MSVU Senate Minutes -- January 20 2003

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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MINUTES Senate Meeting January 20, 2003 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Present: S. Brown (Chair), P. Baker, R. Bérard, I. Blum, S. Boyd, S. Bruhm, B. Casey, K. Dewar, W. Doyle, S. Drain, R. Farmer, M. Fitzgerald, F. French, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, C. Hill, L. Lewis, G. Logan, J. McLaren, M. Lyon, S. Medjuck, D. Nevo, D. Norris, D. O'Connell, P. O'Neill, S. Perrott, S. Seager, K. Slack, L. Steele, L. Theriault, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott Guest: M. Landreville Regrets: P. Watts 1. Approval of Agenda L. Lewis requested the addition of an item to the agenda under 9. New Business, A Resolution to Ensure Academic Amnesty on February 5, 2003. With this amendment M. Fitzgerald Moved, seconded by F. French approval of the revised agenda. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of November 25, 2002 The minutes of the meeting of November 25, 2002 were amended by replacing on page 2, item 7.3.2, paragraph 1, sentence 4, the word â decidedâ with â proposedâ . Moved by G. Logan, seconded by J. McLaren approval of the minutes of November 25, 2002 as amended. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements S. Brown noted there is a new Minister of Education, Angus McIsaac. She has sent a letter congratulating him on his appointment. S. Brown reported she had received a document from the post secondary parliamentary caucus on post secondary education with their advice on the federal budget process. There appeared to be a renewed emphasis on graduate studies, in terms of funding for faculty, enabling them to hire research students under their research grants. It also included proposals for more direct support for graduate students through scholarships and assistantships and an overall recognition that researchers begin to be made in their undergraduate years. She noted it was encouraging that these issues appeared to be on the federal agenda. 5. Question Period B. Casey expressed concern about the recent decision of IT&S to recommend the discontinuation of licensing for Word Perfect on campus. This decision would have considerable curriculum ramifications for her department who were concerned the decision was made without a thorough review of the curriculum issues involved. She has since been assured by D. Woolcott that this decision wonâ t affect the teaching of Word Perfect in her department. D. Woolcott explained the memo did not relate to the teaching use of any word processor on campus. In the teaching context, Word Perfect would be available. Several comments about this issue have been received from various groups on campus, including concerns about the transition. D. Woolcott indicated her intention to form an implementation task group, to be chaired by D. Forbes, which will consider the feedback received, as well as timelines and implications for transition. It was noted that the primary justification for the transition appeared to be cost savings due to the elimination of licensing fees. However, if these licenses were maintained for teaching purposes, would the projected savings actually be accomplished? It was pointed out that several faculty members have years of research information saved on their computers in Word Perfect format. There was concern that licenses, which had to be maintained for teaching, might also be maintained for faculty. D. Woolcott pointed out that most universities in Canada are migrating to Word. This move would put MSVU in line with other institutions while recognizing this would be a challenge for some. Further concern was expressed that the Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services had not been consulted in this decision. S. Brown asked the Viceâ Presidents to reflect on the concerns presented and consult further as appropriate. On a separate topic, G. Logan questioned the timetable for tuition receipts and asked if these could be prepared earlier in the year. A. Whitewood agreed to address his concerns with the finance department and ask for a report about whether the process could be accelerated. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Adâ Hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive There was no report from Senate Executive. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee It was reported that the Academic Appeals Committee heard two appeals in January. A question was raised concerning the university policy on group work when one member of the group was guilty of plagiarism. L. Theriault indicated there is no policy, as such. In specific cases in the past, there has been discussion with faculty involved about what was expected from students in a group, what was presented as collaborative work, and what was presented as individual work. Policies on plagiarism would prevail across all issues but it would have to be looked upon by individual faculty as to how to define the work in the group. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning D. Woolcott reported CAPP is busy with a number of projects, including review of the Departments of Modern Languages and Education. They are also developing an addendum to the Academic Plan, which will be brought to a future Senate meeting. CAPP is also working on the development of a template for review of academic support units on campus, e.g. Library, Registrars Office, Coop, Distance Learning. They are modeling the template after the academic program review and hope to bring it to senate in the near future. 