MSVU Senate Minutes -- February 26 2001

dc.contributor.authorSenate, Mount Saint Vincent University
dc.descriptionSenate Meeting Rosaria Boardroom February 26, 2001 A meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 26, 2001, in the Rosaria Board Room. Present: S. Brown (Chair), R. Bérard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, S. Drain, M. Evans, B. Frank, D. Furrow, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, C. Hill, K. Kienapple, B. King, C. Mathieson, D. Nevo, C. Nickerson, N. Parsons, S. Perrott, T. Roberts, E. Rosenthal, L. Theriault, J. Woodsworth. Regrets: W. Doyle, C. Ferns, N. Hill, B. Hodkin, M. MacMillan, L. Neilsen, M. Raven, R. Sampson, R. Warne, P.Watts. 1. Approval of Agenda S. Brown welcomed D. Nevo to Senate. Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by C. Hill that the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED 2. Approval of Minutes of January 29, 2001 Moved by C. Mathieson, seconded by B. King that the minutes of January 29, 2001 be approved as amended. CARRIED The minutes were amended under item, to change the phrase "... was mandated by PLA..." to "... was mandated by the Senate policy on PLA...". The minutes were also amended to add F. Harrington to the list of members who sent regrets. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising. 4. President's Announcements S. Brown reported that the Jamaican Convocation was successful, furthering MSVU's reputation as a good university to be involved with and motivating students to continue with their studies. Leila Thomas and Lascelles Sewell Lewis formally expressed how honoured they were to receive an honourary degree from MSVU. S. Brown announced that Dr. A. Pedro, formerly Institutional Research Director at the Mount, has joined the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Campus as Director of Institutional Research. J. Woodsworth has informed S. Brown of her intention to re-offer for the position of Academic Vice-President. S. Brown is in the process of striking a Review Committee for the position. The review process will be completed by May or June. S. Brown announced that the winner of the Award for Research Excellence is Dr. Fred Harrington. 5. Question Period There was an inquiry on what direction MSVU is pursuing with respect to partnerships. S. Brown replied that when Blueprint 2000 was drafted, the steering committee analyzed the importance of partnerships to the strength of MSVU. If a partnership advances the Blueprint strategic directions, it is something the university would be interested in pursuing. To be a true partnership there has to be a mutual benefit and the core values of MSVU cannot be threatened. The Conference Board of Canada established a Business Education Partnership Forum which produced some useful guidelines regarding partnerships. At the Board of Governors retreat last November, the Board Development Committee looked at pinning down some working guidelines in terms of appropriate relationships with other agencies. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Records Policy for Senate Committees Moved by S. Boyd , seconded by K. Kienapple that Senate approve the Records Policy for Senate Committees and add this policy to the Senate By-laws under item 15.5. CARRIED Moved by S. Drain, seconded by K. Kienapple that Senate approve the following changes to Bylaw 15.4, Senate Records: item 15.4.2, last sentence, replace the word "committee" with "Senate"; and item, first sentence, replace the word "Committee" with "Senate" and replace the occurrences of the phrase "(e.g., President)" with "(i.e., the President)" and move the phrases to the end of the sentences where they appear now. CARRIED 7.1.2 Revision of By-law 14.6 (notice of motion) At the March Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise By-law 14.6. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee L. Theriault reported that there were no appeals before the Committee. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning J. Woodsworth reported that the Committee had finished the terms of reference for the Task Force on Academic Offences. The Task Force members are: C. Hill (Chair), L. Theriault, B. Rao, N. Kelleher, S. Bruhm, E. Bowering, and T. Roberts. There will be public meetings and other communications with faculty interested in expressing their view regarding academic offences. The Task Force has been asked to make recommendations to CAPP by May 15. Any recommendations CAPP approves will be brought to Senate for endorsement. J. Woodsworth also reported that CAPP is prioritizing staffing requests for term positions for the upcoming year and formulating recommendations for staffing for 2002-2003. 7.4 Graduate Studies No report. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum D. Furrow reported that the Committee will be meeting next week to discuss new items and to work on unfinished business. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) J. Woodsworth reported that the Committee will bring forward its recommendations for Professors Emeriti at the March Senate meeting. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services 7.7 Revision of By-law 14.5 (notice of motion) At the March Senate meeting there will be a motion to revise By-law 14.5. 7.8 Library T. Roberts reported that the Committee is meeting regularly to discuss unfinished agenda items. 7.9 Nominations 7.9.1 Review Committee of Academic Vice President: Senate Membership Moved by I. Blum, seconded by T. Roberts that Senate approve the appointment of S. Boyd and K. Kienapple as Senate representatives on the Review Committee for the Vice-President (Academic). CARRIED K. Kienapple announced that the Committee has issued a third call for nominations for Senate and Senate Committees. 7.10 Research and Publications No report. 7.11 Student Affairs C. Hill reported that the Committee will be making a recommendation regarding an Alumnae Representative on the Student Affairs Committee to Senate Executive. 7.12 Committee on Teaching No report. 7.13 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships L. Theriault reported that the Bursary Sub-committee awarded 427 bursaries ranging from $50.00 to $1,600.00 before the February break. The Sub-committee received 461 applications. There were 34 applications that had a negative need and the Sub-committee made a decision not to fund such applications. The Sub-committee informed the recipients and issued their cheques simultaneously via mail. The Committee will review the entire scholarship award process next year. The Regional Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers had in place for approximately ten years a common offer date for entrance scholarships. However, not all universities in the region complied with the common offer date. L. Theriault discussed the reason for moving from a common offer date to a common acceptance date for entrance scholarships. The common acceptance date is May 15. The Regional Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers agreed if institutions do not abide by the common acceptance date there will be serious ramifications. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors S. Brown reported that the Board of Governors approved a budget for the development of a Comprehensive Campus Plan. C. Mathieson gave a presentation to the Board of Governors on the Canada Research Chairs: Strategic Research Plan. 8.2 Students' Union C. Nickerson reported that the Students' Union is in the process of holding their annual elections. Nominations are this week, campaigning will be next week and students will vote the week after that. The Students' Union raised $500 for Toque Tuesday. C. Nickerson announced that the Students' Union set up three suggestion boxes for students (Evaristus, Seton, and the Rosaria Student Centre). The Students' Union Awards night will be held on March 23 at the Westin. 9. New Business There was no new business. 10. Items for Communication Addition of the Records Policy for Senate Committees to the By-laws. Communication of Senate Membership on the Review Committee of the Academic Vice- President. 11. Other Business S. Brown announced that Senate Executive will be discussing Senate meeting times at their next meeting. Senators are encouraged to send their opinion regarding this issue to S. Brown. 12. Adjournment Moved by S. Perrott, seconded by C. Mathieson that the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m. CARRIED.en
dc.titleMSVU Senate Minutes -- February 26 2001en
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