MSVU Senate Minutes -- September 28 2009 | Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University | | | 2010-04-15T18:08:05Z | | | 2010-04-15T18:08:05Z | | | 2010-04-15T18:08:05Z | |
dc.description | Senate Meeting September 28, 2009 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes Present: A. McDonough (Chair), R. Bagg, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, K. Darvesh, K. Dewar, R. Farmer, R. Gechtman, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, L. Herrington, J. Hollett, B. Jessop, N. Kayhani, K. Kienapple, M. Lyon, A. MacGillivary, B. MacInnes, M. MacMillan, L. Mann, J. Mills, J. Neilson, I. Pottie, C. Schneider, J. Sharpe, G. Solomon, L. Steele, B. Taylor, D. Varga, S. Walsh, R. Warne, P. Watts, R. Zuk Regrets: R. Bérard, E. Hicks 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by R. Zuk, seconded by R. Bagg. CARRIED 2. Approval of Minutes of April 27, 2009 and May 6, 2009 Moved by B. Jessop, seconded by L. Steele to approve the minutes of April 27, 2009 with a correction to 8.1 to read: â â ¦ support has been given to athletes and those touched by the death of Dyrick McDermottâ . CARRIED as corrected. Moved by P. Watts, seconded by R. Bagg to approve the minutes of May 6, 2009 with a correction to 7.10.2 Information Technology & Services to read: Mr. Stanislav Orlov; 7.13 line 2, should read: â Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conferenceâ ; 8.1 line 4 to read: â â ¦ University CFS Provincial Boardâ ; 9.1, Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition (Honours) was seconded by I. Blum. CARRIED as corrected. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Revision of By-law 1.1, Membership, By-law 14.8, Committee on Research and Publications, By-law 14.9, Student Affairs Committee, and By-law 14.11, Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships Committee (Notice of motion given 6 May, 2009) Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by A. MacGillivary. CARRIED 4. Presidentâ s Announcements A. McDonough spoke on her new role as Interim President and the connections that she has made thus far. She gave a brief outline of initiatives in place when she came into the role and of current meetings and events she has attended as Interim President of MSVU. 2 K. Dewar asked if the implementation or actions of the Academic Plan would be put on hold this year. M. Lyon commented that the academic plan is not on hold, that program recommendations will be worked on, and that new administrative structures will be brought forward by the next Academic Vice-President. K. Dewar asked if representatives would be sent to the Strategic Enrolment and Marketing Forum on November 19. J. Hollett responded that representatives would be sent. 5. Question Period J. Sharpe wondered if there were any implications for the Mount that came from the recent Speech from the Throne regarding higher education and funding. A. McDonough and B. Jessop commented that there was nothing to alter the conditions of the existing MOU. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Notice of Motion: Revision of Senate By-law 1.1, Membership (ex officio members) and By-law 14.3, Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (membership) I. Blum asked if the text identified by an asterisk at the bottom page 14 should relate to the text above. P. Glenister indicated that an asterisk should appear after the two bolded lines: the Associate Vice-President (Academic), and the Associate Vice-President (Academic) (non-voting) 7.1.2 Addition of ex officio voting member of Senate pending By-law 1.1 amendment K. Dewar suggested that â with the understanding that this provision will lapse on or before August 31, 2010â be added to the end of the motion in addition to the text identified by an asterisk on page 14. M. Lyon explained the temporary nature of the Associate Vice-President (Academic) position. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by B. Jessop that Dr. Darvesh be allowed to participate as a voting member at the September meeting pending a By-law change to be voted on at the next meeting of Senate. CARRIED I. Blum commented that this is a motion to suspend for one meeting the usual rules of Senate. He spoke about previous motions to amend the By-laws and the Rules of Order giving justification as to why this motion is considered in order. 7.1.3 Ratification of election of Senate representative to Presidential Search Committee Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by I. Pottie. CARRIED 3 I. Blum gave background on the creation of the Presidential Search Committee. M. MacMillan was recommended by the Nominations Committee to be the representative on the Presidential Search Committee. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee There was no report. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Revisions to CAPTPAA Procedures and Criteria Motion that Senate approve the revisions to the Procedures and Criteria for the Awarding of Academic Appointments to Academic Administrators outside the MSVUFA Bargaining Unit Moved M. Lyon, seconded A. MacGillivary. CARRIED M. Lyon noted that this to bring the provisions of CAPTPAA consistent with the revisions in the collective agreement with faculty. 7.3.2 Collaboration Agreement between MSVU and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China D. Varga asked if the variation in language of 3. a) and b) with regard to arrangements and cost for travel was intentional. M. Lyon suggested this be deferred to the next meeting so this can be clarified. A. McDonough asked the meaning of â 2+2â and was informed that it is an articulation agreement meaning 2 years of study at their institution and 2 years of study at MSVU. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by M. MacMillan to defer this item to the next meeting. CARRIED 7.3.3 Report on the Review of the Public Relations Program (for information) M. Lyon gave background on the Review of the Public Relations programs describing the challenges, recommendations and changes made within the department and program structure. K. Dewar asked if the Department agreed with the Deanâ s recommendations as the report did not have information on the Departmentâ s response. M. Lyon replied that the Departmentâ s response echoed the Deanâ s response. R. Farmer asked who was responsible for recommendations listed in the summary of recommendations as some are outside the realm of the department. M. Lyon noted that many of the recommendations are university wide and directed to the appropriate departments for action. 