MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 25 2005
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting April 25, 2005
Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of Meeting
Present: K. Blotnicky, I. Blum, C. Brushett, K. Darvesh, A. Davis, K. Dewar, S. Drain,
R. Farmer, P. Fielding, R. Fisher, M. Fitzgerald, C. French, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, C. Hill,
N. Kayhani, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, S. Medjuck, J. Mills, M. Schenk, J. Sharpe, L. Steele,
L. Theriault, P. Watts, J. West, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott (Chair).
Regrets: S. Brown, L.Evans, F. French, E. Hicks, B. King, D. Plumb, M. Whalen.
The Chair welcomed Krissy Arbuckle, incoming Studentsâ Union Vice-President Academic Affairs, as a guest at the meeting.
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by S. Drain, seconded by K. Dewar to adopt the agenda as circulated. CARRIED.
2. Approval of Minutes of March 7, 2005
The Minutes were corrected as follows:
Under 7.13 Writing Initiatives, delete all of the second sentence; and under 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships, in the first line replace â interimâ with â entranceâ .
Moved by R. Farmer, seconded by C. Brushett to approve the Minutes of March 7, 2005 as corrected. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
3.1 By-law revisions (Motions tabled at January 31, 2005 Senate Meeting)
3.1.1 By-Law (14.12 University Research Board Terms of Reference)
Moved by A. Davis, seconded by I. Blum to remove the motion from the table. CARRIED.
Moved by A. Davis, seconded by I. Blum to withdraw the motion. CARRIED unanimously.
Moved by A. Davis, seconded by I. Blum to bring the substitute motion distributed at this meeting as Notice of Motion to the May 6, 2005 meeting of Senate. CARRIED.
3.1.2 Change to the MSVU Policies & Procedures : Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans, §3.1
A.Davis requested, and it was agreed, that the motion remain tabled.
It was clarified that the information distributed at the meeting with the notation â revisedâ is to replace the original pages 9, 15 and 16 that were distributed with the April 25, 2005 Agenda.
3.2 By-law revisions (Notice of Motion given at March 7, 2005 Senate Meeting)
S. Drain proposed a friendly amendment with the addition of the words â other forms ofâ before â knowledge disseminationâ in the Functions section of the terms of reference for the Committee on Research and Publication. The amendment was accepted.
Moved by A. Davis, seconded by C. French to approve the changes to By-law 14.8 Committee on Research and Publications. CARRIED.
4. Presidentâ s Announcements
D. Woolcott noted that the change in name of the graduate program in Adult Education to Studies in Lifelong Learning has been approved by MPHEC. She then noted that the rate of applications is being closely monitored. She commented that a very successful reception had been held on campus on April 24 for individuals who have been offered scholarships.
5. Question period
A Senator then requested more information about the future enrolment situation and related time table changes that might occur. It was suggested that Senators, as well as Chairs of Departments, need to be informed about this. In response, it was then noted that, as the greatest potential decline in enrolments is primarily at the undergraduate level, the Deans are working with Department Chairs to assess what needs to be done; recommendations are currently being formulated for the President to consider and the budgetary implications have yet to be reviewed by the Board of Governors.
6. Unfinished business
Nothing was raised.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and ad hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
7.1.1 Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Labour Dispute
D. Woolcott explained the rationale for bringing the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Labour Dispute forward at this time during which she noted the changes are primarily of an editorial nature and reflect changes in the uses of technology. In response to an inquiry, it was noted that where reference to students was deleted it was in no way intended to diminish students but was rather in consideration of times students are not on campus when a labour disruption might occur.
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Drain that the proposed changes to the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Labour Dispute be approved by Senate. CARRIED.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
L. Theriault noted that two academic appeals are under review at the moment.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 Memoranda of Understanding with Holland College
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by A. MacGillivary that Senate approve the Memoranda of Understanding between Mount Saint Vincent University and Holland College for the transfer credit from the Diploma in Marketing and Advertising Management (Holland College) to the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU), and for the transfer credit from the Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management (Holland College) to the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (MSVU). CARRIED.
7.3.2 Report on the Review of Biology
M. Lyon commented in some detail on the report and the three main options the reviewers recommended which were: status quo â general complement of courses and faculty continuing with the present â subsistence programâ (junior college approach); collaborate more with Dalhousie University by offering only first and second year courses and have students finish at Dalhousie; and specialization - focus on a particular area of biology and generate a clear specialization that will distinguish the program from other institutions. She noted the Biology Department had embraced the third option â specialization - and that CAPP supported
the Departmentâ s intention to focus on Evolutionary Biology as a research area and the Departmentâ s intention to continue to offer a general biology undergraduate program.
7.3.3 Proposal to modify the Joint MA in Womenâ s Studies
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. Gordon that the proposal to modify the MA in Womenâ s Studies be approved by Senate with the understanding that, if approved, it will go forward to MPHEC. CARRIED.
7.3.4 Academic Plan update (for information)
The Academic Plan update was received with no questions being raised.
7.3.5 Academic Plan update (for approval)
It was noted that a discussion paper on recommendations in the Distributed Learning Leadership section of the 2002 Academic Plan was brought forward to CAPP by Distance Learning and Continuing Education in February, 2005 and that CAPPâ s recommendations in that regard are now before Senate. During the discussion that ensued a wide range of views was expressed from fear of becoming a virtual campus to concern that a specialty that distinguishes the University and embraces its mission might be lost. Varying opinions were noted about whether or not a significant difference existed in terms of the quality of education offered in the classroom versus the distance learning environment. It was suggested that wider discussion should take place within the University community and should be considered when the Blueprint Plan is next revisited. A friendly amendment to change all references to â WebCTâ to â LMS â Learning Management Systemâ was accepted.
