MSVU Senate Minutes -- October 30 2000
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting
Rosaria Boardroom October 30, 2000
A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 30, 2000, in the Rosaria
Board Room.
Present: S. Brown (Chair), I. Blum, S. Boyd, B. Casey, W. Doyle, M. Evans, C. Ferns, B. Frank,
D. Furrow, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, B. Harvey, C. Hill, B. Hodkin, K. Kienapple, B. King, M.
MacMillan, C. Mathieson, L. Neilsen, C. Nickerson, S. Perrott, T. Richards, R. Sampson, B.
Taylor, L. Theriault, P. Watts, J. Woodsworth.
Regrets: R. Bérard, N. Hill, M. Raven, T. Roberts, R. Warne.
Guests: S. Davis, D. Forbes, R. Jeppesen.
1. Approval of Agenda
S. Brown welcomed M. Evans to Senate.
Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by L. Neilsen that the agenda be approved as amended.
It was agreed to add the following: item 7.1.2, Date of November/December Meeting; item
7.10.3, Senate Representative on the Search Committee for the Dean of Arts & Sciences; and
item 7.14.1 Enrolment Report.
It was agreed to discuss item 9.1 xiii after item 9.1 i.
2. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2000
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by P. Watts that the minutes of September 25, 2000 be
approved as amended. CARRIED
The minutes were amended under item 8.2, to change "N. White will has begun..." to N. White
has begun..."
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising.
4. President's Announcements
S. Brown announced that the Nova Scotia Council on Higher Education has been replaced by the
Nova Scotia Advisory Board on College and Universities. This Board includes the Nova Scotia
Community College and the Collège de l'Acadie . The Advisory Board has also added student
financial aid to its portfolio. The Nova Scotia Advisory Board on College and Universities has
expanded to 18 members including more student representatives. S. Clark is the Executive
Director of the Advisory Board.
The Department of Education has been reorganized into three divisions, including one for postsecondary
education. Further information regarding the restructuring of the Department of
Education is available in the President's Office.
On November 23, universities will come under FOIPOP. Faculty are encouraged to notify the
FOIPOP coordinator of the type and location of records they have. M. Landreville, the FOIPOP
coordinator, is available to answer questions regarding the legislation.
The Blueprint Steering Committee reviewed all action plans that were received from individuals,
committees, departments, and centres. The committee is now consolidating all agreed upon
action plans into one document. Priorities are being identified. Senate will receive a full report at
a later meeting.
S. Brown announced that the "post-Shapiro" report was released on October 25. Copies of the
report are available for viewing in the President's Office, the Deans' Office and the Library. The
report acknowledges that teacher education is under funded. MSVU has capital and funding
needs due to the fact the university had to incorporate more senior education faculty from
Dalhousie University and Saint Mary's University. If anyone has comments regarding the "post-
Shapiro" report, they are welcome to share them with S. Brown, J. Woodsworth, R. Sampson or
the Department of Education.
5. Question Period
There were no questions.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
7.1.1 Revisions of By-laws 1.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.3.1, 14.3.3, 14.5, 14.6, 14.9, 14.10 and 14.10.1
(notice of motion)
At the next Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise by-laws 1.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.3.1,
14.3.3, 14.5, 14.6, 14.9, 14.10 and 14.10.1.
7.1.2 Date of November/December Meeting
In view of the Canadian general election occurring on Monday, November 27, the regular Senate
meeting that evening has been rescheduled. Senate agreed to have the meeting on December 4, a
already reserved for Senate. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. to accommodate the additional
agenda items.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
L. Theriault reported that there are three appeals before the Committee. The committee has
reviewed two procedural issues; one has been referred to CAPP and the other to Senate
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
J. Woodsworth reported on CAPP's staffing decisions. The original proposal in the Academic
Plan to have a program in Philosophy, Political Studies and Economics (PPE) is currently being
modified. There is a proposal for an integrated program in Philosophy and Religious Studies.
CAPP will also review proposals from Political Science and Economics. The following faculty
positions are being posted:
â ¢ one position for the Department of Business and Tourism
â ¢ one joint position for the Departments of Philosophy and Religious Studies
â ¢ two positions for the Department of Psychology
â ¢ three positions for the Department of Education
â ¢ one position for the Department of History
7.3.1 Revision of By-law 14.3
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by B. Taylor, that Senate endorse CAPP's revisions to bylaw
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. Woodsworth that the phrase "To nominate one of its members
to the Graduate Studies Committee" in the revised by-law 14.3 be changed "To name one of its
members to the Graduate Studies Committee". CARRIED
7.4 Committee on Extended Learning
No report
7.5 Graduate Studies
R. Sampson expressed the Committee's concern that the task of reviewing graduate proposals for
ethical concerns was becoming onerous, especially with the increasing numbers of graduate
students. She reported that the Committee was having difficulty finding an external community
member for the Graduate Studies Research Ethics Board. The Committee approved a MA
Research program. However, research ethics review has resulted in little time for the Graduate
Studies Committee to address policy issues.
