Conference introduction, opening plenaries, and keynote addresses from the 2012 Co-operating to Build a Better Nova Scotia Conference in Halifax

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Roy, Alain
d'Entremont, Simon
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Nova Scotia Co-operative Council, Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network, Conseil Coopératif Acadien Nouvelle Écosse, Nova Scotia Government & others
The program and audio recordings of the conference introduction, opening plenaries, and keynote addresses from the 2012 Co-operating to Build a Better Nova Scotia Conference in Halifax. The YouTube URIs lead to an audio recording of the respective interviews. The program is in both English and French. The recordings are: 1. Co-operating to Build a Better Nova Scotia Conference Introduction 2. Opening Plenary: International Year of Co-Operatives in Review - Where We've Been and Where We're Going, A Global Perspective 3. Opening Keynote Address by Alain Roy: Co-operatives and the Canadian Journey 4. Keynote Address by Simon d'Entremont: Community Leadership to Support Economic Development - Where You Can Help and Areas For Collaboration 5. Opening Plenary: Co-operating to Foster a Healthy and Diverse Co-operative Ecosystem, Contributing to Well-Being, Innovation and Development