MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 30 2001
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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April 30, 2001
A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 30, 2001, in the Rosaria Board
Present: S. Brown (Chair), R. Bérard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, S. Drain, C. Ferns, B. Frank, D.
Furrow, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, C. Hill, B. Hodkin, K. Kienapple, B. King, M. MacMillan,
C. Mathieson, D. Nevo, S. Perrott, M. Raven, T. Roberts, E. Rosenthal, R. Sampson, P. Watts, J.
Regrets: W. Doyle, M. Evans, N. Hill, L. Neilsen, C. Nickerson, N. Parsons, L. Theriault, R.
Guests: B. Keddy (Dal), L. Cartwright, L. Christianson-Ruffman (SMU), J. Gordon, R.
Jeppesen, K. Side.
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by P. Watts, seconded by B. King that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED
The agenda was amended by moving item 7.11.2, Progress Report from WIC to item 7.12.2.
2. Approval of Minutes of March 26, 2001
Moved by D. Nevo, seconded by M. Raven that the minutes of March 26, 2001 be approved as
circulated. CARRIED
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising.
4. President's Announcements
S. Brown announced that the Nova Scotia Advisory Board on Colleges and Universities recently
met at and toured the MSVU campus. She also announced that on April 29, MSVU hosted a
successful reception at the Meadows for newly admitted students who have received
5. Question Period
There were no questions.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
7.1.1 Selection of honorary degree candidates
Moved by S. Drain, seconded by S. Boyd to move the meeting in camera. CARRIED
The first round of balloting for honorary degrees was conducted.
Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by R. Bérard to move the meeting from in camera.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
F. Harrington reported that the Committee was considering one case.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 B.Ed. In Association
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by R. Bérard that Senate approve the B.Ed. In Association
proposal. CARRIED.
7.3.2 External Review of the MA in Women's Studies
S. Brown introduced J. Gordon, K. Side, B. Keddy (Dal), and L. Christianson-Ruffman (SMU)
to Senate.
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by D. Furrow that Senate recommends that Graduate
Admissions Program Committee (GAPC) consider the recommendations contained in the
External Review of the MA in Women's Studies report and take steps to resolve some of the
issues that will have been identified by the fall of 2001. The Deans/Directors of Graduate Studies
of the three universities should meet with members of GAPC in the near future to assess the
progress of their deliberations. Senate further recommends that the Vice-Presidents (Academic)
meet to address registrarial and other administrative issues, also by the fall of 2001. CARRIED.
J. Gordon stated that the MSVU Womenâ s Studies Department did make comments in response
to the External Review recommendations but which did not make the current version of the
document. B. Keddy stated that among the three universities there are different review processes.
These processes ultimately reach the same goal, but in different sequences.
7.4 Graduate Studies
R. Sampson reported that the Committee has met to review proposals for ethical approval and to
work on the Graduate Calendar.
7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum
Moved by S. Drain, seconded by S. Boyd to move the meeting in camera. CARRIED
Honorary Degree candidates for upcoming convocations were selected. The second round of
balloting for honorary degrees was conducted.
Moved by M. MacMillan, seconded by R. Bérard to move the meeting from in camera.
7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum (for information)
The following curriculum changes were brought to Senate for information: Political and Canadian Studies
a) POLS 1100 - New Name, New Description
b) POLS 2213 - New Description
c) POLS 2214 - New Description
7.5.2 Undergraduate Curriculum Political and Canadian Studies
a) Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by M. MacMillan to approve the following changes to the
existing program
i. Major (15 units)
ii. Advanced Major (20 units)
iii. Minor
b) Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by S. Perrott to approve the addition of the following new
POLS 2201 - Law, Government and Politics in Canada
POLS 2202 - People, Power and Politics in Canada
POLS 2203 - Canadian Foreign Policy
POLS 2205 - Atlantic Canada: Society and Politics
POLS 3303 - Contemporary Issues in Canadian Public Policy
POLS 3309 - Selected Topics in Political Studies
POLS 3310 - Selected Topics in Political Studies
POLS 3312 - Human Rights: Theory and Practice
POLS 4405 -Seminar on Canadian Politics
POLS 4413 - Seminar on Political Ideas: Current Controversies
Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by M. MacMillan to approve the deletion of the following
POLS 2204 - Politics in Canada
POLS 2221 - The Politics of the Educational Process
POLS 2222 - Educational Alternatives for Political Awareness
POLS 3311 - Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism: Politics as Commitment
POLS 4404 - Seminar on Canadian Politics
POLS 4412 - Political Ideas and Issues in the Nineties
Moved by D. Furrow, seconded by M. MacMillan to approve the cross-listing of the following
POLS 2213 - Classical Political Thought cross-list with PHIL 2213
POLS 2214- Contemporary Political Thought cross-list with PHIL 2214
POLS 3312 - Human Rights: Theory and Practice cross-list with PHIL 3312
POLS 2223 - Women and Politics cross-list with WOMS 2223
POLS 3361 - Women, Social Policy and the Welfare State cross-list with WOMS 3361
POLS 3391 - Gender and International Relations cross-list with WOMS 3391
7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
No report.
