MSVU Senate Minutes -- January 31 2005

dc.contributor.authorSenate, Mount Saint Vincent University
dc.descriptionSenate Meeting January 31, 2005 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: S. Brown (Chair), K. Blotnicky, I. Blum, C. Brushett, K. Darvesh, A. Davis, K. Dewar, S. Drain, L. Evans, R. Farmer, P. Fielding, R. Fisher, M. Fitzgerald, C. French, F. French, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, E. Hicks, C. Hill, B. King, M. Lyon, S. Medjuck, J. Mills, D. Plumb, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, L. Theriault, S. Walker, P. Watts, J. West, D. Woolcott Regrets: N. Kayhani, A. MacGillivary, M. Whalen, A. Whitewood 1. Approval of Agenda It was agreed that, as usual, we would deal with item 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree Candidates (Confidential Business) prior to item 7. Committee Reports to allow time for the scrutineers to count the votes and report back before Senate adjourned for the evening. Moved by C. Brushett, seconded by B. King that the agenda be approved. CARRIED. 2. Approval of Minutes of November 29, 2004 The Minutes were corrected as follows: On the last line of 3.1.1 â Honorardsâ should read â Honorandsâ , and under 7.4.2 Graduate Adult Education on page 4 of the Senate Minutes, in the first of the proposed new courses the reference to â GAED 4203â should read â GAED 6203â . Moved by M. Fitzgerald, seconded by P. Fielding to approve the Minutes of November 29, 2004 as corrected. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 By-law revisions (notices of motion given at November 29, 2004 Senate Meeting) 3.1.1 By-law 1.1 Senate Membership Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. Gordon that, on the recommendation of Senate Executive, the proposed revisions to Senate By-law 1.1 Senate Membership be approved. CARRIED. 3.1.2 By-law 14.12 University Research Ethics Board Terms of Reference In light of a variety of new information which is now being reviewed, moved by A. Davis, seconded by F. French that the motion to revise By-Law 14.12 University Research Ethics Board Terms of Reference be tabled. CARRIED. 3.1.3 Change to the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans, §3.1 Moved by A. Davis, seconded by F. French that the motion regarding Change to the MSVU Policies and Procedures: Ethics Review of Research Involving Humans, §3.1 be tabled. CARRIED. 3.2 Enrolment Presentation (Dr. Donna Woolcott) Dr. Woolcott noted that the objectives of her presentation on enrolment would include a review of past and current strategies, and plans to achieve targets. She then provided a snapshot of student demographics which included information on enrolment by age, by classification (graduate, undergraduate and diploma), and where our students, both Canadian and international, come from. She then reviewed undergraduate and graduate enrolments by program of study and provided information on total enrolment by degree for 2003-2004. She noted the target for enrolment for 2004-2005 was 5,080 and that as of January 30, 2005 we were at 4,775 which is 94% of the target. Dr. Woolcott concluded her presentation with an explanation of the various strategies that have been developed to meet enrolment targets and also noted that significantly more data was available than she was able to include in her presentation. A Senator questioned whether we actually had more male students now simply because there are more students or has there been a shift from an earlier philosophy of maintaining a gender ratio of 85:15, female to male. Dr. Woolcott responded that the data she had over the last 7 years indicates an 80-20% split has been occurring for at least that many years. Dr. Brown thanked Dr. Woolcott for her presentation and suggested that it would be worthwhile to have enrolment updates provided at Senate on a reasonably regular basis. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements Dr. Brown focused her remarks on the expected financial landscape on both the provincial and federal level during which the following points were noted. Things have changed fairly dramatically in the last little while with the health accord, the equalization agreement, and with the current resolution of offshore matters. At the federal level where the budgeting process is well underway, they have been engaged in an exercise of identifying, department by department, how money is being spent. That expenditure review process is now completed and generally there appears to be a positive feeling that, if not an increase, there will be some stability. The parliamentary committee on financing has completed its deliberations and a number of education groups met with the committee and conveyed quite consistent views about the need for core funding for the universities as well as the need to preserve research funding for both the direct and indirect costs of research. We are seeing a significant emphasis on the call for accountability for results and outcomes of research. In that context the AUCC will be preparing a public report periodically which will document some of the outcomes of research that can be demonstrated from the investment in Canada Research Chairs, the Canada Foundation for Innovation and from the Granting Councils. There is also increasing emphasis on commercialization but there is a growing appreciation for what commercialization might mean and the fact that the prime business of universities is to educate and do research before engaging in partnerships through which commercialization can take place. There does not appear to be a strong sense among colleagues at AUCC that there is going to be any great additional funding for the post-secondary sector this year. There is still a concern about the disproportionately low funding for SSHRC compared with the other Granting Councils. It is expected we will see continued support for the direct cost of research through the Councils and recognition that as our direct costs go up indirect support must also. While a guaranteed transfer to post-secondary education is not likely to be imminent, progress is nonetheless being made. Dr. Brown concluded her remarks by observing that provincially we now have a measure of predictability about funding because of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed recently and which sets out the level of funding for the next three years. Clearly the provincial government now has more room to manoeuvre as a result of the various federal/provincial accords that have been announced. 