7.3.1 CAPPâ s Report on the Review of the Department of Chemistry and Physics D. Woolcott explained that CAPP's report on the review of the Department of Chemistry and Physics summarizes the findings of the reviewers, includes comments from the department and Dean, and provides commentary and recommendations. Some of the recommendations were directed at the department and some applied more broadly to the university, e.g. three year versus four year degree programs. In this regard CAPP will undertake a review of the three and four year degree programs and forward recommendations to Senate. S. Brown clarified that CAPP's report was coming to Senate for information, and that the recommendations were directed at various individuals and departments. If, after the department has considered the recommendations, there is something that requires specific action, it will come to Senate as a formal motion through appropriate channels. Several points in the CAPP report were queried: CAPP's view on the joint honours program with Dalhousie; the suggestion that the department of Chemistry and Physics develop a plan for a reconceptualized interdisciplinary program; the idea of science departments becoming major interdisciplinary units, such as at other universities; the idea of attracting student interest to the sciences; and, the introduction of one course that would be attractive to nonâ science students. S. Boyd indicated that the department of Chemistry and Physics has already discussed many of these issues with CAPP and will continue to discuss the report with CAPP. There was some question as to whether the fumeâ hoods in the first year chemistry labs were up to safety regulations. In response, S. Medjuck indicated that the fumeâ hoods are not currently used and will be removed in the near future. S. Brown suggested Senators list any concerns they have in writing and forward them to the departments involved for consideration. 7.3.2 Memorandum of Understanding â NSAC It was noted that the memorandum of understanding with NSAC came about in response to discussions between MSVU and NSAC regarding collaborations and areas of mutual interest. In addition, there is also a joint proposal with CIDA. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by M. Lyon adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro. CARRIED. 7.4 Graduate Studies 7.4.1 Graduate Studies Curriculum Proposals (For Approval) Education a) Deletion of requirement for completion of a Project for all graduate programs with the exception of Adult Education and Elementary Education. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French deletion of the requirement for completion of a Project for all graduate programs with the exception of Adult Education and Elementary Education. CARRIED. b) New Course Proposal i) GEDU 6140 â Graduate Project Seminar (0.5 units) Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French the addition of GEDU 6140 â Graduate Project seminar. CARRIED. c) Deletion of Existing Course i) GAED 6205 â Graduate Project in Adult Education Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French the deletion of GAED 6205 â Graduate Project in Adult Education. CARRIED. d) Change to Existing Course i) GELM 6424 â New Calendar Description Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. French the change to GELM 6424. CARRIED. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum S. Brown noted the following undergraduate curriculum proposals had been circulated for information. 7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (For Information) Mathematics and Computer Studies a) Change to Existing Courses i) MATH 1113 â New Prerequisites ii) MATH 3302 â New Prerequisites iii) CMPS 2265 â New Calendar Description Modern Languages a) Change to Existing Courses i) FREN 1101 â New Prerequisite ii) FREN 1102 â New Prerequisite iii) FREN 2201 â New Prerequisite iv) FREN 2202 â New Prerequisite v) FREN 2203 â New Prerequisite vi) FREN 2204 â New Prerequisite vii) FREN 2205 â New Prerequisite viii)FREN 2206 â New Prerequisite ix) FREN 2214 â New Prerequisite x) FREN 2215 â New Prerequisite b) Change to the French Placement Test as a requirement in the Calendar â New Statement 7.5.2 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (For Approval) Information Technology a) New Program Proposal i) Diploma in Information Technology Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by D. O'Connell the new program proposal â Diploma in Information Technology. CARRIED. Chemistry and Physics a) New Course Proposal i) CHEM 1003, Chemistry of Everyday Life (0.5 units) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by S. Boyd the addition of CHEM 1003. CARRIED. Education a) Deletion of Existing Courses i) EDUC 2421, Introduction to Teaching (0.5 units) ii) EDUC 2422, Introduction to Education (0.5 units) iii) EDUC 5320, Historical Context of Education (0.5 units) iv) EDUC 5324, Social Context of Education (0.5 units) v) EDUC 5330, Sociolinguistic Perspectives/Language Issues in Education (0.5 units) vi) EDUC 5351, Introduction to Guidance (0.5 units) vii) EDUC 5384, Curriculum Practices in Geography at the Secondary Level (0.5 units) viii)EDUC 5393, Collaborative Cultures, Leadership and the Change Process (0.5 units) ix) EDUC 5402, Computerâ Guided Instruction (0.5 units) x) EDUC 5444, Literature for Children and Young Adults (0.5 units) Mathematics and Computer Studies a) Deletion of Existing Courses i) CMPS 2281 â Computer Modelling (0.5 units) ii) MATH 2231, Computer Modelling (0.5 units) iii) MATH 2240, Mathematical Analysis for Economics and Business (1.0 units) S. Medjuck asked that Math 2240 be removed from the list of deletions. Psychology a) Deletion of Existing Courses i) PSYCH 3306, The Preschool Child: A Behavioural Approach (0.5 units) Womenâ s Studies a) Deletion of Existing Course i) WOMS 3303, Selected Topics in Womenâ s Studies (1.0 units) Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by L. Lewis the deletion of EDUC 2421, EDUC2422, EDUC 5320, EDUC 5324, EDUC 5330, EDUC 5351, EDUC 5384, EDUC 5393, EDUC 5402, EDUC 5444, CMPS 2281, MATH 2231, PSYCH 3306, WOMS 3303. CARRIED. It was noted that all of these courses have not been offered in several years. Family Studies and Gerontology a) Change to Existing Program i) Addition of a calendar description of the honours degree, the application process, and eligibility criteria Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by D. Norris the addition of a calendar description of the honours degree in Family Studies and Gerontology, the application process, and eligibility criteria. CARRIED. In response to questioning, M. Lyon indicated that the honors thesis is one unit of the 21 unit program. Concern was expressed about requirements for the honors thesis and whether there was a standard. M. Lyon agreed there should be a standard for all honors theses and that graduation requirements need to be reviewed. She will pursue this and bring a recommendation to Senate for approval. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report from CAPTPAA. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services L. Steele reported the Committee on Information Technology and Services was surprised they had not been consulted with regard to discontinuation of the Word Perfect license on campus. He also noted the Committee was in the process of compiling a faculty and staff computer handbook. A Senator asked if there is a policy for entering and exiting locked rooms on campus. If someone unlocks a door to a high tech classroom, are they responsible to make sure equipment is turned off and the room is locked when they leave? It was recommended that IT&S develop a policy in this regard. 7.8 Library F. French reported that the Library has begun a selfâ study process. They will be communicating with the university community and view this study as a precursor to an external review of the Library. It was noted there have been a number of changes in the Library since the last external review. The SLC has also reviewed the issue of leadership and opportunities for involvement at senior levels of the university on behalf of the Library, and see the urgent need for the appointment of a fullâ time University Librarian. 7.9 Nominations I. Blum reported that elections for faculty elected committees would be taking place. A nominations ballot would be circulated within the week. He encouraged faculty to submit their nominations as well as encourage colleagues to participate. 7.10 Research and Publications 7.10.1 Competition for New Scholars Release Time Awards Moved by P. O'Neill, seconded by F. Harrington approval of the Competition for New Scholars Release Time Awards. CARRIED. 7.10.2 SSHRC Aid to Small Universities P. O'Neill reported the criteria and forms for applying for these funds have now been finalized and will be circulated to Department Chairs in the near future. As well, the forms are being added to the Research Office website. 7.11 Student Affairs Committee C. Hill reported the Student Affairs Committee has met and discussed security related issues. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning D. Nevo reported the committee has met and formed a working group to look at distance learning course evaluations. A second item being considered is the miniâ teaching showcase. This will take place on August 28, 2003. A call for nominations for the instructional leadership award has gone out. The terms of reference of the committee will be amended to include in its membership the recipient of the instructional leadership award for a oneâ year term. The Viceâ President has confirmed there will be funding for those presenting at the AUCC showcase on October 25, 2003 at UCCB. S. Brown indicated that to change terms of reference, a copy of the current terms with the changes highlighted, should be submitted to Senate Executive. 7.13 Writing Initiatives Committee S. Drain, on behalf of the First Year Seminar Task Force, reported that after its open meeting to discuss the proposal for University 1101, the committee invited expressions of interest in teaching a module in this course and have had response from a number of interested faculty. Invitations have gone out to faculty to come to a meeting of the course development/delivery team, to put the modules together, and it is hoped a course outline will be ready by April. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships Committee L. Theriault reported the committee has given out approximately 320 bursary awards based on the applications received for the November 8, 2002 deadline, since extended to January 14, 2003. As a result of the extension, 24 additional applications had been received. The 320 awards went out by the end of the first week of classes. This meant a considerable portion of second semester tuition fees would be covered by these bursary awards. With the increase in funds to the bursary program, support covers approximately 40% of what is represented in the student's bursary application. Previously, this was approximately 25%. The awards have ranged from $80 to $5000. A full report should be ready at the next Senate meeting. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board There was no report from the University Research Ethics Board. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Students' Union L. Lewis distributed a motion to those present, which would be discussed under item 9. Other Business. D. O'Connell reported winter carnival was currently in progress with lots of activities planned. He indicated the Annual Charity Ball, hosted by the residence society, would be held on February 8, 2003 in support of Phoenix House. The Awards Banquet Committee is working on themes, with a tentative date for the banquet of April 3, 2003. 9. Other Business 9.1 Resolution to Ensure Academic Amnesty on February 5, 2003 Moved by L. Lewis, seconded by P. Baker approval of the following Resolution to Ensure Academic Amnesty on February 5, 2003. CARRIED. Whereas postâ secondary education has become a basic need for Canadians and the future development of Canada; and Whereas by 2004, 72% of all new jobs will require some postâ secondary education; and Whereas tuition fees in Nova Scotia have more than doubled over the past decade, making Nova Scotia's tuition fees the highest in Canada; and Whereas tuition fees are a significant upâ front barrier to postâ secondary education; and Whereas students are actively organizing events for a Day of Action on February 5, 2003 to call on the Government of Nova Scotia to legislate and fully fund a tuition fee freeze at all Nova Scotia public postsecondary institutions; therefore Be it resolved that students participating in the Canadian Federation of Students Day of Action to Freeze Tuition Fees on February 5, 2003 not be penalized for classes missed in order to participate in the event; and Be it further resolved that alternative examination arrangements be made for these students in the case that exams conflict with participation in these events. Concern was expressed about students being absent on February 5 who were not taking part in the Day of Action. L. Lewis indicated it was up to the students to inform their professors they would be absent on that day and why. The timeframe for the event would be communicated to faculty when finalized. 10. Items for Communication L. Lewis agreed to communicate Senate's concerns regarding the Day of Action to students. Curriculum changes will be communicated in the next calendar. 11. Adjournment Moved by D. O'Connell, seconded by S. Bruhm adjournment of the meeting at 9:30 p.m.