MSVU Senate Minutes -- November 9 2009
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting November 9, 2009
Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m.
Present: R. Bagg, R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, K. Darvesh, K. Dewar, R. Farmer, R.
Gechtman, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, L. Herrington, E. Hicks, J. Hollett, K. Kienapple, M.
Lyon, A. MacGillivary, B. MacInnes, M. MacMillan, L. Mann, A. McDonough, J. Mills, J.
Neilson, I. Pottie, C. Schneider, J. Sharpe, G. Solomon, L. Steele, B. Taylor, D. Varga, S. Walsh,
P. Watts, R. Zuk
Regrets: B. Jessop, N. Kayhani, R. Warne
Guests: Geoff McCarney, Kelly Gallant
1. Approval of Agenda
M. Lyon deferred Item 3.2 â Collaboration Agreement between MSVU and Fujian Agriculture
and Forestry University, China
M. Lyon noted this item: Item 7.3.1 â Report on the Review of Family Studies and Gerontology
is for information only
Moved by R. Bagg, seconded by F. Harrington to approve the agenda with the above noted
amendments. CARRIED
2. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2009
Moved by F. Harrington, seconded by R. Bagg to approve the minutes of September 28, 2009
with the correction of typographical errors and the following corrections/amendments: CARRIED
Page 5, end of first paragraph â removal of the last sentence: The faculty members have been
contacted but their affirmative response was not received in time for inclusion in the agenda item.
L. Mann noted an amendment in wording under item 7.3.4 top of page 4 should read: L. Mann
wondered why the graduate programs in AHN, FSGN and CHYS were working on collaboration
when this was not recommended in the external review or CAPP report.
M. Lyon noted that her response should be added to the minutes: M. Lyon responded that this did
not come out of the CAPP report, but out of a recommendation coming from Graduate Studies to
look at collaboration between graduate programs, and to use resourses as effectively as possible
for the viability of smaller programs.
K. Dewar noted the following information was missing and asked that it be added to the minutes
under Item 4: K. Dewar asked if representatives would be sent to the Strategic Enrolment and
Marketing Forum on November 19. J. Hollett responded that representatives would be sent.
K. Dewar noted an amendment to the last paragraph under Item 7.3.4 that the wording in the
recommendations of reviews be changed to read: to the variety of departmental cultures
M. Lyon requested under Item 7.3.4 the addition to her comment: M. Lyon agreed with the
importance of having students involved in the review of programs and having a number of
options for them to do so.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Revision of Senate By-law 1.1, Membership (ex officio members) and By-law
14.3, Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (membership) (Notice of motion given on 28
September, 2009)
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by K. Kienapple. CARRIED
K. Dewar noted that Senators discussed the wording of the motion last meeting and he thought
the agreement was that the motion read in the second last sentence: with the understanding that
this position will lapse on, or before August 31, 2010.
M. Lyon noted it is consistent with the change made to the by-law that the position will lapse on
or before August 31, 2010.
R. Farmer noted that during the last discussion the position titles for Dean of Student Affairs and
Associate Vice-President - Enrolment Management and International were removed and
Associate Vice President University Experience was added.
M. Lyon wondered if it could be accepted with the assurance that it would be corrected in the
membership and by-laws.
3.2 Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of a Pandemic
M. Lyon discussed that this Policy came from CAPP and that there was a suspension in requiring
sick notes from students based on a discussion with J. Hollett regarding the stress this is putting
on students and the strain on Health Services.
K. Dewar questioned if Senate Executive would be informing Senate of any actions of an
emergency nature that might be required. M. Lyon assured Senators that any actions needed are
brought to Senate at the next scheduled meeting.
C. Schneider was wondering if there was a high rate of illness at this point at the Mount.
J. Hollett spoke of confirmed cases on campus and that these students are asked to go home for
the duration of their illness. There is some anxiety among students. It is suspected that there are
more cases on campus than what is being reported.
S. Walsh questioned why the Implementation of Senate Policy should be included since it is
covered in the by-laws.