7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services
No report.
7.8 Library
No report.
7.9 Nominations
No report.
7.10 Research and Publications
C. Mathieson announced that P. Oâ Neill, P. Schwenger and R. Warne were recipients of SSHRC
funding. She also announced that N. Dlamini received funding from Canadian
Heritage/Multicultural Program. The MSVU Release Time Award winners for the 2001-2002
academic year are: F. Bennett, K. Darvesh, K. Kienapple, and P. Oâ Neill.
7.10.1 Revision of the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research
Involving Humans
C. Mathieson announced some further revisions to the existing document: under item
â ¢ 7.0, delete "Undergraduate Research,"
â ¢ Insert the "In-course graduate assignments must undergo the same departmental ethics
review as that of undergraduate assignments," between item 7.1 and item 7.2 and number
this item 7.2. This would result in cascading numbering of the following items.
â ¢ under item 10.2, the first sentence, delete the word "undergraduate."
Some Senators felt that the membership was not balanced between the Division of Professional
Studies and the Division of Arts and Sciences. Other Senators believed that the membership
would not best serve graduate studies review. C. Mathieson replied that the Tri-Council would
like to see broad representation across the disciplines. She also noted that, if the Committee was
faced with a proposal they could not review, the members would ask for expertise.
Upon advisement of Senate, C. Mathieson will amend item 3.2 to change "...representation
comes from each of the four disciplines..." to "...representation comes from each of the four
areas..." Article 3.3 will be divided into two separate articles. Article 11.4, will be changed to
refer to external agencies more generically. As well, C. Mathieson will make it explicit within
the document that the "research" means "research involving humans."
Moved by C. Mathieson, seconded by K. Kienapple to amend item 3.2 to read "Senate-appointed
representation shall ensure the broadest discipline representation possible: one member from
each of the four areas (i.e., Humanities, Social Science, Science, and Professional Studies) and
two members, each of whom represent a different department that offers a graduate program."
K. Kienapple described the reasoning behind any repetition found within the document. He
stated that this document is intended to be educational and inform the university what constitutes
C. Mathieson described the reasoning behind items 3.5, 4.3 and 4.5.
A Senator was concerned that the Division of Professional Studies was underrepresented on
several Senate Committees, including the proposed University Research Ethics Board. K.
Kienapple replied that if Senate requested, the Nominations Committee would come back in the
fall with recommendations.
Moved by C. Mathieson, seconded by S. Drain to table Senate endorsement of the revised MSVU
Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans until May 4. CARRIED.
C. Mathieson will present an amended version of the document prior to the May 4 meeting.
7.10.2 Revision of By-law 14.3.2 (notice of motion)
At the May 4 Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise By-law 14.3.2.
7.10.3 Revision of By-law 14.8 (notice of motion)
At the May 4 Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise By-law 14.8.
7.10.4 Addition of By-law 14.12 (notice of motion)
At the May 4 Senate meeting there will be a motion to add By-law 14.12.
7.11 Student Affairs
7.11.1 Revision of By-law 14.9
Moved by C. Hill, seconded by D. Furrow that Senate approve the revisions to By-Law 14.9.
7.12 Committee on Teaching
J. Woodsworth announced that the next Faculty Day will be held on August 30, 2001. The topic
of the Faculty Day is "Balancing Teaching and Research."
7.12.1 Revision of By-law 14.10
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by B. King that Senate approve the revisions to By-Law
14.10. CARRIED
7.12.2 Progress Report from WIC
S. Drain presented an oral preliminary report from WIC regarding the development of a
foundation course that would develop studentsâ writing, research and critical thinking skills. She
briefly described the findings and asked Senate for guidance on how to proceed. The Committee
will present a final report to Senate in September.
There were several logistic questions regarding the course. S. Drain replied that the Committee
was not ready to make any recommendations on how the course should be conducted, if
conducted at all. The Committee hopes that another body such as a task force or ad hoc
committee would refer to WICâ s final report and develop the course. Some Senators believed
that the course should not be mandatory as it would be hard to determine exemption for some
skill sets such as motivation and time management. Some members of Senate believed that the
course should be credited whereas others felt that the course should not be credited. S. Drain
stated the WIC will take Senateâ s suggestions under advisement.
7.13 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
No report.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
C. Ferns reported that the Board of Governors were working on the planning of a new MSVU
Capital Campaign.
8.2 Studentsâ Union
T. Roberts announced that the turnover of the Studentsâ Union executive membership occurs on
May 1, 2001.
9. New Business
There was no new business.
10. Items for Communication
The Senate Office will make the changes to the By-laws.
D. Furrow will inform the affected departments of curriculum changes. These changes will
appear in the 2002-2003 Calendar.
11. Other Business
There was no other business.
12. Adjournment
Moved by C. Ferns, seconded by M. Raven that the meeting be adjourned at 9:37 p.m.