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by P. Watts that the Academic Plan Update, as amended, be approved by Senate. CARRIED.
7.4 Graduate Studies
M. Lyon reported that the Graduate Studies Committee is working its way through a proposal for a Masters degree in Public Relations which it anticipates bringing to CAPP and Senate for approval in the Fall. A call for applications for in course graduate scholarships has gone out with a deadline of May 15. This is earlier than normal so that the money can be applied to Fall/Winter 2005-2006 fees. The two graduate Tourism courses approved at Senate January 2005 have been approved by the Senate of Heriot Watt University as has the specialization in Tourism to be delivered by MSVU as part of the MBA awarded by Heriot Watt University.
7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum
7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (for approval) Womenâ s Studies Changes to existing course WOMS 3371 -
Women, Resistance and Empowerment (0.5 unit)
Moved by S. Medjuck, and seconded by J. Gordon that Senate approve the changes to the existing Womenâ s Studies course WOMS 3371 â Women, Resistance and Empowerment (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Biology Changes to existing course BIOL 2240 - Cell and
Molecular Biology (0.5 unit)
Moved by S. Medjuck and seconded by K. Darvesh that Senate approve the changes to the existing Biology course BIOL 2240 - Cell and Molecular Biology (0.5 unit). CARRIED. Public Relations
- Changes to Bachelor of Public Relations (Co-op)
Requirements: Reduction from 2 ½ to 2 units of English
Moved by S. Medjuck and seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the changes to the Bachelor of Public Relations (Co-op) requirements of a reduction from 2 ½ to 2 units of English. CARRIED.
- Changes to existing courses (PBRL 4107 - Advanced Public Relations (0.5 unit), PBRL 4101 - Employee Relations (0.5 unit), PBRL 4019 â Crisis Communications Management (0.5 unit), and PBRL 3012 - Persuasive Public Relations Writing (0.5 unit)
Required changes for the calendar descriptions were noted with â Writingâ s Rhetoric Iâ and â Writingâ s Rhetoric IIâ being corrected to read â Writing and Rhetoric Iâ and â Writing and Rhetoric IIâ .
Moved by S. Medjuck and seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the proposed changes to existing courses: PBRL 4107 - Advanced Public Relations (0.5 unit), PBRL 4101 â Employee Relations (0.5 unit), PBRL 4019 - Crisis Communications Management (0.5 unit), and PBRL 3012 Persuasive Public Relations Writing (0.5 unit). CARRIED. English
- Change to existing course: ENGL 2220 - Writing to Influence (0.5 unit)
Moved by S. Medjuck and seconded by S. Drain that Senate approve the proposed change to the existing English course: ENGL 2220 - Writing to Influence (0.5 unit). CARRIED.
7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA)
J. Gordon reported that CAPTPAA had met to consider the rank and tenure in connection with an academic administrator appointment.
7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services
L. Steele noted the Committee is still working on its Terms of Reference. He also indicated that the implementation of web mail will begin on May 9th and noted that many training courses will be offered on its use.
7.8 Library
There was no report from the Library Committee.
7.9 Nominations
A. MacGillivary noted that there will be a slate of nominations for Standing Committee Memberships presented at the May 6, 2005 Senate Meeting.
Moved by A. MacGillivary and seconded by I. Blum that Senate elect Prof. Jean Mills to the Search Committee - Director, Public Affairs. CARRIED.
7.10 Research and Publications
A. Davis acknowledged receipt of many recent publications by faculty members and indicated they would be pleased to receive more publications.
7.11 Students Affairs
C. Hill noted that the Student Affairs Committee has met three times since the last Senate Meeting and they have struck a variety of sub-committees. A very large number of issues are being dealt with and, in many cases, resolved. A report will come to Senate in due course.
7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning
P. Watts noted the Committee met on March 23 and made a decision on the Instructional Leadership Award for this year. She noted the theme for Faculty Day to be held on September 1, 2005 is â Teaching Effectively - Teaching Efficientlyâ . She advised that some small changes to the Committeeâ s Terms of Reference will be coming forward to Senate in September.
7.13 Writing Initiatives
S. Drain reported that the Writing Initiatives Brown Bag Lunch held on March 9 was a success and that the Committee has met twice since then and have begun planning for next yearâ s program of activities. She then acknowledged with thanks the contribution made by Peter Fielding to the work of the committee.
7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault noted the Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships Committee has been focusing on entrance scholarships and are hoping for a strong acceptance rate on offers by May 16, 2005.
7.15 University Research Ethics Board
A.Davis observed the search for a Chair of the University Research Ethics Board continues.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
Receipt of a written report on the Board of Governorsâ Retreat prepared by Prof. Barbara Casey was acknowledged.
8.2 Studentsâ Union
C. Brushett noted the Studentsâ Union has been busy working on the budget and reviewing enrolment figures which have an effect on student fees. She noted that the new Studentsâ Union Executive takes office on May 1, 2005.
9. New Business
Nothing was raised.
10. Items for communication
It was noted that the motion regarding the Memoranda of Understanding with Holland College will need to be communicated and MPHEC will need to be informed of the motion to modify the Joint MA in Womenâ s Studies.
D. Woolcott observed that L. Evans, P. Fielding and J. West were concluding their term on Senate and she acknowledged with thanks the contribution each of them had made to Senate and its various committees.
11. Adjournment
Moved by L. Theriault and seconded by M. Fitzgerald that Senate adjourn at 9:10 p.m. CARRIED.