4. Presidentâ s Announcements
A. McDonough reported that she was in Ottawa for AUCC meetings which were very
informative. The meetings had an emphasis on the economic impact to international students, and
the importance of post-secondary research. One of the challenges is reporting into the
A. McDonough introduced Kelly Gallant, the new Associate VP Communications.
K. Gallant encouraged the Mount community to share their stories so they can be communicated.
A. McDonough also reported on the Lifelong Learning half-day seminar noting it was a very
successful symposium and that it was obvious that the leadership at the symposium came from
Mount representatives.
A. McDonough also spoke of the launch of the BARA (Borrow Anywhere, Return Anywhere)
program and the huge role that D. Bourne-Tyson played in the implementation of this program.
5. Question Period
K. Dewar submitted to Senate Executive in April a proposal for Policy and Procedures on the
Suspension of Enrollment which was referred to CAPP. He wondered when to expect a response
from CAPP on that draft policy.
M. Lyon replied that it is on the agenda and there has been some discussion; CAPP will bring
some recommendations forward to Senate. There are some financial implications on the
suspension of enrollment. M. Lyon is hoping something will be brought forward as soon as
possible. In the interim there are no plans to suspend admission to programs.
K. Dewar reminded Senators that a year ago Senate passed a resolution expressing concerns
about suspension of enrollment without Senate approval and is hoping CAPP will give this
priority. It would be beneficial if all the procedural issues were off the table.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
There was no report.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
There was no report.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
7.3.1 Report on the Review of Family Studies and Gerontology (for
M. Lyon spoke on the CAPP report on the programs in Family Studies and Gerontology which
took place in 2005. A lot of activity has taken place since this review with some significant
recommendations in the CAPP report noting that these recommendations are in line with the
recommendations in the Academic Plan that was approved at Senate last April. In summary, the
review identified a number of significant strengths in the programs such as teaching, engaging
students, and research. Challenges included a lack of clear learning and career outcomes and
enrollment numbers. The curriculum required a lot of restructuring and the hiring of faculty. It
was recommended that the department merge with the CHYS department and focus on
strengthening the graduate program.
K. Kienapple spoke on dealing with issues of commonality between the CHYS and FSGN
programs both at an undergraduate and graduate level.
S. Walsh questioned why it took CAPP from the fall 2005 until now to bring forth
recommendations on the review.
K. Darvesh acknowledged the review was a long time coming and discussed the work with
CAPP, the Dean and Department. She noted that MPHEC did note that this report should not
have taken this much time.
S. Walsh asked what the MPHEC guidelines on reporting timelines were.
B. Taylor responded that there are no set timelines. But the MPHEC stressed the time and that
this is something that needs to be overcome, also noting that the departments needed to have the
opportunity to respond to CAPP, and their concern over the studentsâ role in the external review
not being clearly identified. There is a task force looking into this to try and clarify the procedures
and guidelines.
I. Pottie wondered where to find the procedures and guidelines once they are completed. Senators
were advised that this information is located on the intranet.
K. Darvesh pointed out that the external reviewers were happy with the research coming out of
these departments.
K. Dewar noted for the record that there is a timeline in the procedures and this review is vastly
beyond the timelines. The effect of this is damaging to the morale of a department with regards to
the work they do in response to the recommendations that come out of the reports.
L. Mann agreed with K. Dewarâ s comment noting that it creates a climate of uncertainty for other
departments. She also wondered if students would be able to be admitted to a graduate program
without an undergraduate degree in Family Studies & Gerontology.
G. Solomon wondered how students could gain access to the procedures and guidelines. M. Lyon
responded that the information is located in the VP Academic office.
7.3.2 Academic Calendar Dates (for information) 2010-2011
4 2011-2012
B. MacInnes gave background on why the Academic Calendar dates are set for two academic
years. Other metro universities are setting the same reading week date in February.
A. MacGillivary spoke on the need to begin distance Summer School earlier in previous years
due to the limited number of spaces on the Elluminate Live software. Now that there are
unlimited spaces on Elluminate these dates can be the same as on campus courses.
P. Watts mentioned that the summer dates have been in place for a number of years and predate
Elluminate Live. Part of the reason was that it was a larger summer session and that with the
number of international student enrollments there were issues with shipping of text books and
other program information.