2 5. Question Period A Senator noted that there appears to be an absence of any obvious reference to the University being an institution dedicated to the education of women in our recruitment material and information as well as in our advertisements for tenure track faculty positions. It was also suggested that there is a less than desirable prominence given to our mission statement on the Universityâ s web site and that, when one googles Canadian sites for womenâ s university education, that result is also discouraging. S. Brown acknowledged that the point made was clear and suggested it should be referred through D. Woolcott, who has responsibility for both enrolment and academic planning, to the appropriate committees. Another Senator suggested that the concern about the lack of reference to the mission statement in advertisements for faculty positions be conveyed to CAPP with a request that a motion to deal with this come forward to Senate. It was also suggested that it could be worthwhile to consult with MSVUâ s Integrated Marketing and Communications Committee to be aware of their perspective. 6. Unfinished business Nothing was raised under this agenda item. Moved by F. French, seconded by E. Hicks to move into confidential session to conduct the balloting for Honorary Degree candidates. CARRIED. Moved by S. Drain, seconded by L. Theriault to move out of confidential session after the balloting for Honorary Degree candidates. CARRIED. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and ad hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive There was no report. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee It was noted that the Academic Appeals Committee expects this to be a busy term with one ongoing appeal, two others which have just been scheduled, and two more that have just been received by the committee. 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Guidelines for Granting Posthumous Degrees D. Woolcott reviewed the rationale for the proposed guidelines and responded to questions from Senators. She noted that CAPP recognizes Senate plays a very formal role and has very clear guidelines about the requirements for graduation which the proposed guidelines have endeavoured to honor. The guidelines also acknowledge that there may be occasions to award degrees posthumously when the requirements for graduation have been substantially fulfilled. It was noted that family would have to be consulted if they had not made the initial approach to request the granting of a posthumous degree. It was also acknowledged that there is a need to demonstrate flexibility in terms of how family is defined especially when responding to situations where, rather than a traditional family, there may be a significant other(s) to consider. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by K. Blotnicky that Senate approve the proposed Guidelines for Granting Posthumous Degrees. CARRIED. 7.3.2 Academic Offences Policy D. Woolcott commented on the extensive amount of discussion at CAPP on the proposed Academic Offences Policy as they endeavoured to ensure that the Universityâ s obligations are met in this policy area, and that academic offences be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner. It was noted that the proposed policy represents significant changes to the current calendar copy. Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by K. Dewar that Senate approve the Academic Offences Policy as presented. 3 An amendment to the motion was then moved by J. Mills, seconded by F. French that in section 1, of the Procedures for Dealing with Plagiarism, Cheating and Other Academic Offences of the Proposed Calendar Copy the words â as soon as possibleâ be replaced by â within five working daysâ . CARRIED. Dr. Brown, having confirmed that all who wished to speak had done so, then called for a vote on the main motion. CARRIED. 7.3.3 Graduate Grading Scale Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by P. Fielding that the Graduate Grading Scale be approved as presented. CARRIED. 7.3.4 Grading Scale Revision Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by K. Blotnicky that the Grading Scale Revision be approved as presented. CARRIED. 7.3.5 CAPPâ S Recommendation to Senate on making up lost class time due to winter storm closures of University The following information about CAPPâ s Recommendation to Senate on making up lost class time due to winter storm closures of University was distributed at the meeting: â At its January 25th meeting, CAPP considered what, if any, action should be taken about the loss of class time (particularly two Mondays) due to winter storms in January. It considered whether Easter Monday, Study Day (between last class day and exams) or mid-term break week time should now be designated as class time. After considerable discussion, CAPP ruled these options impractical. CAPP recommends that faculty who wish to schedule make-up class time should do so using Friday time slots which are not as subscribed as other days of the week. There are no classes currently scheduled after 3 pm on Fridays so this time slot would result in no course conflicts (CAPP recognized that some students may not be available, due to employment, for make-up classes on Friday so these make-up classes would have to be optional). CAPP suggests that faculty discuss times and date(s) on up-coming Fridays with their students and determine if and when they can best re-schedule lost classes(s). Faculty should allow for the fact that some students may not be able to attend a re-scheduled class. Faculty should plan to provide information to these students in some other way so that students donâ t miss important information. Faculty who do re-schedule classes(s) should make room reservations through the Conference Office and advise their Dean about arrangements. CAPP noted that several faculty have already re-scheduled classes or made arrangements for their students to receive missed material through other means.â During the discussion it was noted that on line courses and pre-taped classes for television offered through Distance Learning and Continuing Education could require a different approach and it was suggested that CAPP should look at how any concerns about those programs could best be addressed. It was agreed that there is some urgency to post these recommendations widely to deal with the immediate situation that needs to be responded to, and that should occur just as soon as possible after it has been confirmed that the message contains nothing that is inconsistent with the existing pre-approved policy. 