7.3.4 Report on the Review of the Applied Human Nutrition Programs (for information) M. Lyon summarized the Review of the Applied Human Nutrition programs and the strengths within the Department. Issues that arose from the review came from the increased enrollment in the program. L. Mann noted that the final paragraph beginning on page 1 of the report should include mention of the Lab Instructor, and that the third paragraph beginning on page 3 of the 4 report should read â Lab Instructor and Internship Education Coordinatorâ s timeâ rather than â lab assistantâ s timeâ . L. Mann wondered if the hiring of additional administrative support, where enrollment continues to increase in the Internship Education program, would continue. M. Lyon commented that it is the same circumstance. L. Mann asked why the graduate programs in AHN, FSGN and CHYS were working on collaboration when this action was not recommended in the external review or CAPP report. M. Lyon responded that this did not come out of the CAPP report but from a Graduate Studies recommendation to look at collaboration between graduate programs, and to use resources as effectively as possible for the viability of smaller programs. K. Dewar commented on the recommendation of student participation in the reviews and hoped that recommendations coming from UCC are not presented to departments as a rigid template, but that CAPP be more sensitive to the variety of departmental cultures. M. Lyon agreed with the importance of having students involved in the review of programs and having a number of options for them to do so. 7.3.5 Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Pandemic Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by B. Taylor that Senate approve the Policy on the Academic Implications of a Pandemic. CARRIED M. Lyon gave background on the rationale for the policy and B. Taylor indicated the need for this policy in spite of many unknown eventualities. 7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee K. Kienapple indicated that the committee had nothing specific to report. 7.5 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee K. Kienapple reported that SHIRC and NSERC scholarship announcements have been posted for students and there will be information sessions for those interested. 7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.6.1 Changes to existing programs Child and Youth Study program changes, BA (Child and Youth Study) minor Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by R. Bagg. CARRIED 7.6.2 Changes to existing programs (for information) Child and Youth Study There were no questions on the PSYC 1120 prerequisite changes. 7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services There was no report. 7.9 Library 7.9.1 Library Strategic Plan, 2009-2012 (for information) 5 R. Bagg reported that the Library Strategic Plan is for information and noted the six goals set in the Plan. 7.10 Nominations 7.10.1 Vacancies on Senate-elected committees Moved I. Blum, seconded by L. Mann. CARRIED with the addition of the persons listed below for the terms indicated: I. Blum added the following to the list of nominees: Dr. Nick Bellisimo, Committee on Information Technology & Services (beginning January 1, 2010 extending to June 30, 2012), Dr. Alla Kushniryk, Writing Initiative Committee (term beginning immediately and extending to June 30, 2012), and Dr. Angie Birt, Committee on Research and Publications (term beginning immediately and extending to June 30, 2012). I. Blum mentioned that, although the Nominations Committee is pleased to have recruited new faculty members, he noted that the Committee is looking to fill vacancies on two committees: a representative from the Faculty of Education for the Writing Initiatives Committee (term beginning January 1, 2010) and a representative on the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning. I. Blum reported on the recent election of C. Schneider as the new Faculty of Education representative on Senate. 7.11 Research and Publications 7.11.1 Memorandum of Understanding: Cooperation on Research Ethics Appeal Boards, Saint Maryâ s University, Mount Saint Vincent University M moved by F. Harrington, seconded by L. Steele to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. CARRIED F. Harrington gave background information on the need for this Memorandum of Understanding noting Articles 1.11(a) and 1.11(b) of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. 7.12 Student Affairs There was no report. A. McDonough noted that the name of this Office has now been changed to Student Experience. 7.13 Committee on Teaching and Learning There was no report. 7.14 Writing Initiatives There was no report. P. Watts noted that there is a subcommittee working on a series of events for the week of October 26 called A Celebration of Writing. 7.15 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships B. MacInnes noted that although the Committee has not formally met yet, there are some ongoing scholarships being worked on currently and also a few newly established scholarships. 7.16 University Research Ethics Board 6 7.16.1 Policies and procedures: Ethics review of Research Involving Humans (for information) F. Harrington noted the addition of the Research Ethics Coordinator as an ex officio, non-voting member. I. Blum asked why this is presented for information if it is a change to Senate approved policy. F. Harrington noted this change was presented by the Research Ethics Board. P. Glenister stated the change to this document was necessary because the altered section restates the relevant Senate By-law (14.13) which Senate amended at its meeting of 26 January, 2009. 7.16.2 Ethics application (for information) F. Harrington noted this reports a change to the application. I. Blum questioned the need for presenting it if it is simply an office document that has been changed. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors L. Mann described her role on the Board of Governors, the responsibilities of the Board, and the work of the Board to date. 8.2 Studentsâ Union J. Neilson reported that the Studentsâ Union has a new executive and has been meeting frequently. Orientation week was a great success especially the $14,000 raised for Shinerama. Currently Studentsâ Union is raising money for breast cancer awareness by selling a draw and 50/50 tickets. L. Herrington, VP Student Advocacy, will be attending the panel on Leading Women. Also, a new prayer/meditation room for multi-faith students is being finalized and will soon be announced to the community. A. McDonough commended the Student Unionsâ support of the Building Tomorrow Together Capital Campaign with a contribution of $734,000. 8.3 Destination 2012 R. Farmer indicated that the documents on current activities are on the Intranet and expects that meetings will resume this fall. 9. New Business 9.1 Annual Reports of Senate Committees (for information) Moved by D. Bourne-Tyson, seconded by P. Watts to receive the Annual Reports of Senate Committees. CARRIED M. MacMillan asked if voting for the motion to receive would in fact be voting on the motion to approve the content of the reports. I. Blum clarified that there would be a motion to receive the reports, an opportunity for discussion and questions on the reports, then a motion to accept the reports. i. Academic Appeals ii. Academic Policy and Planning K. Dewar asked, regarding section 1. Academic Planâ Faculty Hiring, if the appointments were discussed at CAPP. M. Lyon noted that CAPP members were involved. 7 R. Zuk asked what role CAPP members had in recommending requests. M. Lyon noted all the recommendations have been made available for CAPP members to read and input is given by CAPP. iii. Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators iv. Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee v. Graduate Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards vi. Information Technology and Services R. Gechtman spoke on the motion recommended in the report. M. Lyon noted that this should be brought forward to Senate as a motion. Moved by M. MacMillan, seconded by L. Steele that the motion be referred back to the Committee to propose a By-law revision. CARRIED vii. Library R. Bagg reported that the committee will be meeting monthly. viii. Nominations ix. Research and Publications x. Senate Executive xi. Student Affairs xii. Student Judicial xiii. Student Discipline Appeals xiv. Teaching and Learning xv. Writing Initiatives xvi. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships R. Zuk noted that in the fifth line on page 2 the decrease in the total amount awarded should read â 16.47 percentâ . xvii. Undergraduate Curriculum xviii. University Research Ethics Board 9.2 Annual Report of Nancyâ s Chair in Womenâ s Studies (for information) 9.3 Fall 2009 Graduation List (Confidential Business) Moved by R. Bagg, seconded by B. Jessop to move in camera. CARRIED Senate approved the following degrees, diplomas, and certificates: Certificate in Business Administration K. Kienapple/A. MacGillivary Certificate in Information Technology K. Kienapple/R. Farmer Certificate in Marketing K. Kienapple/L. Steele Certificate in Proficiency in French K. Kienapple/L. Steele Diploma in Business Administration K. Kienapple/R. Bagg Diploma in Information Technology and Computer Studies K. Kienapple/R. Bagg Degree of Bachelor of Arts K. Kienapple/M. MacMillan Degree Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) History K. Kienapple/K. Dewar Degree Bachelor of Arts (Honours) K. Kienapple/R. Zuk 8 Degree of Bachelor of Office Administration K. Kienapple/R. Farmer Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Child & Youth Study) K. Kienapple/M. Lyon Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Family Studies and Gerontology) K. Kienapple/A. MacGillivary Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Information Technology) K. Kienapple/R. Farmer Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration K. Kienapple/R. Bagg Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Association with Bermuda College K. Kienapple/P. Watts Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Association with the University of St Martin K. Kienapple/P. Watts Degree of Bachelor of Public Relations (Cooperative Education Route) K. Kienapple/K. Dewar Degree of Bachelor of Science K. Kienapple/I. Pottie Degree of Bachelor of Science (Advanced Major) Chemistry K. Kienapple/I. Pottie Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition K. Kienapple/L. Mann Degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management K. Kienapple/R. Bagg Degree of Bachelor of Education J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Bachelor of Education in Association with Nova Scotia Teachers College J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Master of Applied Human Nutrition K. Kienapple/L. Mann Degree of Master of Public Relations K. Kienapple/M. Lyon Degree of Master of Education J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Master of Education in Curriculum Studies: Teaching English as a Second Language in Association with Saint Maryâ s University J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study K. Kienapple/D. Varga Degree of Master of Arts in Education J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Master of Arts in Family Studies and K. Kienapple/M. Lyon Gerontology Degree of Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies Awarded Jointly by Mount Saint Vincent University and Saint Maryâ s University K. Kienapple/R. Zuk Degree of Research Master of Arts J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Degree of Master of Arts in School Psychology J. Sharpe/C. Schneider Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by F. Harrington that Senate permit the Registrar to add an individualâ s name if the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation ceremony and, further, to adjust any studentâ s distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED Moved by B. Jessop, seconded by J. Hollett to move from in camera. CARRIED 10. Items for Communication There were no items for communication. 11. Adjournment Moved by R. Bagg to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 pm. 9 Respectfully Submitted, Cynthia Black | en |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en |
dc.title | MSVU Senate Minutes -- September 28 2009 | en |
dc.type | Other | en |