7.4 Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee
7.4.1 Program changes (for approval) Deferral of Admission
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by F. Harrington to change the current calendar entry for the
deferral of admission. CARRIED
K. Kienapple gave background on the reasons for the proposed amendment to the calendar entry. Revision to Public Relations Admission Requirements
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum to modify the calendar entry for the admission
requirements for the Master of Public Relations. CARRIED
K. Kienapple informed Senators that the department has provided a rationale for this modification
to the admission requirements.
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by F. Harrington to delete the courses and descriptions related
to the transition to the Master of Public Relations program. CARRIED
7.5 Graduate Studies Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee
K. Kienapple reported that the two advising sessions were well attended. The NSERC
applications are coming due soon and a subcommittee has been formed to evaluate the
7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum
7.6.1 Changes to existing programs (for approval) Business and Tourismâ course additions, program changes
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by R. Bagg the addition of a new course BUSI 2011 â
Introduction to Entrepreneurship. DEFERRED
Since it is presented as a whole package, pages 61-65 covering the Department of Business &
Tourism curriculum proposals are deferred to the next Senate meeting.
R. Farmer wondered why there was no inclusion of a detailed new course proposal. J. Sharpe
noted this was received by UCC in detail, but missed in the information for Senate. Addition of new course: BUSI 2011, Introduction to
Entrepreneurship. DEFERRED Certificate in Accounting program changes. DEFERRED Addition of new courses: BUSI 4426, Advanced Cost
Accounting and Internal Control; 4427, Advanced Taxation.
5 Deletion of course: BUSI 4463, Taxation of
Investments. DEFERRED B.B.A. with Concentration deletion of Finance
concentration; Accounting course changes. DEFERRED Child and Youth Study program changes: 0.5 unit reduction
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by D. Varga to adopt the changes proposed to the Child & Youth
Study curriculum. CARRIED
L. Mann noted that the Food Safety course is not a required component of NUTR 2240 as noted
on page 77 and requested that this be noted in the minutes.
R. Farmer pointed out a contradiction in the proposal: on page 78 the final line states that
dropping CHYS 3370 as a required course in the BA(CYS) does not affect any other department.
K. Kienapple spoke of the Food Safety certificate being required for students to be able to go on
practicum placements.
D. Varga noted that payment provisions are made through the department for that program and
the assumption was that it was part of the nutrition course and that there is no cost to the Nutrition
department. Economics program changes: Concentration
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by B. Taylor that the changes proposed to the existing Economics
program be approved. CARRIED English program change: Minor in Writing
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by L. Steele that the new requirements to the Minor in Writing be
accepted by Senate. CARRIED Mathematics Program change: new Major requirements
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by I. Blum that the program changes to the existing Mathematics
program be accepted. CARRIED
M. Lyon questioned the number of required units not adding up to eight units. J. Sharpe
responded that the two additional units at the 3000-level would bring the number of units up to
eight. Deletion of course: CMPS 3333, Graph Theory and
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by D. Varga for Senate to approve the deletion of CMPS 3333 â
Graph Theory and Applications. CARRIED Addition of new course: MATH 4333, Graph Theory
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by I. Blum for Senate to approve the addition of MATH 4333 â
Graph Theory. CARRIED Psychology Program change: new Concentration
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by F. Harrington for the addition of a concentration in
Psychology. CARRIED Addition of new course: PSYC 3305,
Forensic Psychology
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by F. Harrington that the new course PSYC 3305 be approved by
6 Addition of new course: PSYC 3360, The
Science of Knowing
Moved by J. Sharpe, seconded by R. Bagg that the new course PSYC 3360 be approved by
J. Sharpe noted a typo in the course name â it should read â The Science of Knowingâ .
R. Farmer wondered if the Dean would comment on the projected enrollment as outlined under
Item B of the Curriculum Logistics. J. Sharpe spoke on behalf of UCC that it was felt this would
be a popular course and that it would have increased enrollment.
7.6.2 Changes to existing programs: prerequisites and descriptions (for
information) Business and Tourism: BUSI 2214, 2215, 3320
J. Sharpe noted that these are editorial changes and do not change the substance of the course.
R. Bagg noted a typo under BUSI 2214 the last sentence is missing the following: Students who
have received credit for BUSI 2212 may not take this course for credit.
