MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 26 2004 | Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University | | | 2010-04-15T13:52:01Z | | | 2010-04-15T13:52:01Z | | | 2010-04-15T13:52:01Z | |
dc.description | 1 Senate Meeting April 26, 2004 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: S. Brown (Chair), K. Blotnicky, S. Bornemann, B. Casey, K. Darvesh, K. Dewar, S. Drain, R. Farmer, P. Fielding, M. Fitzgerald, P. Glenister, K. Harding, E. Hicks, C. Hill, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, R. MacNeil, S. Medjuck, D. Norris, P. Oâ Neill, S. Seager, L. Steele, L. Theriault, S. Walker, D. Woolcott Regrets: P. Baker, C. French, F. French, F. Harrington, J. McLaren, J. Mills, D. Plumb, P. Watts, A. Whitewood Guest: Student Union guests: C. Brushett, President-elect; L. Evans, Vice-president Academic- elect; J. West, full time Senate representative-elect. Approval of Agenda Moved by A. MacGillivary, seconded by B. Casey to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of March 1, 2004 Moved by M. Fitzgerald, seconded by M. Lyon to approve the Minutes of March 1, 2004. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown reported on the federal budget. There were changes in student aid that have been criticized by student groups. The budget provided an increase in funding to the granting councils and a recognition that since the direct costs of research went up through the increases to the granting councils, there was a corresponding adjustment to the indirect costs of research. The President pointed out that the $8m. granted to universities in the provincial budget was not new funding and is not in the base. The universities received a $6m. adjustment last year; however, it was paid as one-time funding and another $2m.was added to this year. The President noted that the graduation list will be approved at the May 7 Senate meeting. Convocation will take place on May 13 and 14. 5. Question Period In response to a question concerning the recommendations contained in the Space Utilization and Scheduling Task Force and whether the recommendations will come to Senate for approval, D. Woolcott and S. Brown responded that while the principles underlying the academic timetable could come to Senate, the timetable itself is for Senateâ s information only. It was suggested that it would be beneficial for Senate to discuss the principles. 6. Unfinished Business 2 There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to By-Law 1.1, Senate Membership S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change in the Senate membership would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. In response to a question from a Senator, S. Brown informed senators that P. Glenister, Secretary of Senate, has requested that Senate committees determine the implications on committee membership in view of the creation of the Faculty of Education. He has also communicated with the Senate Nominations Committee asking it to look at the wider body. Therefore, it is expected that more Notices of Motion will come to Senate in due course. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee 7.2.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to By-law 14.2 S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change to By-law 14.2 would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. L. Theriault reported that while additional academic appeals are expected to be received, all current appeals have been addressed. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to By-law 14.3 S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change to By-law 14.3 would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. 7.3.2 CAPPâ s report on the review of the Department of History (for information) D. Woolcott congratulated the History department on its excellent departmental review and noted the recommendation that the department should consider whether the honours thesis requirement is really needed or whether a more flexible approach could be taken. CAPP discussed this matter and reaffirmed that the universityâ s commitment to having the honours thesis is an important element of the MSVU honours program. CAPP recommended that the thesis requirement be maintained for the honours history students and suggested that it was an important element for all honours programs. The committee also recommended that a progress report be submitted to CAPP one year following the receipt of the report. In response to a question concerning the development of an instructional development centre at MSVU, D. Woolcott responded that the Mount has an instructional development person who works with faculty working on technology and teaching. 7.3.3 Academic Plan Update (for information) D. Woolcott reviewed the Academic Plan Update. R. MacNeil pointed out that students have had no input into the co-operative education update. M. Lyon agreed to follow up on this issue. S. Drain asked why the update to the academic staffing projections was made available to Senate only at the end of the academic year, although changes are made in rankings much earlier in the academic year. She suggested that departments would find it useful to know revised rankings of positions to be advertised and the rationale for the rankings during the relevant academic year. D. Woolcott noted that department chairs are aware that positions are advertised subject to budgetary approval. She agreed to report to CAPP on Senatorsâ comments to determine whether an interim report could be provided to Senate mid-way through the academic year. 3 7.4 Graduate Studies 7.4.1 Notice of motion: Revision to By-law 14.3.1, Graduate Studies Committee Terms of Reference S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change to By-law 14.3 would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.5.1 Visual Arts Specialist Program a) Delete B.Ed. Visual Arts Specialist Program b) Arrangements for offering Visual Arts as a major or minor area in the B.Ed. Secondary Program Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by L. Steele to delete the B.Ed. Visual Arts Specialist Program in association with NSCAD. Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by M. Lyon to add visual arts as a first teachable in the B.Ed. Secondary program. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) 7.6.1 Professor Emeritus recommendation (Confidential Business) Moved by S. Drain, seconded by R. MacNeil to move in camera. CARRIED. Moved by R. MacNeil, seconded by P. Fielding to move from in camera. CARRIED. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services L. Steele reported that the committee has discussed computer software requirements for the classroom. The committee expressed the view that operations are currently working well and that faculty input will be solicited for future changes. The committee has discussed the possibility that the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Dean of Students investigate the possibility of using a software program, such as Turn It In, to detect plagiarism. The committee is currently reviewing its terms of reference. 7.8 Library S. Walker reported that the Library Committee is awaiting the results of its external review. The committee has met to discuss draft policies and a draft mandate for the Archives. The committee has constituted a Librariansâ Review Committee in response to an application for promotion by a librarian. S. Walker notified senators that the Mount was unsuccessful in a funding application to CFI for the second phase of the Canadian National Site Licensing (renamed Canadian Research Knowledge Network) project. This phase included the arts, humanities and social sciences resources. 7.9 Nominations A. MacGillivary reported that a slate for nominations will be presented at the May 7 Senate meeting. 7.10 Research and Publications P. Oâ Neill reported that the Research and Publications Committee has recently reviewed internal research applications. P. Oâ Neill reported that the Committee on Research and Publications has been working on the SSHRC transformation document entitled From a Granting Council to a Knowledge Council. Two new initiatives have come from the Knowledge Council: Dr. C. MacMillan, Dean of Arts at Mount Allison University, 4 will discuss the preparation of a response from universities in the Maritime region. Dr. V. Timmons, Vice-president Academic Development at UPEI, and a member of SSHRC, will prepare a report on small universities and their needs. The Committee on Research and Publications will consult with Dr. Timmons in the near future. S. Brown reported that scholarly societies have also met to prepare responses. The committee will review its Terms of Reference. 7.11 Student Affairs C. Hill reported that the Student Affairs Committee has discussed residence policies in relation to room draw. The committee continues to discuss prevention, education and treatment issues with respect to alcohol and drug awareness. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning 7.12.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to By-law 14.10 S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change to By-law 14.10 would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. E. Hicks reported that E. Bowering spoke on academic integrity at a recent Brown Bag Lunch. Faculty day will take place on September 2 with the theme: Opening Doors to Successful Learning: A Partnership with Student Affairs. E. Hicks reported that the AAU is looking at a new weighting scheme for the AAU Teaching Excellence Award. The AAU Faculty Development Committee has recognized the contribution of D. Nevo, editor of the Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase. E. Hicks reported that SCOTL has set up a sub-committee to explore the feasibility of having an instructional development office at MSVU. 7.13 Writing Initiatives 7.13.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to Bylaw 14.10.1 S. Brown advised that the Notice of Motion regarding a change to By-law 14.10.1 would be brought forward for formal consideration at the May 7 Senate meeting. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships L. Theriault distributed and reviewed a document outlining entrance scholarship information, noting that there is a significant increase in the Mountâ s entrance scholarship program. A scholarship reception will be held on May 2. L. Theriault reported that admissions to undergraduate programs as at April 1 are down. The April 15 report should provide a better sense of where the process stands. The scholarship pool, however, has increased slightly. B.Ed. applications have remained steady; graduate applications have increased. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board 7.15.1 Changes to the MSVU Policies and Procedures Ethics review of research involving humans Moved by P. Oâ Neill, seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the changes to the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans. CARRIED. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Studentsâ Union R. MacNeil introduced the incoming Student Union Senate representatives: C. Brushett, President-elect; L. Evans, Vice-president Academic-elect; J. West, full-time Senate representative-elect. P. Fielding has taken up his position as the graduate student representative on Senate. 5 R. MacNeil reported that the Student Union has a surplus in finances and is in an excellent financial position. The Student Union is hiring a full-time health and dental plan manager/bookkeeper. S. Brown thanked R. MacNeil and S. Bornemann for their participation as Senate members. 8.2 Board of Governors There was no report. 9. New Business 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree Candidates (Confidential Business) Moved by R. MacNeil, seconded by S. Bournemann, to move in camera to receive the results of the first ballot for Honorary Degree candidates. CARRIED. Moved by P. Fielding, seconded by A. MacGillivary, to move from in camera. CARRIED. Results of the vote will be communicated at the May 7 Senate meeting. 10. Items for Communication a) Undergraduate curriculum: Visual Arts Program b) Tri-Council re changes to the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans 11. Adjournment Moved by L. Steele to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. R. Dankner Acting Recording Secretary | en |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en |
dc.title | MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 26 2004 | en |
dc.type | Other | en |