MSVU Senate Minutes -- November 26 2001
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday November 26, 2001, in the Rosaria
Board Room.
Present: S. Brown (Chair), Robert Bérard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, S. Bruhm, B. Casey, K. Clayton,
W. Doyle, S. Drain, B. Frank, F. French, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, C. Hill, K. Kienapple, B.
King, L. Lewis, M. Lyon, C. Mathieson, J. McLaren, S. Medjuck, L. Neilsen, D. Nevo, S.
Perrott, T. Roberts, E. Rosenthal, L. Steele, L. Theriault, P. Watts, A. Whitewood, J.
Regrets: D. Norris
Guests: R. Jeppesen
1. Approval of Agenda
Moved by L. Lewis, seconded by S. Drain, that the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED
2. Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2001
Moved by F. French, seconded by D. Nevo, that the minutes of November 5, 2001, be approved
as amended. CARRIED
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising.
4. President's Announcements
S. Brown reported a successful scholarship luncheon recognizing both donors and scholars. She
also reported on the Black Tie Bingo event which raised a net of $16,000 for scholarships.
5. Question Period
Robert Bérard asked about the guidelines for minute taking which allow for anonymity for
comments by Senators. S. Brown indicated that Senate establishes guidelines and if Senators
wished to have this considered they would communicate concerns to Senate Executive.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
7.1.1 Revision of By-laws 14.10, 14.10.1 (for information)
Communicated for information as the revision to the by-laws are simply editing changes
associated with
the renaming of the Committee on Teaching. The revisions will simply change the previous
(Committee on Teaching) to the Committee on Teaching and Learning.
7.2 Academic Appeals
There was no report.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 Memorandum of understanding with the University of South Australia
A Senator asked about other cooperative activities that might emerge as a result of this
agreement and
whether or not such would be brought to Senate for consideration. The Chair suggested this
memorandum is umbrella in nature and that anything more specific bearing on academic issues
integrity would be subject to a formal agreement and hence brought before Senate.
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by W. Doyle, that the Memorandum of Understanding with
University of South Australia be approved. CARRIED
7.3.2 Academic Calendar Dates 2002-2003
Senators discussed the Academic Calendar Dates proposed for 2002-2003. Specific
consideration were
Remembrance Day and Caritas Day. The days on which theseevents are scheduled to fall could
impact the number of recommended class meeting times. There were two options for
consideration for Caritas Day Senators discussed this day and the impact of the proposed dates
on students.
Moved by J. Woodsworth, seconded by S. Drain to accept the Academic Calendar Dates for
2002-2003~with Option A: Monday, January 27, 2003 (Caritas Day, no classes held). CARRIED
7.4 Committee on Teaching and Learning
J. Woodsworth reported on the ET Committee which held two sessions to introduce faculty to
WEBCT possibilities. P. Watts commented that this is a pilot project and that WEBCT access is
limited to those submitting proposals at this time. She indicated that would be communicated to
all concerned by way of e-mail. P. Watts reminded Senators that applications and nominations
for the Instructional Leadership Award are invited and the deadline is December 1, 2001.
Anyone can nominate and full and part-time faculty are both eligible.
7.5 Graduate Studies
7.5.1 Graduate Studies (for action) (documentation attached) Master of Science Applied Human Nutrition
a) Courses in graduate dietetic internship education
i. Addition of GAHN 5501, 5502 and 5503
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by T. Roberts the addition of GAHN 5501. CARRIED
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Theriault, the addition of GAHN 5502. CARRIED
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by S. Medjuck, the addition of GAHN 5503. CARRIED
ii. Deletion of GAHN 5511
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. McLaren, the deletion of GAHN 5511. CARRIED
b) New Course Proposal
i. Addition of GAHN 6602, deletion of GAHN 6601
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by J. McLaren, the addition of a new course GAHN 6602 and the
deletion of GAHN 6601. CARRIED
c) Application Deadlines and Program Changes
i. Addition of GAHN 6409, deletion of GAHN 6603
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by I. Blum, the addition of GAHN 6409. CARRIED
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Neilsen, the deletion of GAHN 6403. CARRIED
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Theriault, to add GAHN 6616 Community Education under
listing of courses from which one unit of required courses can be chosen. CARRIED Master of Education and Master of Arts Education in Adult Education
a) Rationale for changes in Graduate Adult Education
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by B. Frank, changes to degree requirements in Graduate Adult
Education. CARRIED
b) Proposed changes to requirements for M.Ed. Program
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by B. Frank, changes to requirements for M.Ed. Program.