R. Farmer noted that on page 118 under BUSI 3320 the inclusion of (49 words) in the description
should be deleted. Economics: ECON 3307 English: WRIT 1120, 2222 Mathematics: MATH 3333, 2208, 2209, 3302
7.7 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
There was no report.
7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services
R. Gechtman discussed the motion that was brought forth to Senate to change the terms of when
the committee meets. This was referred back to the committee who had decided to drop the
motion. There is a new Chair of the committee, Stan Orlov.
7.9 Library
R. Bagg reported that Friday, November 27 the library department and coordinators will be
meeting. There will also be a launch of the new digital commons which is open to the Mount
7.10 Nominations
7.10.1 Vacancies on Senate-elected committees
Moved by I. Blum, seconded by R. Berard that Senate elect the following faculty members to the
respective committees for the indicated terms as indicated on Page 121. CARRIED
I. Blum also reported that all Senate elected committees are fully staffed. The Nominations
Committee is looking for faculty for three Search Committees for administrative positions. The
deadline for the second call for nominations is today, November 9. There will be elections for the
AVP Search Committee; there are several candidates. There will be elections for the Deansâ
Search Committee.
7.11 Research and Publications
F. Harrington reported that the committee met on November 4 to adjudicate a number of internal
research applications. A report on those will be made public. A motion to amend the Terms of
Reference for the Research Award will be brought forth to Senate. Friday, November 13 at 2:00
pm Rita Deverell will be speaking at the Faculty Dialogue Series in the Faculty Lounge, Seton
7.12 Student Experience
There was no report.
7.13 Committee on Teaching and Learning
P. Watts reported that the committee met on October 19 and are looking at hosting the AAU
Teaching Showcase this fall at The Mount; this has not been held here since 1988. One of the
challenges is the editing of the proceedings and SCOTL has asked if anyone would be willing to
be involved in editing. The information for the call for nominations for the Instructional
Leadership Award and the Teaching Innovation Reward has been updated.
7.14 Writing Initiatives
P. Watts reported that the Celebration of Writing week was held the week of October 26. There
were over 30 events with a number of volunteers from among staff and faculty. The week
engaged a number of people ranging from students, faculty, staff, the community and children
from the Child Study Centre. The Committee will be meeting again on November 17 to discuss
the information that came forward from this event.
D. Varga commented that she loved the writing on the windows and would like to see this
continue in future not just during the Celebration of Writing week.
7.15 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
B. MacInnes reported that scholarships for this year have been finalized. MSVU has been
fortunate in receiving new scholarships that are able to be implemented this year. There are more
scholarships that are coming forth for next year.
7.16 University Research Ethics Board
F. Harrington reported that there has been one meeting already and the committee is continually
considering applications from faculty on an ongoing basis.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Studentsâ Union
J. Neilson reported that the Studentsâ Unionâ s Breast Cancer Awareness week raised close to
$600 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. They are now selling Helping Hands for the
United Way campaign. The Studentsâ Union will be sending three students to the General CFS
Conference in Ottawa. The Multi-faith prayer room for meditation is opened in Seton 452B, and
students are exceptionally happy. J. Nielson thanked Brook Taylor, Jeff Hollett and Brian Jessop
for their help in the development of this space for students.
8.2 Destination 2012
A. McDonough mentioned that there were a couple of vacancies on the committee for Destination
2012 because people have moved on. The committee will have to look at the procedures used for
selection of committee members.
8.3 Joint Board-Senate Liaison Committee
There was no report.
8.4 Presidential Search Committee
M. MacMillan reported that the committee is in the initial stages of carrying out its work. A chart
of expectations regarding confidentiality and the role of Committee members was developed.
There was a survey developed with over 150 participants; there have been a number of thoughtful
contributions to date. An ad has been placed in the Globe & Mail inviting applications.
8. New Business
There was no new business.
9. Items for Communication
Revision to Senate Bylaw 1.1 and 14.3 and calendar changes to existing programs.
10. Adjournment
Moved by R. Bagg to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Black