MSVU Senate Minutes -- January 26 2009

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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1 Senate Meeting January 26, 2009 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: K. Laurin (Chair), R. Bagg, R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, K. Dewar, S. Drain, R. Farmer, P. Glenister, E. Hicks, C. Hill, J. Jackson, B. Jessop, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, B. MacInnes, J. MacLeod, L. Mann, J. Mills, L. Neilsen, J. Neilson, N. Peach, I. Pottie, J. Sawler, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, B. Taylor, P. Watts, D. Woolcott Regrets : A. Davis, R. Gechtman, N. Kayhani, S. Walsh, M. Whalen K.Laurin wished everyone a Happy New Year and a rewarding and successful semester. She welcomed new members of Senate: B. Taylor, Acting Dean of Arts and Science, E. Hicks, L. Mann, L. Neilsen and I. Pottie. 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by P. Watts, seconded by L. Neilsen that Senate approve the agenda with the changes noted below. CARRIED. The two items for Confidential Business: Item 7.7.1, Professor Emeritus nominations and Item 9.1, Selection of Honorary Degree candidates will be heard before Item 7, Committee Reports. Item 8.3, Joint Board-Senate Liaison Committee should be added. 2. Approval of Minutes of November 24, 2008 Moved by K. Dewar, seconded by R. Bagg that Senate approve the minutes of November 24, 2008 with the changes noted below. CARRIED. On Page 8, Item, Sociology/Anthropology, â â ¦SOAN 1101â ¦â should read SOAN 1102. On Page 11, Item 8.2, Studentsâ Union, â â ¦Multi-Cultureâ ¦â should read Multi-Cultural. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Revision to Senate by-law 14.3.1, Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee, Terms of reference (deferred from November 24, 2008; notice of motion given October 27, 2008) Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the Revision to Senate by-law 14.3.1, Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee, Terms of reference. CARRIED. 2 M. Lyon stated that the revision is a follow-up to the restructuring of the original Graduate Studies Committee. As the two graduate studies committees now include representation from across faculties, CAPP and the Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee felt that there was no longer any need to designate a CAPP representative. 3.2 Revision to Senate by-law 14.13, University Research Ethics Board, Membership (deferred from November 24, 2008; notice of motion given October 27, 2008) Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Drain that Senate table the Revision to Senate by-law 14.13, University Research Ethics Board, Membership until the next Senate meeting. CARRIED. K. Dewar asked if the ex-officio member was a voting member or non-voting member. There was uncertainty as to the voting status of the ex-officio member and K. Laurin suggested the motion could be tabled until the next Senate meeting to provide time for clarification. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements K. Laurin stated that the Implementation Team for Destination 2012 is meeting regularly, making good progress and reviewing a lot of material with the hope to have a report on all 21 strategies within weeks. This will provide a snapshot, and in some cases a baseline, to establish what is currently happening across the institution and to assist the team in identifying some targets and timelines for the strategies. K. Laurin noted that the Team is working diligently to provide condensed versions of the large templa tes currently available on the Intranet. This will increase clarity, conciseness and uniformity. D. Woolcott gave a brief update on Academic Planning. CAPP has received a lot of feedback from the community and was pleased to see the number of departments and individuals who made submissions before the December deadline. A task group which is a subgroup of CAPP members has been formed and includes the three Deans and three faculty members. The task group reviews the material and develops draft recommendations. They have submitted their first report to CAPP which will send draft recommendations to the community to engage in dialogue before bringing recommendations to Senate probably for the March 30th Senate meeting. 5. Question Period There were no questions. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc) Moved by R. Farmer, seconded by L. Steele that Senate move in camera. CARRIED. 7.7.1 Professor Emeritus nominations (Confidential business) 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree candidates (Confidential business) Moved by B. Jessop, seconded by S. Drain that Senate move out of confidential business. CARRIED. 3 7.1 Senate Executive There was no report. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee J. Sawler reported that the committee has not met this year, but there is a hearing on Thursday, January 29th. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Memorandum of Understanding between MSVU and: Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sudbury, ON; College of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC; Hyvinkkaa-Riihimaki College of Adult Education, Finland; Scottish Agricultural College, UK; and Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia, Spain Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by A. MacGillivary that Senate approve the MOU between MSVU and: Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sudbury, ON; College of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC; Hyvinkkaa-Riihimaki College of Adult Education, Finland; Scottish Agricultural College, UK; and Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia, Spain with the understanding that the intellectual property policies of MSVU as defined in relevant collective agreements would apply. CARRIED AS AMENDED. D. Woolcott reported that a concern had been raised at the Senate Executive meeting regarding the section on intellectual property and whether it could be interpreted to mean something other than the policies about intellectual property that apply to MSVU. She asked M. Whalen about this and he indicated that the agreement had been signed by the Presidents of the institutions with the exception of President Laurin. D. Woolcott noted that it is important to clarify that MSVUâ s intellectual property policies as defined in MSVU collective agreements are the ones that would apply. S. Drain suggested amending the motion so that collective agreement provisions regarding intellectual property rights would take precedence over content of the MOU. D. Woolcott and A. MacGillivary agreed. 7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee 7.4.1 Changes to existing programs (for approval) Women and Gender Studies Deletion of Course GWGS 6610, Francophone Womenâ s Writing of the Twentieth Century (0.5 unit) Curriculum Studies Addition of Course GCRD 6319, History of Educational Ideas (0.5 unit) Women and Gender Studies Addition of Courses GWGS 6611/6612, Senior Seminar (0.5 unit) GWGS 6617, Feminism and Knowledge (0.5 unit) Educational Foundations Cross-Listing of Course 4 GFDD 6512, History of Educational Ideas (0.5 unit), cross-listed with GCRD 6319 Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate approve the deletion of GWGS 6610, Francophone Womenâ s Writing of the Twentieth Century, the addition of GCRD 6319, History of Educational Ideas, GWGS 6611/6612, Senior Seminar, GWGS 6617, Feminism and Knowledge, and the cross-listing of GFDD 6512, History of Educational Ideas with GCRD 6319, History of Educational Ideas. CARRIED. 7.4.2 Changes to existing programs (for information) Educational Foundations GFDD 6516, Gender and Education (0.5 unit) GFDD 6531, Feminism and Educational Practices (0.5 unit) Women and Gender Studies GWGS 6603, Graduate Seminar (0.5 unit) S. Drain queried GFDD 6531, Feminism and Educational Practices, which is an advanced course for students who are familiar with basic feminist concepts. She asked if there was a prerequisite or if students self-identify as having knowledge of basic feminist concepts. J. Sharpe noted that the idea was to have two courses where one could follow the other but the first course would not necessarily be required to take the second. Traditionally, there are not a lot of prerequisites in graduate education courses because the sequencing is not necessarily always there. The idea is that the second course would be more advanced but the committee did not feel a prerequisite was necessary. M. Lyon noted that the course GFDD 6516, Gender and Education, was the course that could give knowledge of basic feminist concepts. 7.5 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee M. Lyon reported that the committee has adjudicated and submitted three nominations to SSHRC for doctoral fellowships which will go forward to the national competition and has also submitted five nominations for the masterâ s level Canada Graduate Scholarships. The President noted that MSVU has done well in those competitions and M. Lyon indicated that in the last few years when five students have been nominated they have been awarded scholarships. 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.6.1 Changes to existing programs (for approval) Philosophy/Religious Studies Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the addition of a four-unit concentration in Philosophy and the addition of a four-unit concentration in Religious Studies. CARRIED. Political/Canadian Studies Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by J. MacLeod that Senate approve the addition of a four-unit concentration in Canadian Studies and the addition of a four-unit concentration in Political Studies. CARRIED. S. Drain noted that a student could take one and a half units at the 3000-level, a somewhat unusual though not necessarily problematic situation. She asked if there were enough courses 5 being offered so that students could easily get a unit and a half at the 3000 or 4000-level within a regular program. J. MacLeod indicated that MSVU routinely offers several units at the 3000-level every year in conjunction with the Public Policy program, which is cross-listed with Political Studies. J. Sharpe noted that a student could complete a concentration with only one unit at the 3000-level as there is no requirement for more than one unit at the 3000-level. S. Drain highlighted that she did not object to the wording as long as sufficient courses are available for students to meet the requirements. Sociology/Anthropology Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the addition of a four-unit concentration in Sociology/Anthropology. CARRIED. 7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) D. Woolcott reported that other than the Professor Emeritus nominations there was nothing to report. 7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services J. Mills reported that the committee does not plan to meet until March. 7.9 Library R. Bagg reported that the committee met in January. 7.10 Nominations 7.10.1 Notice of Motion, Revisions to Senate by-law 14.7, Nominations Committee Membership, Quorum, and Functions 7.10.2 Senate-elected committees Moved by L. Mann, seconded by D. Bourne-Tyson that Senate elect the following individual to fill a vacancy on the identified committee. CARRIED. Committee Nominee Term Begins Term Ends University Research Ethics Board Dr. Charles Edmunds When Elected June 30, 2011 Moved by L. Neilsen, seconded by J. Sharpe that Senate elect the following individuals to fill vacancies on the identified committees. CARRIED. Committee Nominee Term Begins Term Ends Graduate Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee (Arts and Science) Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal When Elected June 30, 2011 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Professional Studies) Dr. Wanda George When Elected June 30, 2011 6 7.11 Research and Publications There was no report. 