MSVU Senate Minutes -- April 27 2009

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting April 27, 2009 Rosaria Boardroom 1:00 p.m. Minutes Present: K. Laurin (Chair), R. Bagg, R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, A. Davis, K. Dewar, S. Drain, R. Farmer, P. Glenister, E. Hicks, C. Hill, B. Jessop, N. Kayhani, M. Lyon, B. MacInnes, J. MacLeod, J. Mills, L. Neilsen, J. Neilson, I. Pottie, J. Sawler, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, B. Taylor, D. Varga, S. Walsh, P. Watts, M. Whalen, D. Woolcott Regrets: R. Gechtman, J. Jackson, A. MacGillivary, L. Mann, N. Peach 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by P. Watts, seconded by L. Neilsen to approve the agenda as circulated. 2. Approval of Minutes of March 30, 2009 Moved by K. Dewar, seconded by B. Jessop to approve the Minutes of March 30 with the corrections noted below. CARRIED On page 3, sixth line from the bottom, change the word â insecurityâ to â uncertainty and distrustâ . On page 3, lines 19 and 20 change â D. Varga â ¦ Universityâ to â D. Varga raised a question as to the difference between suspending programs indefinitely but not really getting rid of them and discontinuing a program because of potential harm to the Universityâ s reputationâ . On page 4, line 8, â departmentsâ should be â departmentâ sâ . On page 5, the Motion by N. Kayhani was seconded by R. Farmer and the paragraph should be moved to page 4 above the second paragraph from the bottom. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Revision to Senate by-law 14.3.2, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee functions (Notice of motion 30 March, 2009) Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by L. Steele that Senate approve the revisions to Senate By-law 14.3.2 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. WITHDRAWN J. Sharpe informed Senators that this came to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee because of Destination 2012 which calls for the UCC to review its bylaws to ensure they reflect the role of UCC in terms of quality assurance and quality review. UCC felt that a second function should be added. S. Drain questioned the rationale for this proposed change to concentrate on only one thing among all those relating to undergraduate credentials; the proposed amendment also mentions 2 only degrees and not certificates and diplomas. J. Sharpe responded that, as the UCC felt its major function is the design and redesign of undergraduate degree programs, this should be clear in the by-laws. S. Drain questioned the need for such a change as the first function in the by-law for the UCC covers this. D. Woolcott suggested removing the word â degreeâ as the amendment is intended to cover all levels of programs: degree, diploma, and certificate; J. Sharpe agreed to the removal of the word â degreeâ . S. Drain wondered if it was practice in the bylaws to give equal weight to something which is a subsidiary of a previous point. She recommended the function read: â to review and recommend to Senate in all matters of undergraduate credentials and in particular undergraduate programs and coursesâ . J. Sharpe responded that UCC wanted to specify more than the first function covers with the addition of policies and regulations. I. Blum wondered if, considering the role of CAPP that is mandated by this by-law, this proposed amendment might duplicate or conflict with a function of CAPP. D. Woolcott clarified that minor editorial changes from UCC are not brought to CAPP, but major program changes are brought to CAPP. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements K. Laurin reminded members that convocations will be held May 14 and 15, and are expected to include the announcement of the first Lieutenant-Governorâ s Intergenerational Awards, for which the nomination deadline has been extended. Her Honour has indicated her intention to be present to present the awards. 5. Question Period There were no questions. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive K. Dewar noted an agenda item he had proposed regarding the policies and procedures for the suspension of academic programs was referred by Senate Executive to CAPP, and he wondered if Senate could have assurance from CAPP that this matter would come to Senate by September. D. Woolcott noted that this memo has not yet been addressed by CAPP and she is concerned about the timing of the matter at Senate or CAPP as the content is under review in another venue and a resolution is needed prior to further discussion of the issue. K. Dewar indicated that he would recommend to the Faculty Association that this matter be withdrawn if that would remove the obstacle of the matter being brought to Senate. K. Laurin stated that there is a pending arbitration on the topic of suspension and legal opinion has indicated that bringing forward a policy regarding suspensions could prejudice the pending arbitration. K. Dewar pointed out that the matter going to arbitration concerns an action in the past and the consideration of the Senate policy for a future action should be regarded a separate issue. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee There was no report. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Policy and procedures for developing and discontinuing academic programs 3 D. Woolcott reminded members of Senate of the discussion at the March 30 Senate meeting and the amendments that were made then. At its last meeting, CAPP discussed the role of the Board of Governors, as outlined in the Charter, regarding both the discontinuation and the development of new academic programs resulting in a line being inserted into the Policies and Procedures document in the Principles section to reference the Charter and an appendix to the Policy extracting points from the Charter that specify the role of the Board. Policy and Procedures for the Discontinuation of Academic Programs Motion by D. Woolcott, seconded by M. Lyon for Senate to approve the Policy and Procedures for the Discontinuation of Academic Programs. CARRIED as amended K. Dewar commented that all university business is under the authority of the Charter, including