7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum
D. Furrow reported that the committee has considered major changes in the Public Relations
program, a program in Cultural Studies and the integration of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
The Committee will bring forward a motion for Senate to endorse these changes at the December
4 meeting.
7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
No report
7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services
D. Forbes reported that the Committee has met four times. The sub-committee to study computer
usage policy has invited the Dean of Students to meet for input. The Blueprint submission has
been prioritized and submitted. The Committee is currently discussing its terms of reference.
A Senator expressed concern that part-time student positions have been eliminated. D. Forbes
clarified that all part-time student hours in the labs have been reposted and staffed and the hours
are back to the levels of last year.
A Senator expressed concern that the department's most trained personnel are answering calls at
the Help Desk. The Senator asked why students were not being used as in previous years. D.
Forbes reported that four permanent staff are taking turns to answer calls. She explained that one
of the department's biggest complaints is that a problem cannot get resolved at the time of the
call to the Help Desk. Over time she would like to see help over the phone include remote
computer diagnosis. D. Forbes stated that the department is reviewing its planning stages and
will follow up on the Help Desk issue.
7.9 Library
No report.
7.10 Nominations
K. Kienapple reported that the Committee received no response to the call for two Arts &
Sciences Representatives on the Faculty Council. He urged Senators to speak to their colleagues
about this issue to encourage nominations.
7.10.1 Senate Representative on the Search Committee for the Vice-President
(Administration) (for action)
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by T. Richards that Senate approve the appointment of I.
Blum as Senate Representative on the Search Committee for the Vice-President
(Administration). CARRIED
7.10.2 Membership of Academic Appeals Committee (for action)
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum that Senate approve the appointment of J. Gordon
to the position of alternate member on the Academic Appeals Committee. CARRIED
7.10.3 Senate Representative on the Search Committee for the Dean of Arts & Sciences
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by B. Hodkin that Senate approve the appointment of F.
Harrington as Senate Representative on the Search Committee for the Dean of Arts & Sciences.
7.11 Research and Publications
C Mathieson reported that one-half of the internal grants from the October competition have
been reviewed for funding. She noted that adjudication of applications usually takes two or three
meetings, since ethics issues are also addressed at that time. C. Mathieson reported that MSVU's
de-centralized model for ethics review has greatly increased the workload of the Committee on
Research & Publications and the Graduate Studies Committee. The Committee on Research &
Publications will review the Policies and Procedures: Ethical Review of Research Involving
Humans in the new year. She noted that this de-centralized model is somewhat rare and the
Committee will examine other models for ethical review.
7.12 Student Affairs
C. Hill reported that the Committee has met to discuss its Blueprint recommendations.
7.13 Committee on Teaching
No report.
7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault reported that the Scholar's Reception will be held on November 7. The recipients
had lunch with the President and discussed how they became scholars and how to encourage
other candidates to apply for scholarships. S. Brown reported that the next President's Notes will
profile the scholarship recipients.
7.14.1 Enrolment Report.
L. Theriault discussed the enrolment report. She made the following observations regarding
o Full-time undergraduate enrolment was down slightly (-1.7%) from last year;
o Full-time graduate enrolment was down slightly (-6.5%) from last year;
o New full-time undergraduate enrolment remained stable from last year;
o Visa full-time enrolment increased (16.7%) from last year;
o Total number of students has increased from 3,865 on October 23, 1999 to 3,955
on October 23, 2000;
o The unit count for the fall semester has remained stable but the unit count for the
winter semester is down. L. Theriault noted that the Committee will continue to
monitor this pattern.
L. Theriault discussed the enrolment status of other institutions. She noted that Dalhousie and
King's College had a large decrease in their number of first year students, whereas Acadia and
UCCB had a substantial increase.
L. Theriault noted that distance education enrolment is still being monitored. P. Watts reported
that the numbers for distance education are up slightly.
On December 1, L. Theriault will have the report of geographical regions which constitute the
MSVU student population. She will bring the document to the January Senate meeting.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
C. Ferns reported that the Board discussed the Fair Treatment Policy.
8.2 Student Council
C. Nickerson reported that the Fall By-Elections filled most vacant seats except for the Part-time
and Graduate Senate Student Representatives. The Students' Union has made an offer of
employment for General Manager. D. Stuart is the new VP Finance. The Students' Union is
actively involved in and registered with the Nova Scotia Student Advocacy Coalition. Two
student representatives will be sponsored by the Students' Union to attend the Canadian
Commonwealth of Education Ministers meeting. C. Nickerson stated that rumours of her desire
to close down the Art Gallery are untrue and that her comments were misquoted. She expressed
concern that some members on other committees have been publically discussing her remarks
without first approaching her for clarification.