7.12 Student Affairs There was no report. 7.13 Committee on Teaching and Learning 7.13.1 Instructional Leadership Award revisions 7.13.2 Teaching Innovation Award revisions Moved by P. Watts, seconded by E. Hicks that Senate approve the revisions to the Instructional Leadership Award and the Teaching Innovation Award. CARRIED. P. Watts reported that the revisions are necessary to make the Award descriptions consistent with one another. She noted that the revisions are editorial changes. The criteria remain the same and the procedures for nomination and adjudication have been clarified. J. Mills asked if the guidelines for the award to recognize Service to University Governance would be similar to the Instructional Leadership Award and Teaching Innovation Award. S. Drain stated that the award for Service to University Governance came from Senate Executive and there was no particular need to have consistency, although the same types of things are covered, i.e. the nomination process and the adjudication process. 7.14 Writing Initiatives S. Drain reported that an event scheduled for January 28th was cancelled as the result of insufficient interest. The committee will meet again in February. J. Sawler noted that timetable conflicts could have been the reason for lack of attendance at the January 28th event. 7.15 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships B. MacInnes reported that the committee is scheduled to meet on January 28th. 7.16 University Research Ethics Board There was no report. 8. Other Reports Moved by R. Farmer, seconded by I. Pottie that Senate move in camera for balloting results. CARRIED. Moved by B. Jessop, seconded by J. MacLeod that Senate move out of confidential business. CARRIED. 7 8.1 Studentsâ Union J. Jackson reported that December events included the annual Christmas party and toy drive and the Diversity Centre sponsored a family. The Studentsâ Union won the GM Challenge (in recognition of school spirit), celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Mr. Mount event and observed the International Day for the Eliminatio n of Violence Against Women. The annual Fountain Play-Centre Childrenâ s Carnival was held during the weekend of January 24-25th. Upcoming events include: Mardi Gras, Charity Ball, Tenant Rights Awareness, elections and events for Black History month. There are new menu items in the pub and food can now be served after 5 p.m. The union is considering the restructuring of its executive. J. Neilson reported that the Union held its Annual General Meeting on January 22nd. The Union passed the sustainability policy and will start implementing the policy, which will make MSVU more eco-friendly. The Union also passed a tutoring policy. J. Jackson maintains a tutor database and the maximum fee a tutor can charge is $20.00 per hour. The Union has attempted to structure the process so that tutors and students in need of a tutor can advertise through the Union even though using the Unionâ s services is not required. The Union is reviewing fee-restructuring in an effort to become more sustainable and will be meeting with S. Davis for discussions. Although the Union offers services to all students, distance and summer school students do not currently pay fees. In October 2008, a petition was circulated in an effort to win support for the construction of a student prayer room; the Union believes that students who are not of the Catholic faith should have their own prayer room. N. Peach reported that there is an upcoming projectâ Green Art for Greener Spaces. The Union will be canvassing university and high school students to make submissions which could encompass video, prose, poetry and mounted visual art. Members of the Political Studies Society will travel to Edmonton for the Canadian Political Science Studentsâ Association Conference taking place from February 4-7. The Society will place a bid to have the National Conference come to MSVU. The theme of their bid is â The Art of Politics.â J. Jackson noted that the International Office will be holding an event for International Womenâ s Day in the Pub from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and performers are being sought. 8.2 Destination 2012 R. Farmer reported that there were two meetings in January. Two goals at each meeting were completely reviewed and edited. The template-sheets are being filled and summaries of the template-sheets should be available shortly. 8.3 Joint Board-Senate Liaison Committee K. Laurin reported that the committee had met for the first time. J. MacLeod and J. Mills are the two Senate members, as well as the President, D. Woolcott and B. Jessop. The Board members are Gwen Haliburton, a past Board chair, Claire Milton, and Janet MacMillan, the current Board Chair. The committee reviewed the mandate and terms of reference and held a general discussion on economic and enrollment challenges. J. MacLeod stated that it was a productive meeting and he is happy to see the committee reactivated because it is a useful additional conduit for communication between the Board and the Senate. J. Mills and K. Laurin concurred. 8 9. New Business There was no new business. 10. Items for Communication No items for communication were noted. 11. Adjournment Moved by R. Bagg to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Lorna Cottenden Recording Secretary