MSVU Senate Minutes -- October 1 2001
Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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A Meeting of the Senate was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday October 1, 2001, in the Rosaria Board
Present: S. Brown (Chair), R. Bérard I. Blum, S. Boyd, K. Clayton, W. Doyle, S. Drain, B.
Frank,F. French, D. Furrow, P. Glenister, F. Harrington, C. Hill, K. Kienapple, B. King, L.
Lewis, M. Lyon, C. Mathieson, S. Medjuck, L. Neilsen, D. Nevo, D. Norris, S. Perrott, T.
Roberts, E. Rosenthal, L. Steele, L. Theriault, P. Watts, A. Whitewood, J. Woodsworth
Regrets: B. Casey, S. Bruhm, B. Hodkin
Guests: R. Fisher, D. Forbes, R. Jeppesen, P. Mombourquette
1. Approval of Agenda
S. Brown welcomed returning and new members to Senate.
Moved by F. French, seconded by S. Perrott that the agenda be approved as amended.
The Agenda was amended by adding item 10, Graduation List (confidential business).
2. Approval of Minutes of April 30, 2001 and May 4, 2001
Moved by C. Hill and seconded by B. King that the Minutes of April 30, 2001, be approved as
circulated. CARRIED
Moved by R. Bérard, and seconded by T. Roberts that the Minutes of May 4, 2001 be approved
as amended. CARRIED
The Minutes were amended under item 7.1 to remove comments under the Degree of Bachelor of
Arts and the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours).
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
4. President's Announcements
S. Brown announced the finalization in the Atlantic Region of financial arrangements from each
of the four provinces to match the CFI contribution to the National Site Licensing Project. She
credited university librarians across the country for this initiative and commended the Mount for
its involvement. The outcomes of this endeavour are access to journal resources for participating
institutions, a broader variety of resources, and enhanced access.
S. Brown shared with the Senate some positive recognition the AUCC has achieved in lobbying
the federal government for indirect costs of research and accumulated deferred maintenance. She
indicated that AUCC is continuing to lobby the federal government on the importance of
contributing to the indirect cost of research, and that the granting councils seem to support the
idea of increased funding in this area. S. Brown commented further that it is positive that some
members of the Senate in Ottawa are demonstrating support for Canadaâ s need to invest in largescale
infrastructures for universities.
S. Brown reminded Senate of the upcoming Fall Convocation (October 21, 2001).
5. Question Period
There were no questions.
6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business
7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad Hoc)
7.1 Senate Executive
Revision of By-law 12.3.1 (Notice of motion)
S. Brown drew attention to a notice of motion to change by-law 12.3.1, which will be brought
forward during the next Senate meeting.
7.2 Academic Appeals Committee
No Report.
7.3 Academic Policy and Planning
J. Woodsworth announced a three-year staffing plan. She discussed this yearâ s established list of
new faculty hires, indicating information will be available in University Affairs (issued October,
2001) and the CAUT Bulletin.
Tenured Positions (8) Term Positions (8)
Education (Held over from last year) 2 Business Administration (Specialization in
International Business) 1
Psychology 1 Chemistry 1
Tourism 1 Education 1
Child & Youth Study (Replacement for M.
Lyon/increased enrolment) 1 Family Studies and Gerontology (Replacement
for J. Keefe) 1
Education (Resulting from retirements, resignations,
increased enrolments) 2 History (Replacement for member on Leave) 1
Information Technology 1 Math and Computer Studies (Statistics) 1
Modern Languages 1
(Spanish and perhaps French)
Political and Canadian Studies 1
In response to a question, J. Woodsworth indicated that second and third year staffing plans are
being contemplated. She indicated she had met with Department Chairs to discuss Academic
Planning and that this information will be provided for Chairs to discuss within their respective
J. Woodsworth announced that in addition to Academic Planning, CAPP has also become the
Canada Research Chairs Appointment Committee (CRCAC). This committee comprises
members of CAPP with the addition of the Director of Research. J. Woodsworth reported that
the process has established the first candidate for nomination to the Canada Research Chair--
Janice Keefe. J. Woodsworth encouraged Senators to seek other promising scholars.
7.4 Committee on Teaching and Learning
J. Woodsworth conveyed that, based on evaluations and a report generated by P. Watts, the
committee held perhaps the best ever Faculty Day. Although she estimated attendance to be on
the low side, she thanked participants (K. Side, B. Frank, K. Macfarlane, S. Perrott, and K.
Dewar) for their hard work.
J. Woodsworth briefly discussed the issue of course evaluations for distance courses. She
indicated that response rates were often low but a Masters student has been hired to conduct
research on improving evaluations for distance courses. J. Woodsworth suggested the possibility
of establishing another task force to address the matter.
7.5 Graduate Studies
M. Lyon reported that the committee continues work on the Graduate Calendar and that she
anticipates bringing several curriculum proposals before the next meeting of Senate.
7.6 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
S. Medjuck reported that the Committee has commenced regular weekly meetings. There are a
few proposals on course changes left from last year to bring to the next Senate meeting. S.
Medjuck indicated the committee is short one member and is seeking a nomination.
