Director of International Programs and the Director of Research. Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by E. Hicks election of the persons named in the Committee report to the designated committees. CARRIED. 7.10 Research and Publications There was no report. 7.11 Student Affairs There was no report. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning E. Hicks reported that the Committee is working on terms of reference and PLAR, as well as the call for nominations for the Instructional Leadership Award. Plans for Faculty Day and in-house development days are underway. 7.13 Writing Initiatives S. Drain reported that the Committee met recently to review version 4.1 of a draft document of recommendations to CAPP about education initiatives regarding academic integrity. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships The Committee is looking at revisions to the admissions requirements particularly as they relate to the Math requirements since the entire Math program in high school has changed. The other main item on the Committeeâ s agenda is the disbursement of the In-Course Student Bursaries. There was a significant increase in the number of bursary applications this year with a total of 472 applications versus 390 last year. The increase is thought to reflect both the increase in enrolment and the number of students needing financial assistance. The Committee is looking at some further changes to the bursary program to help deal with the studentsâ needs. L. Theriault also provided enrolment figures, noting a 6% increase in head count and a comparable increase in the unit count of the students. There was some discussion of the Math requirements. There was a question about the bursary program. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board There was no report. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Studentsâ Union S. Bornemann reported that the new Information Desk at the main entrance to Seton Academic Centre is now open and going well. A student has proposed a 24-hour hockey game to raise funds for the Childrenâ s Wish Foundation and a make-shift rink is being constructed on campus. Leading into the next 4 item, S. Bornemann announced that along with the day of action there would be a symbolic â week of free educationâ in which various members of the Mount community will be invited to give presentations and teach classes for free. 8.1.1 National Day of Action A revision of the motion distributed with the Senate packages was circulated as follows. Moved by S. Bornemann, seconded by P. Baker that Senate has determined that any students who attend the National Day of Action during the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on February 4, 2004 will not incur an academic penalty, provided they make up any lost work. CARRIED. S. Seager asked for clarification of the studentsâ departure time, noting that the prior year when she had rearranged her weekly quiz to accommodate this demonstration, the actual departure time of 12:30 p.m. could have allowed the students time to take their quiz and still attend the event. S. Bornemann did not have the final schedule available. S. Brown thought it might be permissible with notice to those students taking the quiz to catch a later shuttle to the demonstration. 9. New Business There was no new business. 10. Items for Communication Calendar changes, Day of Action 11. Adjournment Moved by M. Fitzgerald to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J. Speirs Recording Secretary of Senateen
dc.titleMSVU Senate Minutes -- January 26 2004en
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