Bridging Public Investment and Social Value: An examination of the supports for the Social Economy on Prince Edward Island
Wynne, Barbara Groome
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Social Economy Network Atlantic working paper 2007-01. Bridging Public Investment and Social Value: An examination of the supports for the Social Economy on Prince Edward Island
This study was commissioned by Sub-Node 2 of the Atlantic Social Economy and Sustainability
Research Network which is coordinated by the Institute of Island Studies at the University of
Prince Edward Island. The research took place during the summer and fall of 2007.
The report was authored by Barbara Groome Wynne in collaboration with Sub-Node 2 of the
Atlantic Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network, under the supervision of Dr.
Irene Novaczek (Institute of Island Studies) and Janice Pettit (Prince Edward Island Executive
Council Office).
Publisher: Island Studies Press, Institute of Island Studies UPEI
Editor: Dr Irene Novaczek, Director, Institute of Island Studies
Government , MAP , Working paper , Policy , Prince Edward Island , Scan , PEI