7.4 Graduate Studies 7.4.1 Graduate Tourism Program - Change in prerequisite for GTHM 6305: International Travel and Tourism Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by K. Blotnicky that Senate approve the proposal to change the prerequisite for GTHM 6305 by adding GTHM 6101. CARRIED. 4 - New course proposals Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by K. Blotnicky that Senate approve the new course proposal GTHM 6401 : Tourism Planning and Development. CARRIED. Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by K. Blotnicky that Senate approve the new course proposal 6701: Tourism Planning and Development. CARRIED. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum There was no report. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services L. Steele noted that the committee is working on bringing in web mail for faculty and staff in August along with an optional Group Wise package. He also noted the Department of Information Technology and Services is undergoing an academic support unit review process. In response to an inquiry he noted that there will be a lot of training sessions offered when the web mail package is introduced. As well, A. Whitewood will be asked to verify that existing hardware can cope with the upcoming changes. 7.8 Library F. French noted that the committee had met twice since the last meeting of Senate. He then mentioned that S. Walker would shortly be leaving the University to take up a new position and he observed that her time here had been very positive as her leadership enabled the library to accomplish a great deal. He then identified three issues that the Library Committee is discussing: funding, follow-up on the external review of the Library, and staffing. He noted that the committee is looking forward to receiving CAPPâ s response to the external review. His report concluded with an example to illustrate the staffing issue by pointing out the staff imbalance here with Mount Allison University, which is a comparable size university having 40 library staff where we have 18.5. D. Woolcott observed that staffing matters are dealt with through business plans and budget proposals. She commented that S. Walker had done an excellent job working with her staff to develop a three year business plan and budget proposal for the Library. 7.9 Nominations I. Blum noted the committee had met at least twice since the last Senate Meeting. He noted that with the Senate Membership by-law now having been approved, the election information for faculty elected committees would be sent out shortly. He urged Senators to respond to the election material. 7.10 Research and Publications A. Davis reported that they have completed a round of early winter adjudications and letters will go out shortly to the successful applicants to note terms and conditions before they go to the President for final approval. He noted they have a number of other initiatives underway which will be brought to Senate in due course. 7.11 Student Affairs C. Hill noted the committee had met twice since the last meeting of Senate and is reviewing the variety of different services that are provided by the Student Union and Student Affairs across the University. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning P. Watts noted that the committee has approved a proposal to establish an Office of Teaching and Learning which has now gone forward to CAPP for review. She then reminded Senators that the call for nominations for the Instructional Leadership Awards has gone out and she also noted that the committee is assisting with putting forward two nominations for the AAU Distinguished Teacher Award this year. She also noted that a sub-committee has begun planning for Faculty 5 6 Day in August 2005 and on March 1st a previous recipient of an AAU Distinguished Teacher Award, Dr. Robert Lapp from Mount Allison University, will speak on â Teaching the whole classâ . 7.13 Writing Initiatives S. Drain commented that the committee continues to meet and had conducted a well attended round table discussion on January 21st and will be holding another on March 9th on the topic â Assisting Faculty with the Challenges of Evaluating Student Writingâ . A. Davis commented that he had received very positive feedback from a number of faculty who had attended the January 21st session. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships L. Theriault noted the committee is continuing to discuss undergraduate admissions requirements and will be bringing forward some recommendations to Senate shortly which will relate to the ongoing discussion around the math requirements and the entry average. The committee has completed the in course bursary disbursements for the students and will have a full report on the outcome of that disbursement for Senate at the next meeting. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board A.Davis noted they are in the early days of exploring new information about Tri-Council expectations and their implications for the University. Of particular importance for the University will be new program initiatives that will require an enhanced research and ethics process emphasis. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors There was no report as the Board of Governors had not met since the last Senate Meeting. 8.2 Studentsâ Union C. Brushett noted the Studentsâ Union has focused attention on Tsunami relief efforts since the new term began. They have raised over $7,000 which has been given to the Red Cross with a goal of $10,000 by the end of term. She drew attention to a new event they have started this term â â Soap Box Speechesâ which takes place every second Tuesday in the Seton Café. 9. New Business 9.1 Selection of Honorary Degree Candidates (Confidential Business) Moved by S. Drain, seconded by S. Walker that Senate move into confidential session to receive the results of the balloting for Honorary Degree Candidates. CARRIED Moved by C. Brushett , seconded by C. Hill that Senate move out of confidential session. CARRIED. 10. Items for Communication S. Brown noted that the items for communication included information that was to go into the Calendar, the updating of Senate By-laws, and the conveying of storm day information as soon as possible. S. Brown recognized S. Walker who was attending her last meeting of Senate and expressed appreciation for her contribution to the University. 11. Adjournment Moved by R. Fisher, seconded by B. King that Senate adjourn at 9:50 p.m. CARRIED.en
dc.titleMSVU Senate Minutes -- January 31 2005en
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