Undergraduate Curriculum (for information) Mathematics and Computer Studies
a) MATH 1102 - Precalculus I: Algebraic Functions (New prerequisites)
b) MATH 1113 - Introductory Calculus I (New prerequisites)
MATH 1130 - Finite Mathematics (New prerequisites)
MATH 2208- Introduction to Probability and Statistics I (New prerequisites)
CMPS 1155 - Introduction to Computer Programming I (New prerequisites)
7.6.2 Undergraduate Curriculum (for action) Business and Tourism
Addition of New Courses
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to add three new courses: BUSI 3305--Managing
E-Commerce, BUSI 4446--New Venture Creation for Business and Tourism and BUSI 4410--
Small Business Consultancy. CARRIED
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to consider each course individually as opposed
to collectively. CARRIED
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to add course BUSI 3305. CARRIED
E. Rosenthal queried a possible overlap of this course with INTE 2260. She expressed concern in
advising IT students to take this course as it appears to closely resemble INTE 2260 and would
probably not challenge them as greatly.
R. Fisher commented that developing the course took considerable effort and that there appears
to be no other Maritime university that does not offer a course in E-Commerce. He suggested
that student demand and limited enrolment in IT courses were driving forces in designing this
course. R. Fisher emphasized that this course should be viewed as a management course, which
is not technical in nature.
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to add course BUSI 4446. CARRIED
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to add course BUSI 4410. CARRIED
Deletion of Course
i) BUSI 4411 - Small Business Consultancy
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to delete course BUSI 4411, Small Business
Consultancy. CARRIED
Cross Listing of Courses
i) BUSI 4410 with THMT 4410
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to cross list course BUSI 4410 with THMT 4410.
Changes to Existing Program
i) THMT 4410 - Elective Requirements
Moved by S. Medjuck, seconded by W. Doyle to allow changes to existing program for the
THMT 4410 course. CARRIED
Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic
Administrators (CAPTPAA)
No report.
7.8 Committee on Information Technology and Services
D. Forbes reported that the IT&S Committee met ten times in the previous year. Discussions
have focused on the development and assessment of three Intranet prototypes. She indicated that
feedback from faculty was sought and that a prototype was decided upon.
D. Forbes informed the Senate that commencing this week support staff for AV services has
been made
available. The extended hours of operation are from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and assistance can be
through extension 601. She indicated that a memo would be distributed to the Mount community
announcing this service improvement.
In answer to a question, D. Forbes confirmed the support person will also attempt to answer
questions that are computer related with the ability to draw on the knowledge of lab monitors.
She indicated that a system would be in place to monitor the nature of the incoming requests for
help for future consideration.
7.9 Library Committee
No Report.
7.10 Nominations
7.10.1 Senate Elected Committee Positions
K. Kienapple informed Senate that the Nominations Committee is in the midst of a second call
for nominations for a Professional Group A person for the URC. A call for nominations for a
member at large position on CAPP is forthcoming. K. Kienapple conveyed the Library
Committee is seeking a member from Senate.
K. Kienapple announced that J. McLaren would be joining Senate as of January 1, 2002.
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum motion to appoint Dr. Charles Edmunds to the
University Research Ethics Board (UREB) as a candidate for the science position. CARRIED
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum motion to appoint Prof. D. Nevo to the Committee
on Teaching and Learning. CARRIED
Moved by K. Kienapple, seconded by I. Blum motion to appoint Dr. Eve Rosenthal to the IT&S
Committee. CARRIED
7.11 Research and Publications
C. Mathieson reported that the Committee held an orientation meeting recently and welcomed a
new member, A. Fröhlich. She recommended that the University Research Ethics Board report to
Senate regularly as a standing committee.
7.12 Student Affairs
C. Hill reported that the Committee has met once and that issues around cell phone policies and
student surveys have been discussed. She suggested that the Student Affairs Committee would
liaise with Tim Power on the Awards Banquet issues.
7.13 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships
L. Theriault announced that there is an upcoming scholars luncheon set for Nov. 6, 2001 for
those students currently registered as scholars. She also gave an update on undergraduate and
graduate student enrolments.
Year 2001 Year
Undergrad FT 2085 2070
Undergrad PT 1295 1291
Total Undergrad 3380 3361
Graduate FT 50 58
Graduate PT 520 495
Total Graduate 570 553
Total Count 3950 3914
First Time Class 745 734
First Year 419 467
Transfers 173 138
International FT 60 35
L. Theriault commented that the slight increases are from transfer and degree holding students.
She informed Senate that High School students have expressed concern about the availability
and amounts of scholarships offered by the Mount.
In answer to a question, L. Theriault confirmed that the international total full time population
does include students who are offsite.
In answer to another question, L. Theriault clarified that there are 50 full time and 520 part time
graduate students.
In answer to a further question noting that the number of international students has doubled in
comparison to last year, L. Theriault replied that the increases are primarily students from the
Caribbean and Bermuda and that numbers have increased by word of mouth through family and
friends who have attended the university in the past.
S. Medjuck sought information on full time and part time students at the undergraduate level. L.
Theriault suggested an upward shift for the past two years and commented that she will soon be
able to compare results with other universities.
