MSVU Senate Minutes -- September 25 2000

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting Rosaria Boardroom September 25, 2000 A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 2000, in the Rosaria Board Room. Present: S. Brown (Chair), R. Bérard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, B. Casey, W. Doyle, B. Frank, D. Furrow, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, B. Harvey, C. Hill, N. Hill, B. Hodkin, K. Kienapple, B. King, M. MacMillan, C. Mathieson, L. Neilsen, C. Nickerson, S. Perrott, M. Raven, T. Roberts, R. Sampson, B. Taylor, L. Theriault, R. Warne, P. Watts, J. Woodsworth Regrets: C. Ferns, T. Richards Guests: R. Jeppesen 1. Approval of Agenda S. Brown welcomed returning and new members to Senate. Moved by L. Neilsen, seconded by R. Warne that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED It was agreed to move item 9.2 Selection of honorary degree candidates (confidential business) to item 9.3, and add item 9.2, Graduation List (confidential business). 2. Approval of Minutes of May 1, 2000 and May 5, 2000 Moved by M. Raven, seconded by F. Harrington that the minutes of May 1, 2000 be approved as amended. CARRIED The minutes were amended under item 4, President's Announcements, in the second paragraph to change the word "presidents'" to "presidents" and under item 7.5, Graduate Studies, to change the word "theses" to "thesis." Moved by R. Warne, seconded by B. Frank that the minutes of May 5, 2000 be approved as amended. CARRIED The minutes were amended under item 7.1, Graduation List (confidential business), to change the word "Mashi" to "Mahshi". 3. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown discussed the Atlantic Investment Partnership, a federal government initiative of $700 million. The fund is divided into portions. The first portion, called the Atlantic Innovation Fund, has a research focus. There will be opportunities for universities to apply for funding and to work in partnership with each other, or in partnership with the private and/or public sector. This whole initiative is designed to stimulate strong economic growth in the Atlantic region. The National Research Council will be investing a portion of this money in the Atlantic Region as well. The three other pieces of the fund are Community Economic Development, Trade and Investment, and Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development. S. Brown reported that the Association of Atlantic Universities has created a Research and Development Advisory Committee to provide input to the AAU on this initiative. C. Mathieson is serving on the Research and Development Advisory Committee. The process is being closely monitored by C. Mathieson, S. Brown and J. Woodsworth. 5. Question Period There were no questions. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive No report 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee L. Theriault reported that there are three appeals before the Committee. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Revision of By-law 14.3 (Notice of motion) At the October 30 Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise by-law 14.3. J. Woodsworth discussed the updated terms of reference for the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. She explained that the revisions reflect the committee's current practice and membership. J. Woodsworth on behalf of CAPP encourages Senate Committee members to attend committee meetings regularly. 7.3.2 Policy and Procedures for Review of Academic Programs Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by B. Taylor that Senate endorse the "Policy and Procedures for Review of Academic Programs," which replaces the "Departmental Consultations" document. CARRIED J. Woodsworth explained that considerable work and consultation was put into the "Policy and Procedures for Review of Academic Programs." She stated that the MPHEC had a quality assurance policy, which led to the creation of a committee that will audit universities to ensure adequate review policies for academic programs. This will ensure that Mount Saint Vincent has an adequate policy to review its programs. D. Furrow indicated that the document would ensure consistency across all departments. B. Taylor noted that the document had broad consultation, including the Faculty Association. 7.4 Committee on Extended Learning No report 7.5 Graduate Studies R. Sampson reported that the committee reviewed twelve graduate studies theses for ethical review over the summer. She stated that the Graduate Studies Research Ethics Board requires an external community member to comply with the Tri-Council Policy. She expressed the committee's concern that the task of reviewing graduate proposals for ethical concerns was becoming onerous, especially with the increasing numbers of graduate students. 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum D. Furrow briefly discussed new program changes that will be brought to Senate at future meetings. 7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) No report 7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services No report 7.9 Library M. Raven reported that distance students must still request a student card from the Registrar's Office. Although distance students are clearly advised of procedures for obtaining a student ID, the committee hopes the distribution of these cards will soon be automatic. M. Raven reported that the faculty cards with the old logo must be reissued. The committee would like the university to issue faculty cards with photo identification. M. Raven announced that ASIN (Atlantic Scholarly Information Network) cards are forthcoming. This card will entitle students and faculty access to all university libraries in Atlantic Canada. She informed Senate that the SLC will hold its annual Library Coordinators and Department Chairs meeting on October 20. One of the highlights of the gathering is a demonstration of the new Ebsco Internet database. 