Multi-Stakeholder Co-operative Housing for Seniors in Quebec

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Côté, Jacques
Jacques, Hélène
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Sommet International des Coopératives, Québec 2014
(Abstract from French Summit article) Like many other industrialised societies, Quebec is faced with an ageing population. The ensuing effects necessarily exert pressure on various social mechanisms, notably on the health system and the housing market. The study upon which this article is based aimed to evaluate the will and capacity of multi-stakeholder (solidarity) housing cooperatives to adequately answer the housing needs of the elderly and those with light loss of autonomy whilst diminishing the negative effects of ageing on the public system and the general population. Can a community and participatory approach be viable and address these concerns whilst serving as an economic and social lever for communities? The present article describes the socio-economic profile and needs of the elderly in Quebec and the repercussions of ageing on society. It also draws the portrait of the elderly's solidarity housing cooperatives active in Quebec and their residents. (Abstract, French): Le Québec, comme bien d'autres sociétés industrialisées, fait face au vieillissement de sa population. Les effets qui en découlent exercent nécessairement une pression sur divers organes de la société, notamment le système de santé et le marché de l'habitation. L'étude sur laquelle s'appuie cet article avait pour objet d'évaluer la volonté et la capacité des coopératives de solidarité en habitation à répondre adéquatement aux besoins des personnes âgées ou en légère perte d'autonomie en matière de logement, tout en diminuant les effets négatifs du vieillissement sur le système public et la population en général. Une approche communautaire et participative peut-elle être viable et répondre à ces enjeux tout en servant de levier économique et social pour les communautés? Le présent article dresse le profil socioéconomique des aînés au Québec, leurs besoins ainsi que les incidences du vieillissement sur la société. Il dessine également un portrait des coopératives de solidarité en habitation des aînés qui sont actives au Québec ainsi que le profil de leurs résidents.
(Description from English Language Summary) This project, based on 2011-13 research, examines the characteristics of selected multi-stakeholder (MS) housing co-ops in Québec to assess the model's capacity to address the housing needs of seniors seeking affordable assisted-living services. Selected Conclusions: Within a context where the population is aging while public services for seniors are being cut, the MS Co-op Housing Model opens up new avenues for meeting seniors' needs and helping to preserve and extend their autonomy. The MS Housing Co-op structure responds to many wants and needs expressed by seniors, notably to be able to remain in their community, to stay active and participate in social activities and community life, and to live in a place that they can reasonably afford. The growth of this sector could help alleviate pressure on the public housing and health systems. These developments can also serve as economic engines for their communities, notably by strengthening connections between various community organizations.