c) New Course Proposal
i. Addition of GAED 6205
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by L. Neilsen, the addition of GAED 6205. CARRIED
7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum
7.6.1 Undergraduate Curriculum (for information) (documentation attached) Business and Tourism
a) THMT 1116, Delete Prerequisitesâ THMT 1101 or permission of the instructor
b) BUSI 4423, New Description
c) BUSI 4424, New Description
d) BUSI 4410/THMT 4410, New Prerequisites, Updated Description Cultural Studies
a) CULS 2201, New Course Name Information Technology
a) INTE 1190, New Prerequisites Psychology
PSYC 3330, New Prerequisites
PSYC 3331, New Prerequisites
7.6.2 Undergraduate Curriculum (for action) (documentation attached) Business and Tourism
a) Changes to Existing Program
i. Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration, Change in statement and list for
Economics and Finance
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle, changes to calendar description of the
concentration in Bachelor of Business Administration. CARRIED
ii. Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration, Change to THMT list
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle, changes to the Bachelor of Business
Administration Concentrationâ change to the THMT list. Cultural Studies
New Courses
i. CULS 3310, Special Topics (half unit)
ii. CULS 3311, Special Topics (half unit)
iii. CULS 3312, Special Topics (full unit)
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by K. Clayton, the addition of new courses: CULS 3310
Special Topics (half unit), CULS 3311, Special Topics (half unit), and CULS 3312 (full unit).
There was a discussion of the prerequisite requirements for CULS 3312. Some Senators
concerns that permission of both the instructor and the coordinator might prove challenging for
students. S. Medjuck agreed to provide greater clarity of the prerequisites at the next Senate
meeting. Information Technology
Changes to Existing Courses
i) Addition of BUSI 3305 to the list of courses not accepted for credit in the Information
Technology Program.
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Drain, to include the addition of BUSI 3305 to the list of
not accepted for credit in the Information Technology Program.
7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
There was no report.
7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services
E. Rosenthal reported that the Committee on Information Technology and Services is working on
the finalization of the Computer Usage Agreement that will be brought before Senate. She
indicated that final testing for faculty remote access are underway. E. Rosenthal indicated that
there are eight new computers that will be assigned for general faculty use in the new year.
7.9 Nominations
K. Kienapple reported that P. Baker will fill Senate vacancy as of January 1, 2002. He asked
Senate to bring forward a nomination for the Senate Library Committee.
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum that F. French be appointed to the Senate Library
Committee. CARRIED
J. Woodsworth announced the striking of two new committees: 1.) Selection Committee for the
Director of Research position and 2.) Review Committee for the Dean of Student Affairs.
7.10 Library
There was no report.
7.11 Research and Publications
C. Mathieson reported that the Research and Publications Committee have finished the
adjudication of the
Internal Grant Competition from October. She indicated that the Committee will begin review
discussions of existing policies and guidelines.
7.12 Student Affairs
J. Woodsworth reported that the Committee has met once since the last meeting of Senate and
the issue of
a shuttle service continues to be discussed. There is also some discussions of Metro Transit and
to the Mount. J. Woodsworth reported that a Committee was struck to address issues surrounding
Awards Banquet.
7.13 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault reported that the bursary process will begin soon and that applications will be
available in
December and on the web. She indicated that award decisions should be made early in the
semester. L. Theriault indicated the Committee will meet in early December to discuss the
review of the
incourse scholarship reward process.
7.14 Writing Initiatives Committee
S. Drain reported that Committee has met since the last Senate meeting and is working to
academic integrity specifically in the area of writing assignments. They are awaiting a response
from the taskforce on academic offenses to help guide in their endeavours.
7.15 University Research Ethics Board
There is no report.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
There is no report.
8.2 Studentsâ Union
L. Lewis reported that the Crowâ s Nest is officially open and student responses are positive. She
announced the grand opening scheduled for Thursday November 29th, 2001 and invited Senate
members to partake. L. Lewis reported on the Student Unionâ s annual general meeting and
highlighted the new constitution.
9. New Business
There was no new business.
10. Items for Communication
Course changes that have been approved for the new calendar will go forward with the
understanding that there is still some room for last minute deletions. S. Brown recognized Dr.
Blyeâ s term with Senate was finished as of December 31st, 2001. On behalf of Senate, she
thanked him for his dedication.
11. Adjournment
Moved by C. Mathieson that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. CARRIED