7.10 Nominations 7.10.1 Senate Standing Committee Membership (for action) Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by F. Harrington that Senate approve the following appointments 1) Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - Dr. Jennifer McLaren and 2) Writing Initiatives Committee - Dr. Della Stanley. CARRIED 7.10.2 Senate Representative on the Library Committee (for information) K. Kienapple announced that M. Raven will be the Senate representative on the Library committee for the upcoming academic year. 7.11 Research and Publications C Mathieson reported that K. Kienapple and J. Gordon are the new committee members and C. Short is the community member on the University Research Ethics Board. The committee has had one orientation meeting. Anticipated tasks were outlined, including potential revisions of the "Mount Saint Vincent Policies and Procedures: Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans" according to Tri-Council feedback. 7.12 Student Affairs No report. 7.13 Committee on Teaching J. Woodsworth reported that the committee held a very successful Faculty Day. She thanked B. King and P. Watts for their hard work. P. Watts mentioned that the event profiled individuals who have won awards in teaching. The guest speaker was Dr. Tim Lee (Dalhousie) who described his teaching philosophy. Approximately 50 faculty members attended the event. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships No report 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors S. Brown reported that the Board met three times since the last Senate meeting. In May the Board received notice that there had been two Order in Council appointments made to the Board: Theresa Laffin and Mary Martin. The Board approved the budget and discussed the upcoming FOIPOP legislation. The By-laws Committee of the Board was asked to look into developing a Board Records Policy. The Board also approved an environmental statement for the Mount. On June 2 the Board held its annual meeting, receiving the annual reports of its various committees, appointing members to its various committees, and confirming committee Chairs. The Board approved the three sets of audited financial statements: regular accounts, Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies, and Pension. 8.2 Student Council C. Nickerson reported that Orientation Week was a success. The Students' Union raised approximately $5,500 for Shinearama. C. Nickerson thanked J. Woodsworth for attending the kick-off event for Shinarama. The Students' Union held an inservice day for council members which focussed on developing team-building skills. J. Cooper is implementing the first records management program for the Students' Union. The position of Internal Vice-President has included liaison for Shinearama and Run for the Cure in its job description. C. Nickerson reported that the Students' Union by- elections will be held in October. During the summer council members attended a meeting with the Nova Scotia Student Advocacy Coalition developing three campaign policies and producing a provincial logo. T. Roberts attended the Canadian Academic Round Table (CART) during the summer. S. Randell produced the Students' Handbook. C. Portolesi will be producing the year's first edition of the newsletter, Her Voices. The Students' Union is considering a change in the title of the newsletter to better represent the demographics of Mount Saint Vincent University. N. White will has begun the process of the status of ratifying the societies. The Students' Union is in the process of hiring a general manager. 9. New Business 9.1 Annual Reports of Senate Committees (receive only) The Annual Reports of Senate Committees will be discussed during the October 30, 2000 Senate meeting. 9.2 Graduation List Moved by L. Neilsen, seconded by I Blum to move the meeting in camera. CARRIED Senate approved the awarding of degrees, diplomas and certificates as follows: Certificate in Business Administration R. Sampson/W. Doyle Certificate in Gerontology R. Sampson/N. Hill Certificate in Marketing R. Sampson/W. Doyle Diploma in Business Administration R. Sampson/W. Doyle Degree of Bachelor of Arts D. Furrow/F. Harrington Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) D. Furrow/F. Harrington Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) D. Furrow/B. Hodkin Honours Certificate in Arts (History) D Furrow/B. Taylor Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) R. Sampson/M. Raven Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) R. Sampson/N. Hill Honours (with first-class honours) Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Information Technology) R. Sampson/B. Casey Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration R. Sampson/W. Doyle Degree of Bachelor Education (In association with the R. Sampson/R. Bérard Nova Scotia Teachers College) Degree of Bachelor of Human Ecology R. Sampson/N. Hill Degree of Bachelor of Public Relations R. Sampson/B. King Degree of Bachelor of Science D. Furrow/S. Perrott L. Theriault discussed the reason for leaving the major blank when a recipient has no indicated major. Degree of Bachelor of Science (Advanced Major) (Psychology) D. Furrow/F. Harrington Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours)(Psychology) D. Furrow/B. Hodkin Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition (dietetics) R. Sampson/R. Warne Degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management R. Sampson/W. Doyle Bachelor of Education R. Sampson/L. Neilsen Master of Education R. Sampson/B Frank Master of Human Ecology R. Sampson/S. Boyd Master of Arts in Education R. Sampson/R. Warne Master of Arts in Human Ecology R. Sampson/M. Raven Master of Arts in School Psychology R. Sampson/B. Frank Master of Arts in Women's Studies (given jointly R. Sampson/R. Warne by Mount Saint Vincent University, Dalhousie University and Saint Mary's University) Moved by R. Sampson, seconded by T. Roberts that Senate permit the Registrar to add an individual's name if the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation Ceremony and, further, to adjust any student's distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED. 9.3 Honourary Degree Nominations Honourary Degree candidates for upcoming convocations were selected. Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by M. MacMillan to move the meeting from in camera. CARRIED 10. Items for Communication Graduation list Committee election results Policy and Procedures for Review of Academic Programs 11. Other Business L. Theriault briefly discussed the enrollment statistics for Mount Saint Vincent University. Currently there are approximately 3680 students enrolled; however, on October 2 there will be an official report on enrollment. 12. Adjournment Moved by R. Warne, seconded by I. Blum that the meeting be adjourned at 8:59 PM. CARRIED.