7.14 Writing Initiatives Committee
7.14.1 Report to Senate on the Feasibility of a Proposed Foundation/Transition Course
S. Drain explained the history of the report. She indicated that WIC had volunteered to look into
the development of a Foundation Course as a result of Senate curriculum discussions. S. Drain
indicated the Committee had commenced meetings on this subject a year ago and that
discussions had resulted in several ideas. Instead of developing a proposal the Committee
thought an examination of the feasibility and desirability of such a course would prove most
beneficial at this time. S. Drain suggested the findings and recommendations are highlighted in
the report. She wished to emphasize there was widespread support for a course of this nature
from both students and faculty and that the high survey response rates provided such evidence.
There was some discussion from Senate surrounding course requirements, resource availability,
and the establishment of another task force. J. Woodsworth agreed to look into financial resource
availability. S. Brown congratulated Committee members for work well done.
Moved by S. Drain, seconded by P. Watts that Senate endorse in principle the development,
delivery and evaluation of a foundation/transition course, recognizing that this project will
require adequate material support from the Office of the Vice President Academic. CARRIED
Moved by S. Drain, seconded by B. King that the Senate instructs the Vice-President Academic
to strike a task force mandated (1) to design the course and to develop proposals for its delivery
and evaluation, and (2) to steer these proposals through the curriculum process to Senate.
8. Other Reports
8.1 Board of Governors
S. Brown reported that the Board has met twice since the last Senate meeting. At its annual
meeting the Board received reports from all of its Committees and approved audited financial
statements. The auditors complimented the Mount on its management of financial affairs.
In answer to a question about the approval of a Campus Plan, S. Brown indicated Committees of
the Board were in the process of reviewing a draft plan.
S. Brown announced that the Board has elected new members from the community, and
constituencies of Students, Faculty, Alumnae and the Sisters of Charity. She also identified the
newly elected Chair of the Board, Jane Smith, who accepted the appointment July 1, 2001, and
who, as Vice-President of Beacon Securities, brings with her considerable knowledge and
8.2 Studentsâ Union
L. Lewis reported on the Studentsâ Union involvement in fund raising, the Air 2000 diverted
flight passengers and contract negotiations with the Picaro. In discussing fund raising for Cystic
Fibrosis and Breast Cancer, she commended T. Roberts and G. White for their efforts and
reported that the Studentsâ Union raised $5,100 for Cystic Fibrosis and $750 of the total $15,000
raised by the Mount community for
the Run for the Cure. L. Lewis acknowledged the dedication of Mount students during the
emergency measures campaign for Air 2000 passengers.
S. Brown commended students for their involvement in these fund raising activities and for the
enthusiastic support extended to the passengers of Air 2000.
9. New Business
9.1 Annual Report of Senate Committees
S. Brown announced the Annual Reports of Senate Committees will be discussed during the
November 5, 2001 Senate meeting, reminding Senate members to bring the annual reports
distributed to the next Senate meeting.
10. Graduation List (confidential business)
Moved by F. French, seconded by I. Blum to move the meeting to in camera. CARRIED
Senate approved the awarding of certificates, degrees, and diplomas as follows:
Certificate in Business Administration M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Certificate in Information Technology M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Certificate in Marketing M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Diploma in Business Administration M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Degree of Bachelor of Arts S. Medjuck/F. French
Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Advanced Major) S. Medjuck/F. French
Honours Certificate in Arts (Mathematics) M. Lyon/I. Blum
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (Child and Youth Study) M. Lyon/F. French
Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts (IT) Co-op M. Lyon/L. Lewis
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration M. Lyon/W. Doyle
Bachelor of Education M. Lyon/B. Frank
Degree of Bachelor Education (In Association With NSTC) M. Lyon/R. Bérard
Degree of Bachelor of Human Ecology (Family Studies) M. Lyon/D. Norris
Degree of Bachelor of Public Relations M. Lyon/B. King
Degree of Bachelor of Science S. Medjuck/F. French
Degree of Bachelor of Science (Advanced Major) (Psychology) S. Medjuck/I. Blum
Degree of Bachelor of Science Applied Human Nutrition (dietetics) M. Lyon//I. Blum
Degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management M. Lyon/I. Blum
Master of Education M. Lyon/B. Frank
Master of Human Ecology M. Lyon/B. Frank
Master of Arts in Education M. Lyon/F. French
Master of Arts in Human Ecology M. Lyon/D. Norris
Master of Arts in School Psychology M. Lyon/F. French
Master of Arts in Womenâ s Studies M. Lyon/D. Norris
(Given jointly by MSVU, Dal, SMU)
Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by F. Harrington that Senate permit the Registrar to add an
individualâ s name if the requirements are completed prior to the Convocation Ceremony and,
further, to adjust any studentâ s distinction status if so warranted. CARRIED
Moved by S. Brown, seconded by F. Harrington, motion to end the confidential session.
11. Items for Communication
Graduation List
New Committee Appointments
12. Adjournment
Moved by C. Hill, seconded by L. Lewis that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 PM. CARRIED