9. New Business
9.1 Annual Reports of Senate Committees
i. Senate Executive
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by B. King to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Senate Executive Committee. CARRIED
ii. Academic Appeals Committee
Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by L. Theriault to receive as submitted the annual report of
the Academic Appeals Committee. CARRIED
There was a discussion concerning Policy Issues for Review items number 3 and 6 of the annual
report. A Senator believed that the calendar did provide a clear definition of plagiarism and
hoped that CAPP would examine the current practice for addressing the issue. Another Senator
added that the Committee should redefine the Calendar's entry for plagiarism to make it
consistent with the Committee's definition. Several Senators stated that the affected faculty
member should have access to a student's letter of appeal and that hearings should be scheduled
such that the faculty member is able to attend.
Moved by L. Theriault, seconded by T. Richards that the six Policy Issues for Review and a
seventh issue (the scheduling of hearings so that the faculty member is able to attend) be referred
to the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning . CARRIED
L. Theriault explained that any tape recording of the appeals process is kept with the actual file
of the appeal.
iii. Academic Policy and Planning
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by C. Ferns to receive as amended the annual report of the
Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. CARRIED
The report was amended to include M. MacMillan as a member of the Committee beginning
January 1, 2000 and to state that J. McLaren was a member until December 31, 1999.
iv. Committee on Extended Learning
Moved by R. Sampson, seconded by P. Watts to receive as amended the annual report of the
Committee on Extended Learning. CARRIED
The report was amended under Disposition of Committee, last sentence, to change "... the
Director of Continuing and Distance Education..." to "...the Director of Distance Learning and
Continuing Education..", and under Respectfully submitted by, to change the title of Dr. Peggy
Watts to Director, Distance Learning and Continuing Education.
Moved by R. Sampson, seconded by B. King that Senate approve the disbanding of the
Committee on Extended Learning. CARRIED.
J. Woodsworth reported that P. Watts, as the Director of Distance Learning and Continuing
Education, has been invited as a permanent guest at SCOT.
v. Graduate Studies
Moved by R. Sampson, seconded by S. Perrott to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Graduate Studies Committee. CARRIED
R. Sampson discussed the vetting process for the report on Women's Studies. The individual
reports from the three institutions will be compiled into one umbrella document.
R. Sampson stated that the growth of graduate studies at MSVU and the increase in research
ethics have resulted in the need for a Director of Graduate Studies.
vi. Undergraduate Curriculum
Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by C. Nickerson to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. CARRIED
vii. Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
Moved by, seconded by J. Woodsworth to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators. CARRIED
There was a discussion regarding the former rank of the recipients of the Professor Emeritus
status. The policy states that the status is normally conferred on a full professor. However, a
large number of recipients are of associate professor rank. J. Woodsworth stated that the
Committee had received strong recommendations regarding the candidates from the departments.
CAPTPAA will circulate the existing procedures to the departments and make note of the issue.
viii. Committee on Information Technology and Services
Moved by S. Boyd, seconded by C. Mathieson to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Committee on Information Technology and Services. CARRIED
L. Theriault reported that DATATEL Colleague access has been extended to Department Chairs
and secretaries. However, fuller use of the program, such as allowing all faculty access, must be
reviewed and monitored due to the FOIPOP legislation.
ix. Library
Moved by L. Neilsen, seconded by P. Watts to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Library Committee. CARRIED
Item B1, Library Resources Budget, has been referred by Senate Executive to the University
Budget Committee. S. Davis reported that the library service budget is within the range of the
Atlantic universities' average.
x. Nominations
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Nominations Committee. CARRIED
xi. Research and Publications
Moved by C. Mathieson, seconded K. Kienapple by to receive as submitted the annual report of
the Committee on Research and Publications. CARRIED
xii. Student Affairs
Moved by C. Hill, seconded by S. Boyd to receive as submitted the annual report of the Student
Affairs Committee. CARRIED
C. Hill noted that the she was not a member of the Student Judicial Committee.
xiii. Committee on Teaching
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by C. Nickerson to receive as submitted the annual report
of the Committee on Teaching. CARRIED
xiv. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
Moved by L. Theriault, seconded by I. Blum to receive as submitted the annual report of the
Committee on Admissions and Scholarships. CARRIED
L. Theriault reported that the Committee is considering creating a distribution list for students
who meet scholarship requirements. This list would publicize the scholarship awards available.
10. Items for Communication
Revision of by-law 14.3 in Senate By-laws and Rules of Order
Committee election results
Referrals to CAPP
Notice to Extended Learning Committee Members of termination of committee
Notice to SCOT of amalgamation with Extended Learning Committee
11. Other Business
There was no other business.
12. Adjournment
Moved by B. Taylor, seconded by W. Doyle that the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m.