the Board and Senate, and to include reference to it in the Principles and an appendix is redundant. His concern was with the reason for its inclusion; he viewed the reminder of the role of Senate in the policy as an affront to Senate because the roles of both the Board and Senate are well understood. Motion by K. Dewar, seconded by N. Kayhani to amend the policy by deleting the first paragraph under Principles and the Appendix. CARRIED M. Lyon asked for clarification about whether it was the inclusion of the statement in the policy or the content of the statement that was felt to be an affront to Senate authority. I. Blum stated that no policy can be passed without being subject to the authority of the Charter so including the statement in this policy and not all other instances is problematic in its own way. S. Walsh pointed out that there is a different spirit to the Charter and its role for Senate than what is expressed in the extract included in the motions. R. Farmer agreed that including part of the charter as an appendix is inappropriate and redundant. D. Woolcott indicated that she would not object to removal of reference to the Charter from the Policy and Procedures. Revisions to the Policy and Procedures for the Development of Academic Programs WITHDRAWN 7.3.2 Memorandum of Understanding between MSVU and members of the Developing Environmentally Sensitive Hospitality Managers (DESHM) Moved D. Woolcott, seconded by E. Hicks for Senate to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between MSVU and members of the DESHM Consortium. CARRIED 7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee There was no report. 7.5 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee M. Lyon noted that although Canada Graduate Scholarships are late this year results will be posted soon to the website. 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum J. Sharpe mentioned the Committee has drafted regulations for joint majors and these have been sent to department chairs for feedback 4 7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services There was no report. 7.9 Library There was no report. 7.10 Nominations 7.10.1 Report on Senate elected committee memberships I. Blum reported that the Nominations Committee should have a list of Senate Committee nominees for the next Senate meeting. The Committee is looking for members for the Writing Initiatives Committee (Education and Professional Studies) and the Library Committee (Education and Arts & Science). By the September meeting there will be full faculty representation on Senate. The Committee is considering conducting the election in the spring or waiting until September. There is no by-law governing this action and an election in September would permit a higher representation in the electorate and allow time to identify a Senator for the September meeting. 7.11 Research and Publications A. Davis reported that the Committee has met several times and selected recipients for the Release Time Awards, NSERC, and Undergraduate Student Research Award before the March deadline for internal research funding. The Presidentâ s Research Award will be awarded at convocation to a very appropriate nominee and will be announced in Insight. There has been notable success this year with SSHRC and NSERC, particularly in relation to sister institutions. K. Dewar extended his recognition and thanks to A. Davis on the success of research at the Mount and for his role in that success as he reaches the end of his term as Associate Vice-President--Research. 7.12 Student Affairs There was no report. K. Laurin noted the loss to the Mount on the passing of basketball coach Dyrick McDermott and the effect on the community, staff, students and faculty; she thanked faculty who deferred exams for students who were touched by the loss. 7.13 Committee on Teaching and Learning A subgroup consisting of one committee member and other faculty members are engaged in planning Faculty Day for 2009. 7.14 Writing Initiatives S. Drain reported that WIC has discussed activities for next year and are considering a series of events in a Celebration of Writing at the Mount. 7.15 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships There was no report. 7.16 University Research Ethics Board There was no report. 8. Other Reports 5 8.1 Studentsâ Union J. Neilsen reported that the Executives are transitioning, and support has been given to athletes and those touched by the death of Dyrick McDermott. K. Laurin acknowledged the support given by the Studentsâ Union. 8.2 Board of Governors R. Bérard reported that the Board of Governors met for their annual retreat and heard presentations by P. Watts on DLCE programs and students and by Maureen Reid on the Board and Senate relationship under the Charter. There were a number of hypothetical situations discussed during this latter presentation and R. Bérard suggested this would be a good future exercise for members of Senate. 8.3 Destination 2012 R. Farmer reported that the Implementation Team has reviewed the final documentation on the four strategies and information should be available by September. The Committee discussed an action plan regarding meetings for the next two years, communication with the Mount community, and membership on the committee. K. Laurin added that the Intranet will have more concise templates; data have been compiled on all strategies in more defined format which will be unveiled in September in conjunction with an event. 8.4 Joint Board-Senate Liaison Committee K. Laurin reported that the Committee has discussed the recommendations in the Academic Plan. J. MacLeod commented there has been useful discussion as the first step in a lengthy process. J. Mills reported that the names for two buildings, Research House and Advancement House, have been approved by the Board of Governors. 9. New Business K. Laurin reminded Senators of the next meeting next week, May 6, at 11 am, to approve the list of graduates and stressed the importance of having a quorum. 10. Items for Communication 11. Adjournment Moved by R. Bagg to adjourn the meeting at 1:58 pm. CARRIED Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Hay